Ch. 120 - Traitor

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Chris POV

"I don't have time for you, worthless whore. Move!" I was going to count to five then throw her out of my way. I was now feeling the high take over. My body was lit on fire and there was only one thing I wanted, my mate.

"Touché! I actually have something for Ryker. Could you pass it along for me?" She leaned into me, sliding her hand seductively over my chest.

I shuddered at the idea of touching this woman and it wasn't even because of my mate. She was a vile, soulless woman that I would love to remove from this world.

"What would Ryker want from you?"

"He has been searching the surveillance footage for a woman. I found some from my prisons and Alpha Damien's. It doesn't show much and has some gaps in time, but it could be helpful to him."

I snatched the thumb drive from her filthy claws and moved towards the doors again.

Luna Marissa called to me. "I know we got off on the wrong foot, Christopher. I just want to start over. Please let your Alpha know if he needs anything else I'm happy to help." She flashed me a full smile then raked her eyes down my body before winking.

"Sure!" I rolled my eyes then pushed out the doors. I would never trust that she-wolf, but I had to admit I was curious what was on this footage. So far we haven't found anything with Hope. Maybe it would show us who took her or why they were experimenting on her.

A shiver ran down my spine thinking the worst. Hope was locked in this prison for over a month with barely any memory and now she was marked. Someone probably took advantage of her and I would happily spend years making them pay very slowly and very painfully for it.

I walked through the woods fiddling the little stick between my fingers. I should reach out to Ryker or at-least review the footage, but I needed to feel every inch of my mate more.

It was the middle of the night and everyone would be sleeping anyways. I could steal an hour with Damien and then look over the footage. It was only one more hour, but the guilt was weighing on me. I reached in my pocket and took two more pills to help settle the nerves.

I walked a little faster, deciding I would see Damien first, but once I got to our cottage no one was there. I had no idea how much time passed or what time it was at this point. I was flying so high I barely felt like I was in this world anymore.

There was note from Damien saying he was called away for Alpha duties, but would see me soon. He added a few lines of everything he wanted to do to my body, but demanded I would not pleasure myself. If Damien had to wait for his mate then so did I.

I growled crumbling the paper and falling back on the bed. I shouldn't of left to begin with, and now I was getting angry I was so weak. I reached over to my bag pulling out my laptop.

There was nothing that could had prepared me for what I saw. Hope was not only in those cells, but she had a frequent visitor. One who took her body for his own pleasure. The way Nate dominated her, spanked her, and roughly fucked my sister had bile rise in my throat. I couldn't watch all of it.

Then I saw Nate at the lab, carrying her unconscious body and mercilessly killing doctors. The video was missing time but it clearly showed Nate to be her guard and abuser.

I took a few pictures on my phone then slammed the laptop closed. I had already sent a copy to Ryker's email too. Now I needed to find Nate and bring him to my prison for a slow and torturous death. He deserved ten times the pain he gave my sister.

A howl ripped through the night air making me jump from the bed. I ran out of the cottage, heading straight towards the war cry.

I found two males shouting and wrestling in the woods. I couldn't make out all their words and feared getting too close. I didn't want to get pulled into whatever they were fighting about, because I knew the younger male was out for blood.

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