Ch. 68 - Poison to the Soul

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Chris POV

I woke uneasy from my night of restless sleep. I was back at my pack house trying to regain balance but I was plagued by my nightmares.

I couldn't just do nothing while my brother's life hung in the balance. I needed to kill the boy. I just couldn't find the heart to do it either.

When I walked into the kitchen my little sister ran into my arms, expressing how much she missed me. I hugged her tight and played with her awhile feeling racked with guilt that I could end a life so little like my sister's.

"Where is my Rykie? He hasn't been home in so long. I miss my brother." Her big blue eyes stared into mine, gutting me from the inside out. How could I let Rosie go through the same pain all my sibling did when we lost our father?

That was what Ryker was to her. He stepped in as her parent long before even our mother did. If I did nothing, Rosie would know the pain we all felt, to love and lose a father so young.

"Don't worry our little Rose your Rykie is fine. He will be home soon and you'll have him all to yourself." I pulled her small frame into my body, planting a kiss on her head. "I promise."

"I know Christopher. You will always protect me just like my Rykie always protects us. I just miss him. When you see him, tell him I love him and I have soooo many stories to tell him about."

I chuckled at her little voice. "Of course little Rose. Now be a good girl for Maddox and Alex. I have to run to see a friend and maybe even find Hope."

Rose jumped up and down at the thought of seeing Hope soon and I cursed in my head for it. I didn't mean to fill her with expectations that I may not be able to deliver. "I don't know for sure baby girl, but Ryker and I are trying our hardest to find her."

I gave her a kiss on the cheek and left to head straight into our enemy packs again. I couldn't help but scoff at the idea Ryker spent more time trying to win the princess' heart then searching for our sister or spending time with his family. I love my brother, even respected him as an Alpha, but I won't let our family suffer anymore.

I met my mother in the unclaimed territory just outside Red Moon's borders to get the poison I needed for the boy. She warned me he had the sight and may see me coming. I needed to be careful.

I waved off the warning and left my mother more worried than ever. She could see the rage and guilt filling my soul. What she didn't know was that this may take too much from me this time to ever bring me back.

I knocked lightly on the boy's door hoping he was not there. I was determined to carry out this mission, but also prayed the goddess would intervene, showing me another way. To my disappointment Dexter's small voice called for me to enter. With a deep breath I entered the boy's room holding two cups of hot chocolate.

"Hey Dexter. I brought you some chocolate." I said in a shaky voice as my hand extended out to the boy.

Dexter gave me a grateful smile taking the cup. "Thank you, Chris. I love hot chocolate."

"Yes, I remembered. Thought you could use some cheering up."

The boy look into the liquid with a sigh then up to me again. A jolt of pain radiated through my body knowing if the boy drank it, he would be dead before the sunset.

Could I really let this happen? Could I be the cause this little boy never opened his eyes again? If I did nothing I would lose my brother though. Could I sacrifice my brother for this boy?

"It's ok Chris. Thank you!" The boy whispered then gulped the entire drink down.

I lunged at him screaming "No!" but it was too late.

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