Chapter 17: Fire

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Ryker POV

I calmed myself some before turning to the two boys. I was still radiating power and strength that set Nate and Damien on edge. They were confused by my power and they knew the savage beast inside me could easily tear them both a part.

"You know what? You seem to have enough on your plate right now. We will just go find our friends and you can get back to the whole battle and everything." Damien said, grabbing Nate's arm to run as far away as possible from my piercing eyes.

"Do. Not. Move." My command froze them in place, again. "Where did they take her?"

"I... I'm not sure." Nate stuttered trying to hid his fear that he could no longer move his body. I was giving away too much of my power right now, but I didn't care. I needed to find that stupid girl before she got herself killed.

"The school. We saw some Rogues dragging prisoners in there, but we didn't see Elena. We came to get you for reinforcements before entering." Damien quickly added seeing my anger only grew from his brother's response.

"Let's go!" Is all I said before heading to the school.

"Now? Just us? We thought maybe you had some other pack mem..." Damien was cut off with an impatient growl from my chest.

"No talking! Just do what I say." I ordered.

'Where is the princess?' I asked my rogue pack through our mind-link, letting my Alpha aura seep through every member.

'The princess?'
'Who has the princess?'
'Where is she? I want to be there when she dies.'
'I want to taste her before she dies.'

Almost every Rogue started chatting, asking a million questions which all infuriated me further. I sent a disapproving wave to all my members, giving them a quick ping in their heads. Alpha's didn't have the power to send pain through mind-links, but I wasn't a normal Alpha.

We arrived at the school and I took in the landscape, analyzing what was happening. They were guards in the front that would send a warning inside if any intruders try entering. I saw they were only dragging females inside and I let out another growl thinking of them violating Elena.

Nate and Damien shifted on their feet where they stood. I'm sure they were regretting asking for my help every time I roared in annoyance at the situation, which was every few minutes.

"We will go in through the roof. Damien take the far right and Nate far left. We will work our way through and meet in the dead center of the grounds. If you find Elena call me. Do not call if you're in trouble because I will only come and kill you myself for being such a coward. Understand?" I gave them my phone number which Nate quickly made a group chat including Elena and Serenity. I growled again as I rolled my eyes. "Teenagers" I mumbled then took off to the school.

I swiftly made my way on the roof and broke a skylight to enter from above. I was dipping in and out of the shadows so I went unseen. Then I caught Elena's scent and started rushing towards it.

As I turned the corner five rogues were tormenting two women. I needed to get to Elena, but I couldn't let them continue to pull at their dresses while their tongues explored their bodies. It was repulsive the way the Rogues just took whatever they wanted.

My his claws extended out, then sliced their necks one by one. The two women screamed in horror as blood splattered their faces from what seemed like a ghost killing their attackers. "Run!" Is all I said and they took off.

Finally, I made it to the gym where her scent was the strongest and I cursed at the scene before me. There had to be forty Rogues with at-least 20 women who were tied up on the floor. They were camping out here and taking prisoners. Little did they know that it meant nothing to the King. He would let them all die brutal deaths for his own safety and not even lose a wink of sleep over it.

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