Ch. 67 - Beaten but Never Broken

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Ryker POV

"Ryker enough! I told you that you will not threaten the people I love. Take control before I make you." A little more silver swarmed in Elena's eyes, but her increasing pain was becoming obvious.

I whined, sensing her agony and rested my forehead to hers. "Please baby, I can't control myself if other's see you. I'm barely holding on as it is."

Elena gave me a smile then shook her head at my possessiveness. "Fine! Damien, Helena, please leave us. I promise that Ryker will not harm me and I'm ok. I just need to get cleaned up and rest."

Damien nodded his head to her then grabbed his bag and laid it on the bed. "I grabbed a bunch of stuff from the hospital. I wasn't sure what you would need, but it should help. There are a few more of the wolfspain pills too if the pain becomes to unbearable. I'm a phone call away if you need anything." He gave her a kiss on the cheek, eliciting another growl from my wolf. No one touches her.

"Wait! How is Nate?" Elena asked, grabbing his arm with deep worry in her eyes.

Damien chuckled in disbelief at her. "A true Luna." He looked at her lovingly and I was lost to what was happening. "He is more than ok. He let his wolf run rampant, scaring the crap out of half our pack when he found out about you. He was calmed him in many, many different ways." He wagged his eyebrows with a a smile.

Elena giggled at him, which made a small smile form on my lips. "To much information. I'm so happy they are ok. Please tell him I love him and can't wait to truly met her."

"Of course princess. Take care of yourself and soon. I can see the pain in your eyes and it's fucking gutting my wolf leaving you right now." Damien shot me a look that I better take care of her then left.

Helena wanted to protest, but she knew there was no fight she could win with me. She ducked her head low and left, closing the door behind her.

"Come princess, let's get you in the bath." I had nothing but sorrow in my eyes as I lead her into the bathroom.

"Serenity and Helena were always the one that bathed me when I couldn't. Tyler would be waiting for me in my bed to caress my hair until I fell asleep. Serenity would lay on my other side to keep me warm. I have none of them now. I'm not even sure if they were ever truly mine." The sadness in her voice was breaking my heart.

She was just a child, broken so many times throughout her life. I used to think she was weak. Now I'm not sure how one person so young could survive so much.

All she had left by her side was me and I could feel her comfort from that. I wanted to be her rock she leaned on. My wolf needed to be her protector and I was done questioning why I felt this way.

I slowly began undressing her and never once did embarrassment creep on her face. Shame never entered her heart as I tore at her dress, removing every piece that wasn't glued to her skin. Elena stood proud in her pain, not letting it take a single piece from her.

My eyes raked over her body again and again with a murderous glint. Her skin was torn and broken yet she stood here a beautiful mess. I never seen something so perfectly gorgeous, yet so mangled. She was beaten, but would never be broken.

I grinded my teeth then tore the front of her bra from the straps that were melted to her back. Then I tore her panties leaving her bare before me.

Tears stung at her eyes that I saw her this way, but at the same time she needed me to be the one to care for her. There was a strength that moved between us, a magical connection that not even I, the king of the shadow wolves, understood.

I gently lifted her up and carefully laid her in the bath. A satisfying moan left her lips as the warm water filled with healing salts and medicinal herbs kissed her wounds.

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