Ch. 107 - My Alpha Needs Control

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Elena POV

"Well, Jonathan was your fated mate so I would hope so." Richard said like it was just a fact.

I froze at his words. I had to of heard him wrong.

"What did you say?" I wasn't able to piece a single thought together.

"Here is my address. Visit me one day, alone, and I'll answer any questions you have." He finished wrapping the bandage himself then scooted off the table. "I thought for sure I had to kill you, but for some reason all I want to do is protect you. Be careful princess, your enemies are by your side."

My eyes began tearing and I was losing control. I wanted to run after that man, but I couldn't move.

'What is happening? Are you in danger!' Ryker' voice was filled with anger feeling my pain through our bond and magic. I looked around and noticed that everyone was becoming frozen in place. I was losing control, letting my soul magic run rampant with those I was connected to.

'I'm fine Ryker. I'll see you soon.' I quickly responded in our mind-link then closed it shut. I wanted to tell him what Richard had said, but I needed to push it away for now.

Carmelita and Tyler came walking in laughing. I noticed how quickly they seem to bond and it was a little suspicious. Did Tyler know about the experiments? Does Carm assist Marissa when torturing her own kind? Richard said my enemies are close and I knew these two were definitely my enemies.

"Hey princess, the kids are begging to see you. Why don't we grab some food then head down to the children's floor." He gave me his handsome smile, reminding me of the Tyler I use to know. I shook the thought from my head. I needed to get control of my emotions. Richard had me a complete mess. How could he drop a bomb on me like that then walk away. Was it even true?

"Sounds good." I replied, walking out the doors not waiting for either of them. I prayed they wouldn't follow, but I knew it was a foolish wish.

We ate together which was filled with awkward tension at first, but then Carmelita started speaking about some of her patients. I couldn't help but let the doctor part of me win. We spent an hour going over cases and spit balling ideas how to cure some rare diseases our kind came across.

Again Carmelita praised me how smart and natural I was at medicine and this time I ate it up. I was good at this and it was an honor to have someone with as much knowledge as Carm encouraging me. Even if Carm was a man stealing slut... shit! I took a deep breath. I really needed to get my emotions under control.

Tyler and I went down to the children's ward and we were attack immediately. They loved seeing their future King and Queen together. I hated the notion, but I wouldn't put little kids in the middle of my drama.

The rest of our day was spent playing with the kids. Tyler was always good with them. He told stories with so much enthusiasm it really brought it to life for all that listened. He was patience, kind, and empathic with them and I remembered how I always thought he would be an amazing father one day.

We walked out of the room leaving tired, whining kids to rest and my heart melted a little how much they loved our attention. Tyler gave big hugs and kisses with promises to see them soon, making me not understand how he could be so ruthless and careless to me.

"I don't get you, Ty. I've known you my whole life and I couldn't imagine you betraying me like you did."

"I know El. I'm sorry I let my wolf take control and on your birthday too. I always wanted you and only you, but after I turned eighteen I lost control. Not being your fated mate broke my heart. I didn't mean to hurt you and I miss being friends. With all you, I miss our friendship."

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