Chapter 12: Lake

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Elena POV

Serenity and I met up with Tyler, Nate, and Damien to sneak out of the gardens and headed straight to the lake. We had to be careful as Rogues could wonder freely on the other side of the water. The lake was the border lines of our territory. Rogues rarely ever crossed and had to be very foolish to try and attack 3 Alpha males.

The King put all his territories on high alert due to a few attacks close to the river and now that we had two major events approaching. My 18th birthday meant it was outsiders last chance to try and kill me before I took the throne, and the induction ceremony meant more members they didn't want were being added to the High Council.

Desperate wolves would try to take advantage of the crowded events to take out someone powerful. Anything to tip the scales would be worth it to them.

The second I saw the rippling blue waters I peeled off my dress and dived in. Today was about being a carefree kid without any of those fears or responsibilities. Serenity was scooped up by Nate and he threw himself in, clutching a screaming girl. Tyler and Damien stood on the banks watching us laughing and playing.

"Dunk her Nate." They screamed as he continued to attack us.

"Let's show these women who is in control." Damien said, pulling his shirt off his hard toned body. He licked his lips watching us nearly naked get thrown under water left and right by Nate, but we were gaining on him. We got a few good hits in and even dunked him a few times.

Damien had darker skin like Serenity with black short hair and dark hazel eyes. Nate was his half brother, but Nate's mother was much lighter skin. Although their features had similarities Nate had light tan skin, sandy brown hair and green eyes. Tyler skin was porcelain white with blond hair and light blue eyes. All three boys were Alphas, so all three of them looked to be muscular gods wailing about in the water.

Serenity and I weren't much of a match, but that didn't stop us from trying to overtake all three of them. When our strength failed us we turned to a more feminine approach.

My eyes locked into Tyler's as my hand traced his abs, making him shutter in desire.

Serenity move herself between Nate and Damien. As her hands traced Nate's body she backed her butt against Damien's front, laying her head back on his shoulder. Damien's lips went straight to her neck, while Nate hands explored her stomach.

"Mhm, playing dirty I see." Damien's husky voice said as he let Serenity's lust wash over him.

I shot a glare to Serenity to knock the boys legs out and flip them under, but then rolled my eyes seeing all three of them were about to begin an orgy. Tyler pulled me back to him, noticing my disapproval of our friends. He gave me a smirk, moving his lips almost on top of mine. "Do you like what you see baby?"

"No... not really" I replied, unsure what I felt. I looked at them out of the corner of my eyes. Serenity looked like a goddess, taunting the two boys she was squished between. They were putty in her hands, wanting to own every inch of her body, and it reminded me how Ryker looked at me that way.

Tyler had lust in his eyes, but it was different, more territorial. Also, I didn't return any desire for him. Not the way I did with Ryker.

Before I could speak again Tyler closed the gap, kissing me rough, forcing my body flushed with his. I could feel his hard core pressing against my stomach and moaned at the feeling, remembering how Ryker felt against me. We were in this same lake not to long along.

He chased me in the water, showing a playful side of him I didn't think I would ever see again. My legs wrapped around him as his hot mouth covered my breast. I straddled Tyler's waist at the memory, pressing my hard nipples into his chest. I needed more, wanted more.

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