Ch. 128 - Mending Bridges

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Serenity POV

I waited in the small village all night unable to find sleep. I missed Nicholas, but I knew nurturing our bond would only cause more pain. Once he realized the life we would have, he would reject me. Right now, I needed to focus on saving Elena and my friends.

Hearing Chris say that Elena and Damien were searching for me filled me with so much happiness. I spent months away from everything I ever known. I thought the people I loved, hated me. That they all viewed me as a traitor and a filthy witch. Now I knew they love me too and I used that to push me forward.

I dressed in a long elegant green and beige dress. My dark skin seemed to glow and my black hair was half up with lose curls. I masked my powers from my witch heritage, but didn't lock them away. If I needed to fight I would be ready too. The herbs I gave Chris were harmless, and I prayed he didn't figure it out it until it was too late to do anything about it.

I hid myself in the crowd, watching Elena and Damien approach the stage. I couldn't believe how much older they looked. Elena was in an royal red and black gown and Damien matched her perfectly. The crowd began whispering their suspicion that they were a couple, but I knew her heart belonged to Alpha Ryker.

When everything turned sideways I pushed forward through the crowd. I didn't know how they got this so called evidence and I didn't care if Nate killed both Alpha's. Nate was my best friend too and I could see the pain in Elena's eyes watching him broken and defeated, facing his own death any moment.

The moment Elena crowned Tyler King I knew my life was needed here. El was going to need me by her side and to protect her from that slimy Alpha she would have to marry.

My heart ached at the idea of never seeing Nicholas again though. All day I felt eyes on me and I secretly wished it was his. That he defied my father and the council by chasing after me. I knew the truth though. He was devoted to the witches and always would be whether I was his mate or not.

I closed my eyes to say a silent goodbye to him and my father in my head. Nate and Damien retreated back to their territory, Ryker and Chris escaped into the Shadows, and Elena and Tyler headed to the castle.

I made my choice to stay by Elena's side and I would not be returning to my father. I slid through the crowd unnoticed and went straight to Elena's bedroom to wait for her.

Elena POV

After saying my farewells to Nate, I headed back
home. There was a hole in my chest knowing I lost my best friend and my lover for good. I fell into my bed, wishing we could all go back to a few months ago, but I was unsure if it would really change the outcome.

A knock came at my door, jolting me from my longing for simpler days. "Enter" my voice came out exhausted, not wanting to see anyone.

Tyler walked in with his hands in his pockets and eyes glued to my lean body sprawled out on my bed.

"What do you want, Tyler?" I asked annoyed.

"I just, uh, wanted to see how you were? I know today was hard for you and with Serenity still missing I figured you might need a friend." He pushed his blond hair from his eyes nervously.

"I do need a friend." I replied with a long exhale.

Tyler walked closer to my bed and I quickly sat up. I looked him dead in the eye before continuing. "That is why Damien will be here shortly. Don't think for one second me making you King has anything to do with you deserving the title. I did this to save Nate and no other reason. Leave me be and I will let you know when your services are needed."

Tyler took a hard gulp meeting my silver eyes. He never felt so much power before and he wasn't sure if he was afraid or turned on. I was promised to him since birth and now he thought he would finally have me. He was dead wrong about that though.

"I understand, Elena. If you need anything I'm here." He nodded to me, stealing one more glance of my sexy little body on the bed then left. I rolled my eyes at the stupid desire he had for me.

I hit my head on my pillow a few times in frustration. We were all so afraid that meeting at the alter tonight would be our undoing, but everything fell apart way before that could ever happen. Now the alter was irrelevant.

'Nate? Are you safe? Hope?'

'Yes! We need to get her people to safety. I'll let you all know when we are safe. Love you!' He quickly responded.

"Well at least one of is. I wish I knew you were safe too S. I really need you right now, but I mostly need to know you're ok." I whispered to myself, letting tears fall for the first time since my life turned to pure hell.

A shuffling noise came from my closet forcing me to my feet and Davina forward. "If that is you Helena show yourself. I'm not in the mood for games."

I didn't smell any scent, but I knew there was a presence close by. I thought maybe a Shadow or Rogue as I slowly approached my closet. I honestly didn't care either way though. I just needed peace for a few moments and no one was standing in my way of that right now.

Serenity slowly appeared making my eyes widened in surprise. For a moment I thought I somehow magically summoned her here.

"Well now that you are Queen I just wanted to know if you still planned on officially banishing me?" Serenity held her head high, speaking with a condescending tone.

I knew she was playing with me, but I had no energy to play games. I ran towards her, wrapping my arms around my best friend. Tears fall from both our eyes as we let all the hurt and longing for each other wash between us.

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