Ch. 69 - My Boy

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Damien POV

Dexter had many visitors, most who wanted a chance to speak with the goddess, but I was his favorite. I was always bursting with energy and I didn't allow the goddess to speak through him. I made it clear that I wouldn't support a little boy to have such a weight on his shoulders. If the goddess wanted to speak to me she would use her infinite powers in a more humane way.

"Okay, okay, I surrender, you little cheater." I chuckled, befuddled how I lost another game to him. Someone taught this boy some handy tricks.

We spent most of the morning running in the woods, building forts, and playing hide and seek. Dexter didn't have his wolf yet, but it was still apart of him. We decided to rest a bit and squeezed in a few games of checkers, which Dex beat me every time.

"Excuse me! Is that the way to address me, Sir." Dexter said with all authority in his little voice.

"Apologies, my Lord." I replied, bowing my head and we both laughed.

"I know you have to go now, Damien. I will miss you." Dexter walked up to me and gave me a big squeeze. "I know you'll never give up on those you love, but if it becomes too hard, promise me that you will always find your own happiness, no matter what. I see so many wonderful lives you could live and so many other children you will...."

"Dex, I told you no talk of the goddess' visions. We make our own futures."

"I know, I'm sorry. Just promise me you will find happiness even in the darkest of times."

"Of course little buddy. Don't worry I will have you by my side to whip me in shape if I ever falter." I gave him a big hug. "I do have to go, but I'll be back first thing tomorrow for your not so surprise. Love you kid."

"Love you, Dad." He said wrapping his arms around me.

I stared at him a moment taken back by his words. "What? I mean, I..." I couldn't find words.

"Sorry, I wanted to try it just once."

"You have no idea how much I love you calling me dad. It will always be on your own terms though, ok son." I wanted to give it a try too. That sounded right between us.

Dexter gave me a huge smile that lit my heart to the core. "Dad, remember I will always be by your side. Don't disappoint me with getting lost trying to save those that don't want to save themselves."

"I will buddy. Now stop looking into the future. I'll see you soon." I gave him a kiss on top of his head and left back to my pack house.

The smile that radiated on my face was so bright every wolf in my pack could feel it. I knew I would eventually have my mate and we would adopt many kids, but Dexter would be my first. We would build our family together and always find happiness, even in the darkest of moments because we had each other.

I walked in my office and my jaw dropped to the floor. My red mahogany bookshelf was upright, but with slanted shelves that looked to be nailed and taped together.

Small objects laid in pieces on the floor or randomly glued together on the shelf. My head moved to my cherry red desk that had silver duck tape glueing it together with papers and files scattered all over the top and floor. I let out a growl as my head moved to the couch. "What the fuck did you do?"

Chris jolted awake, rubbing the sleepiness from his eyes. He moaned, licking his lips, remembering his erotic dreams. Once his eyes came into focus he finally realized there was a very pissed off Alpha standing above him. "Hey, took you long enough. I was having a very good dream, one which you were not nearly so pissed in. I would like to finish it."

My eyes were black in rage and maybe a little lust. The way Chris looked with ruffled sandy hair, stretching his large muscular arms made a little smile creep on my face. "You're dreaming about me, Beta?" My voice came out husky, turning Chris' hazel eyes dark to met my black ones.

"Uh, are you pissed or horny? I'm going to be honest and say, I have no fucking idea, but stop slamming your Alpha aura on me."

"Does it feel good, Beta?" I teased.


"Me, slamming into you?"

Chris smirked at me then rose to his feet. "Watching you slam into that blonde while she sucked me off definitely felt good. Maybe we should find her." He lifted his eyebrows at me, daring me to bite.

I grabbed the back of his neck and crashed my lips to his. Chris pushed away at first, then slowly let me dominate every part of him. Our hands ran over each other's strong, tight bodies, moaning at the sensation we each gave one another.

My tongue slid over his, taking control of his mouth. He tilted his head to deepen our kiss then I pulled Chris firm body flush to mine. He felt fucking good against me. I rubbed my cock against Chris' thigh, growling that his was just as hard. "Tell me Chris? If you don't fuck men, then do you let them fuck you."

Chris was in heavy pants, trying to figure out what just happened. He pushed me off him, getting a deep chuckle in response from me.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? I said let's find the girl, not attack me with your dick." Chris tried playing it off like he wasn't enjoying it and walked to liquor cart. He poured way more then two fingers of whiskey and chucked it back, swallowing every drop.

I stared deviously at him, watching his adam's apple bob up and down, needing to claim him, but I pushed it back down. I was letting my excitement of earlier get the best of me. Chris wouldn't let me touch him that way and I knew it. I took a few deep breaths then poured my own glass and downing it in one shot.

Chris raised an eyebrow to me and I shrugged back to him. I could feel something weighing on him, and I figured it had something to do with his sister. I poured us both another round and we sat on the couch silently, sipping our liquid pleasure.

"Sorry about before." I said sheepishly. I wasn't really sorry, loving the animalistic arousal Chris brought out in me.

"Forget it. We have other things to worry about. You want to head to the dungeons?" Chris tried shaking it off, but he was finding it hard to push down his lust and I was finding it amusing. His emotions were all over the place, but I knew his sister was top priority. I needed to get Hope back to her family.

"Sure, but mind telling me what the fuck happened in here?" I pointed to my bookshelf and desk.

It was like it was the first time Chris fully saw how horrible he pieced my office back together. "Damn! Those are some good fucking pills. Sorry, I lost control earlier. I'll replace your stuff tomorrow."

"Don't worry about it. Are you good now or do you want to talk about it?" My eyes were filled with worry for him. Was he high on pills? I needed to get Hope back to him. I could see it was tearing him apart.

"Nope! Let's go runt." Chris replied, standing then walked to the door.

I let it go, knowing he must of had a fit of rage about his sister. I was about to fix that and wouldn't let guilt take over now. I smiled as I followed Chris out the pack house, feeling like everything was finally coming together.

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