Ch. 53 - A Queen Needs No One

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Elena POV

I screamed for Nate as he threw himself through the window, but I knew he was gone. He was searching for something or someone. I knew he wouldn't stop until he found it.

Serenity came to my side with her arms crossed, demanding an explanation. I only returned her glare with a look of disgust. I had no one.

"Serenity Everwood you have lied and betrayed me my whole life. You are not a wolf, but a witch hiding among us. Your deceit should be punished by death, but I will give you one chance to remove yourself from my territory and never return."

"Elena, are you fucking kidding me? I'm your best friend. You know me better than anyone. Besides, you are not the Luna, you can't banish me." She scoffed annoyed at me.

I moved slowly towards a woman I thought I once knew. Now I saw nothing but betrayal. The same betrayal everyone I knew has given me; lies, deception, and fake loyalty.

I ran my fingers across her chin, adoring how I once looked to her as the only person I could confide in. The one person that knew all my secrets and held me up when I couldn't stand. Like Tyler and Ryker, it was all an act to get close to my side.

"Are you a witch?" I asked.

"Yes, but Elena it's complicated..."

"No Serenity, there is no buts. You lied to me, manipulated me, gained my trust, just to get close to me for goddess knows why. You are not my friend."

"What about you? I saw your eyes. You lied to me too."

"I lied about a dangerous part of me that I barely understood for less than a year. I did it to protect you from my family. I hid my wolf to protect you until I knew what it meant. You lied my whole life about who you truly are. I can not banish you, but I can prove you are a witch and my father would execute you."

Ryker jumped between us. "Elena wait! You don't know why she lied. You can't sentence her to death."

"Yes Ryker, I can... but I won't. I will repeat myself just this once. You have one chance to leave my territory and never return, or you will not live to see another day. The choice is yours."

Tears brimmed in Serenity eyes knowing I spoke the truth. I would turn her over to my father if she didn't leave. "What about him? He lied to you too. He is a Shadow and we have no idea why he is here. Will you not banish him?"

"I know who he is and why he is here. The boy even saw my death by his hands. If I could prove a reason for his banishment then it would be done, but I can not. The day I become Queen will be the day he is banished." I spoke with no emotions as they have all been turned off. I can't let myself feel this pain.

Davina was in control, but my Luna aura held the balance. I was impartial to these people. If I allowed myself to feel the truth that not a single person in my life ever loved me, I would crumble into pieces. I was Queen and I needed no one.

Serenity saw the shift in me and she knew this was not the little girl she grew up with that spoke. I was shattered to my core, slowly rebuilding myself to see everyone as a traitor. Tears flowed down Serenity's face, but she nodded, accepting her fate.

"I will leave Elena, but I won't give up on you, on us. One day you will see I was always your friend, fuck, more than that, I was your sister, your family. One day you will see and I will still be here for you." She went to hug me but I put my hand up. Serenity bowed her head in sorrow and left.

"Elena you can't push us all out. I'm sorry for what I did..." Ryker began to speak but I cut him off.

"No more, Ryker. I'm done with everyone's lies. You told me only hours ago that a Queen needs no one!"

I walked away from everyone I thought loved me, retreating to my room, trying not to completely shatter. Everything I believed in, everything I loved, just came crashing down on me. Everyone called me a fool and now I knew they were right.

Tyler was cheating on me, wanting nothing more than the title I would give him. Serenity lied to me for my whole life probably wanting to just get close to the future Queen. Then there was Ryker or Elijah, whatever his true name was. He played with my emotions, teased my body to submit to him, just so he could kill me one day.

I should ask questions. I should try to find the truth why they all betrayed me like this. Right now, I didn't care anymore. I didn't want anyone and I definitely didn't want to be Queen. I didn't deserve the title and I would fail my people.

I sat on my window bench sliding myself in the corner. I pulled my knees to my chest leaning my face against the cold window, welcoming the chill it sent through my body. I was going numb from all the emotional turmoil and the cold window made me feel something.

Tears flowed down my face as I watched people in the distance lingering about from the party. I stayed there frozen for over an hour, quietly crying and letting my body just empty every piece of my soul out.

Davina whimpered in my chest at the pain we felt. She wanted to kill every one of them for betraying me like this. I was in control though and I would not kill them no matter how raw they made me feel.

I remembered Nate's outburst and decided to try and call him. So far I hadn't found any reason he wronged me. The way he acted earlier was the way I felt inside right now. Desperately trying to find a piece of myself that was nowhere in sight.

The phone rang a few times then went to voicemail. I shot him a text hoping he read it soon.

Me: Hey dork! I hope you calmed down and didn't kill anyone. I'm really worried about you. Call me and let me know you're ok. If you need me, I'm here, no matter what.

I threw my phone on the bed and climbed back to my spot on the window seat. I was exhausted, but knew sleep would not be coming to me anytime soon.

My mind wandered between Ryker and Serenity. There were so many times they showed love for me. So many times they helped and protected me. It didn't make any sense.

Tyler on the other hand, it was like the veil was lifted of his true self. Every time he was nice it was because I was pissed. Everything he said was exactly what I wanted to hear. It wasn't what he felt, it was a manipulation to make me blind.

The way his parents threw us into the spotlight the second we started dating and how Tyler keep every male, including Nate, away from me. He made sure that he was my only option.

Even though I cursed the day Ryker walked in that elevator, I knew it was for the best. He showed me what desire was and what Tyler was truly after.

Serenity never liked Tyler and even though she betrayed me and our kind, I was grateful for all the times she was there to shield me from both Tyler's and my parent's abuse.

I won't forget how they both hurt me, but I will remember the good they brought me. I needed to find a light before I succumbed completely to the darkness surrounding me.

I felt a presence at the door and my eyes instantly turned silver. I was not in the mood for visitors. The door slowly crept open and Ryker stood at the frame. He didn't enter or say a word, he just lean against the opening and looked at me for a few moments. I wished so badly I could crawl in his arms for comfort.

I knew he was not right for me, he could possibly kill me one day, but my heart ached so badly for him. It wasn't fair how I felt. It wasn't fair to be so conflicted with my emotions, yet I held so much responsibility to so many. How could I be a Queen when I was just a foolish child?

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