Ch. 96 - My Son Will Be King

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Luna Marissa POV

I received a call that the boy I was planning on experimenting with was found dead this morning. I knew I needed him for this to work and now he was gone.

I ordered the hospital staff to prep his body for an autopsy and made my way to Red Moon's territory. I prayed I could still extract some of his essence that was linked to the goddess. It probably wouldn't work but I had nothing else to try.

As I turned the corner to the exam room I was met with the annoying little kids again. Thankfully my boy, Tyler, knew better than to consort with them. They were all causing too much trouble for my liking.

The king believed Ryker would protect his daughter but I saw too much love in his eyes for that little girl. If I had the power I would had stripped the King's witch of her essence years ago and killed Ryker the second he disobeyed my orders to take that Shadow wolf at the prisons. The King relayed on his witch too much and he was becoming careless.

"Why am I not surprised to find you all together again. What exactly is the reason for this interruption?" I glared at Carmelita displeased. She should had called me the second the boy was found dead. Now she was escorting these kids to his body.

She bowed her head looking to me with guilt. She couldn't speak but I knew my old friend. Carmelita was panicking behind her eyes and it was probably because she was compelled. I needed to remove her if she can't resist a compulsion. It's a shame such a promising woman was born with such a lowly wolf.

"We will be taking the boy." Damien said, pushing passed me. He wasn't interested in anything I had to say and that needed to change. The King needed to get him in line.

"I don't think so. He is to be examined for cause of death. If we have a traitor in our mist then the King needs to be aware."

The King's guards turned the corner growing nervous at the all too familiar situation. They had to follow the King's orders at the prisons, but Damien and Nate would kill them all if they stood in their way.

"Stand down!" Elena commanded them.

"Please my Queen. Last time we defied the King we were punished. We can't resist your compulsion so we beg you not to make us." One woman guard spoke with pleading eyes, knowing one way or another they would be meeting their death today.

Elena gulped at the realization that she was forcing them. She didn't know she had that kind of power and was just coming into it. The King needed to strength his binding spell on her wolf. She might not know she has one, but her wolf is obviously making her too strong. Too much our King was letting slip and I would be the one punished for it.

Suddenly Ryker's fingers elongated his claws then smashed me to the wall. Blood seep out from my neck where his nails dug in. Chris, Damien, and Nate positioned themselves between Ryker and the guards.

Elena smiled at Ryker while I swore all their deaths. The second she give me my grandchild I will happily gut her.

"Tell these men to stand down Luna or Ryker will remove your head before they can even try to save you." All three boys guarding Ryker let out a feral growl that they would make sure I died before a single guard touched him.

"Take the boy, but your father will hear of this." I said, whining from the pain. There was deep strength within Alpha Ryker that made me curious.

Damien and Nate went into the double doors while Chris guarded Ryker and Ryker held me on the edge of death.

Damien came back through the doors carrying the boy's body close to his chest. He was wrapped in a blanket and Elena let out a sigh that he was not cut in to yet.

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