Ch. 105 - No Way to My Mate

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Hope POV

Every day that I was away from my mate I felt like I was slowly burning from the inside out. My need to be close to Nate felt like it was taking over my subconscious, making me feign to be by his side again.

The first few days I buried myself in training. I was the head warrior and had responsibility to my pack. At night I prepared dinner and forced my little siblings to behave with one another. I missed my family and pack more than I could ever express, but I also missed my mate. I didn't know if I could chose one over the other?

Maddox and Alex seemed to be fighting over something, Ryker and Chris were clear of their anger, our mom seemed to be distant and oddly racked with guilt, leaving little Rosie to keep the peace around the house. She was only eight years old, but she knew how to work the room. Bouncing between her brothers to force them to do anything she asked, including being nice to each other.

I couldn't help but find her amusing. She was going to be such a heart breaker and probably give all our brothers quite a few heart attacks one day.

It was exhausting though. I was gone almost two months and barely recognized my family anymore. We were all so close, but now there was secrets and anger between us all. The guilt of knowing that one day my betrayal could permanently separate us weighed to heavy in my heart.

"Any news on the Shadow that marked someone?" Chris asked and I kicked him under the table. Why would he bring that up? He knew it set Ryker off.

"No, but it seems to be fading. Something strange is happening." Ryker growled and Rosie jumped in his lap, cuddling her head in the nook of his neck.

"Sorry Rose." His eyes returned blue, letting our little sister calm his wolf. She was like a daughter to him and he would never harm her.

"Fading? What does that mean?" Chris pressed on and I kicked him again. He just shook his head at me though.

"We need to know Hope. Ryker can control his wolf. Right brother? You would never hurt your family?" Chris spoke as almost a dare to him.

"Watch it Christopher. I would hurt my family, especially you. I just won't kill any of you. Trust me, there is a difference."

"No Rykie! Take that back, now!" Little rose demanded with tears in her big blue eyes.

"I would never hurt any of us." He kissed her cheek then gave a death stare to Chris for pushing him.

"So, fading?" Chris pressed on ignoring his silent threat.

"I don't know exactly. At first I felt a Shadow separate it's soul. That's how I knew someone was marked. Everyday this Shadow grew stronger, but now it seems to be growing weaker."

"Is it possible Luna Marissa is trying to create a new Shadow?" Chris asked, hoping to plant a seed of doubt.

"Or maybe someone marked one they loved because they were dying. They thought it would save them but it's not working." I added, trying to think of how and why this happened.

Ryker slammed his fist to the table making Rosie jump off his lap and into Chris'.

"I don't care the reason I just want them dead."

Chris took a hard gulp, while his hand softly rubbed over Rosie back. There was too much tension in our family.

"You need to find balance brother. We have nine days to plan the King's death and you need to be of sound mind for this or we are all dead." I warned him.

Ryker growled at Chris again then pushed his anger aside. "I know. I'm staying at the Red Moon pack's house tonight. I need to see Elena." He accidentally let the last part slip out.

"We need to kill them not fuck them, brother. Who gives a fuck who marked who when you are damning us all with that fucking princess." Chris' anger got the best of him and now his wolf was showing.

"We will not kill Elena. The others I don't fucking care, but not her."

"She has to become Queen and you can not stand by her side."

"She will become Queen then denounce her thorn and then she will be mine. She will be your future Luna so watch your words, Christopher."

They stared at each other as if they were planning the other's death. Rosie tried calming Chris as she now sat on his lap. He caressed her long black hair, hiding her face from the disgust that washed over his, but we all knew they were fighting a battle neither would win.

"Will you both please calm down. This doesn't have to tear us apart. Christopher, Ryker is our brother but he is also our Alpha. He decision is final and we will obey." My eyes were pleading with him to back down.

"He is our Alpha, but he is going to get us all killed. Even if she denounces her throne she is still a powerful wolf. Her children, whether Ryker's or Tyler's, will be unstoppable. She was not meant to live, let alone become our Luna or bare children."

Ryker's fist came to the table cracking it in half this time. Food spilled over everyone, dripping down to the floor.

"Great! Your father would be ashamed of how you two act. What has become of this family." Mom hadn't spoken a word until now.

She couldn't believe how Ryker fought for this girl, especially over his own family. They weren't even fated mates, yet he was so entangled in her soul that she feared he would never let her go. I didn't know how to help my family. Every one of them were at odds with the other.

"Our family is fine and safe. You don't have to agree with my choices, but you do have to obey. Elena is to be unharmed. Do as you please to the rest of them. I will personally take pleasure in killing the three Alpha boys right after I gut their parents."

Ryker flipped the broken table and stormed out. My heart skipped a beat at his words. We needed to protect Damien and Nate, but I didn't see how it would be possible. I looked to Chris and his heart was beating just as fast as mine.

"If he is leaving for the night then so am I." Chris stormed out the front door.

Rosie silently sobbed. "This will all end badly. We will lose each other if we don't stop fighting."

Maddox picked our little sister up. "Hey Rosie, it's ok. When you have a bunch of Alpha's in a room this is what happens. We are family though and nothing will break us." He reassured her.

Bile rose in my throat at his words though. My secret could destroy them. I would destroy my family all because I couldn't wait to have my mate.

I shot up from the table, running to my bedroom then straight to the bathroom to empty everything I ever eat from my stomach. I had never been sick a day in my life and whatever wave of nausea that took over me I knew was from the crippling guilt I felt. I crawled to my bed, falling fast asleep.

When I woke hours later reality crashed down on me that I needed to see Nate. I picked up my phone to text Elena for help. I didn't want to put her in this position, but it was the only way to safely cross into his territory.

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