Ch. 100 - Fate Rejected

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Damien POV

I walked in the side door looking for a bathroom when I saw Chris heading upstairs. I wanted to follow him, ask him a thousand questions that burned inside me, but I didn't have the energy to fight.

I lost the little boy I barely knew, but wanted to love like a son. I had so many plans for us and now they would never come. While my heart was being shredded over and over again my mate was only inches from my touch, but I had to hide the desire to reach out for his comfort.

I spent most the day flickering between sadness, hate, and lust. All I blamed on Chris. When I left the bathroom I stopped at the side door unable to walk back outside. I turned in a rage, stomping my way upstairs and collided right into Chris leaving his bedroom.

I slammed him into the wall attacking his mouth with a deep desperate kiss. Chris let me take control and welcomed the pain my teeth and rough hands grabbing at his body gave him. He knew I was lost in misery all day. I wanted my mate and I wanted to take his body however I needed.

"Fuck Chris! I should beat the shit out of you then fuck you until you can't walk." I spit out, slamming him back into the wall again.

My hands remained balled in his shirt and my canines were fully erect. I wanted to mark him just as savagely as he did me. Chris didn't ask for permission, he just took what he wanted. Then after he got what he wanted, he threw me to the side, claiming it to be a mistake. This didn't feel like a mistake.

Chris licked his lips at my feral beast that looked to kill him while sporting a raging hard on. "I chose just the latter if you don't mind. I'd rather like my pretty face and I don't want it beat to a pulp."

I let out a growl, not amused with his lack of concern that I was pissed. I pushed my body into him and let my Alpha aura flow out deep into him. I knew it made him lower his guard and I smiled how Chris moaned at my power. I was the Alpha!

My sharp canines brushed Chris' skin and he cursed out how good it would feel to mark him. I needed answers though. Mainly why he wasn't accepting me despite marking me as his?

"Tell me Christopher. Why can't a Shadow mark their mate without Ryker's approval? How does it curse everyone?" My alpha command was smashing into him in homicidal waves.

"Please calm down. I swear I didn't mean too. I'll fix it, just give me some time."

I pulled him forward then slammed him to the wall again. "What happens or I'll go ask Ryker myself?"

"No! Please, he will kill us. When a werewolf marks their mate their DNA is combined into one. They become bonded in every way. When a Shadow does it, their mate becomes a Shadow."

I released his shirt and stumbled back. "Fuck! What does that mean exactly? I need you to spell it out."

"It means Ryker is our Alpha and he seeks the guidance of the goddess before allowing a new Shadow to join. Only with her approval does he give his own. When I marked you, you became a Shadow, defying the most powerful beast on this earth and shamed our Goddess. We are both cursed now. Ryker has no choice but to kill us. We have to remove the mark before it's too late."

"What the fuck?" My hand raked through my hair, wanting to run away from everything Chris just said. How could he be so stupid to mark me this way? How could we be together when both Ryker and the Goddess damned us? How the fuck do I turn into a Shadow wolf?

Chris began roughly pulling at my arm. "I told you don't give into the cold darkness, no matter how lost you feel. Every time you enter the shadows your midnight wolf grows stronger."

I opened my eyes and everything around me was in a black and white haze. I looked over Chris and then myself confused how all the color was drained from our bodies. "My midnight what? I have a second wolf now?"

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