Ch. 57 - Follow My Heart

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Elena POV

I woke to the smell of sandalwood and fresh rain and knew he was still by my side. My head rubbed into his chest working it's way to the croak of his neck. Even though it was a common way wolves showed affection, I rarely felt the desire to express myself to someone that way. No one except Serenity ever nuzzled me either. Well no one except Serenity until I met Ryker that is.

His fingers gently traced the curves of my body. We felt the completeness we gave one another in each other's arms. "Good morning, princess." His sleepy voice spoke sending shivers down my spine. I was positive there was no mood of his that would make him less sexy.

"Good Morning, Alpha." I returned with a smile. We both molded into each other, wrapping ourselves around the other's bodies. I could lay here forever and feel like I lived a complete life.

My door bursted open and Helena came in huffing. "Get up princess, you are in enough trouble. You can not been seen with him in your bed."

I giggled, then peeled out of his arms to sit up. I let out a yawn and stretched my body. Ryker sat up leaning against my headboard and started to rub my back as I stretched awake.

"We are fine Helena. You and Serenity are the only ones that would enter my room. No one will know."

"I should get going anyways, princess. I need to freshen up and we have training to do before breakfast."

I let out a whin at his words. "But I'm tired. Don't I get a break since my boyfriend cheated on me and my best friend betrayed me. Geez, even you wanted to kill me!"

Helena's head snapped to mine. "What did you say?"

"It's nothing. Relax. I'm up and I will get dressed." I quickly answered trying to change the subject. Helena was in a mood this morning. I never seen her so irritated before.

Ryker looked at me suspiciously, making me feel
a little uncomfortable.

"Why are you giving me that look, Elijah?"

"I love how my name rolls out your sweet lips, but you need to stop calling me that or I will have a lot of explaining to do."

"Who cares what people think. Plus, I only call you Elijah in private... Elijah."

He growled at me forcing his lust down. I was purposely teasing him and I loved it. His eyes went to Helena and then back to me.

"I told you, Helena is like a mother to me. She would never put me in danger, even if I let the big bad wolf sleep in my bed." I inched closer to him and he squirmed, fighting the desire coursing through his body.

"Stop, before you regret teasing me, princess."

I laughed at him and he growled back at me. He was really getting worked up. "Okay, okay, I'll stop. It just that you're adorable when your all blacked eyed and growling with frustration."

"I'm not adorable and don't make me prove it to you." He said and got out of bed before he was tempted to never leave.

"Elijah, why did you look at me like you were confused before?"

"Why did you say he wanted to kill you before?" Helena asked still befuddle how we carried on with each other.

"I was just thinking why." He answered, still ignoring Helena like she wasn't in the room.

"Okay, care to elaborate?" I raised an eyebrow at him as I sat on my legs on the bed.

"Why did you let me stay here with you when the boy told you he saw me kill you? I could of easily took your life."

"Please, you would never harm me." I smiled brightly.

"You are way too trusting little girl, seriously. The goddess speaks through Dexter and warns you to stay away from me and you invite me in your bed."

I laughed, puzzling both Ryker and Helena. "That sounded scandalous when all we did was cuddle. Besides, who said the goddess told me to stay away." I lift my brows daring him to ask.

"I'm pretty sure when she felt the need to warn you that I would kill you that it means stay away from me." Ryker stepped closer to me, pressing his knees to the edge of the bed.

"Nope. It's all about interpretation. She warned me that we had many paths before us and to chose each one wisely. Then she said to follow my heart. Last night my heart shattered and it needed you. So I did exactly what she asked."

Ryker shook his head at my insanity. "You will be the death of me, little wolf." He bent down and stole a soft kiss from my lips.

I smiled against his mouth returning his kiss. "I'm pretty sure it's the other way around, Shadow King."

He growled at me again, but we both shot our heads to Helena when she yelped in shock. "What did you say?"

"Nothing Helena. Geez, you really need to relax. Everything is fine. I promise. Ryker is leaving and I can dress myself. Go attend to your other duties and we will catch up soon."

Ryker grabbed my chin, demanding my attention be back on him and stole another kiss. "Mmm, I will see you soon, princess." Then he walked to the window and jumped out it, disappearing in thin air.

I squealed running to the window to find him nowhere in site. "What the hell? He is definitely teaching me that trick."

"He better not!" Helena spoke through gritted teeth then left my room.

I sighed already missing Ryker's arms wrapped around me, then grabbed my phone. One new text. I opened the message and tears stung at my eyes with worry. It was from Nate.

'I need you no questioned asked. As soon as you can get away unnoticed I need blood bags and meds to treat wolfsbane wounds. Tell no one and delete this message. I'll be in my room at the pack house until you arrive'

I didn't know what could had possibly happened. I didn't care either way. Nate needed me and I wouldn't let him down.

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