Ch. 129 - Friendship

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Elena POV

"I'm sorry S. I was such a foolish child. I can't live without you. Please forgive me!" I pleaded.

"Seriously, I should be begging you. I lied to you your whole life. You're like my sister, my only true family. I should have told you everything years ago."

We stayed in each other's arms for a long time, apologizing over and over.

"Ok, I think we both agree we are sorry and forgive each other. Come sit with me and tell me everything." I pulled Serenity to my bed and we laid down side by side.

We spent an hour catching up from Serenity's true heritage to meeting her father and unlocking her powers. She even mentioned a certain boy, Nicholas, but pretended like it was nothing.

I told her about Tyler's betrayal, my father and Luna Marissa affair in both the bedroom and with experimenting on species. I went on about my love for Ryker and that I finally lost my virginity, which of course Serenity wanted all the details of. I gushed telling her about how Nate and Hope found each other to how quickly their love grew.

When Serenity learned of my mate and his brother she couldn't help but whine in sympathy. She already told me she would abandon her witch heritage to be by my side, but it was even stronger now when she learned my fated mate was killed. She didn't trust my life was safe in these walls, and neither did I.

I was surrounded by enemies, except for Damien. I needed all the support I could get and the wolves deserved an end to the tyranny of all our previous Kings.

"Someone is approaching." Serenity stood from the bed, putting her body between mine and the door to protect me.

I giggled how we just fell right back to how we always were. "It is only Damien."

"Are you sure we can trust him?" Serenity looked back to me still weary if this new Damien I told her of was for real. She was surprised to learn that the sleazy wolf Chris was his mate or how Damien adopted the little boy forming a real fatherly bond with him.

Damien was always private and withdrawn. He seemed to be a selfish cocky Alpha so this new compassionate one I spoke of seemed too good to be true.

The door flew open. "Well, El? Can you trust me, beautiful?" Damien spoke, smirking at us both. I returned his smile, throwing myself in his arms. Through all the heartache and betrayals the one person I never knew loved me, became my greatest ally and friend.

"With my life!" I easily replied.

"I'm sorry about everything, El. You won't be bound to Tyler for long. I promise." Damien's cocky smile washed away with guilt.

"It's ok Damien. You lost more than I did today. I'm sorry about Chris. I wish I could say their is still hope for you two, but then I would have to forgive Ryker and I can't imagine that right now."

"We both lost our lover and brother today, but we will get through this. If Tyler tries anything I want to know immediately, I don't care what happens to me. If he hurts you I will kill him on the spot, fake King or not." Damien had so much conviction behind his words it made us both smile.

"Awww, he sounds like Nate. Have you been madly in love with the princess too?" Serenity teased.

Damien shot her a smirk. "I always loved our Queen. I just wasn't as obvious as our brother. I thought keeping my distance from her would make Tyler trust me more, but I guess that didn't work. There's no need to hid it now." He kissed my cheek then moved to Serenity pulling her into a hug.

"Did you miss me, Alpha?" Serenity teased, holding back tears.

We were all replaying so many moments in our head from our childhood with Damien. He always watched over us, but kept a distance and now we knew why.

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