Ch. 75 - A King's Wishes

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Ryker POV

I laid in bed never taking my eyes from the goddess that laid beside me. She fell fast asleep after we finally untangled our bodies from on another. I was in aw how she could complete me in a way that was like a mate, yet she wasn't. I worried how we could ever truly be together, but I was determined to find a way. I don't think I can ever let her go.

Chris mind-linked me that he was on his way to tour the prisons with Damien, forcing me back to reality. I cursed checking the time knowing I had to leave or I would be late to meet the King.

I peeled myself from the perfect goddess that laid in my arms and left a note by her nightstand. I raked my eyes over my other half that laid naked, peacefully sleeping in her bed. Laying a kiss on her cheek I whispered "I love you, princess." Then I quickly left before I decided to abandoned all reasoning to take her body as mine again.

I snuck through the shadows to my room and quickly showered then ran to the King's office for our meeting.

"My boy, come and sit." The King waved me in. "Now we have a few matters to go through and we should be all set for tonight. I had these contracts prepared for your pack's responsibilities to the kingdom which you will find is as we discussed. Your pack will be audit every year and 30% of your profits will need to be paid as a tax to the council. Every season your military will be evaluated to ensure you are remaining a strong asset to all our protection. Lastly you and/or your beta are required to attend monthly council meeting in which you will assist in anyway needed." He spoke, pointing to each set of contracts.

I clenched my jaw at the tyranny of it all, but I knew I had to agree. This was my way in and it will give me the opportunity to remain close to the bloodlines. I knew for sure the King and Alpha Owen must die and I would take great pleasure in killing Tyler whether the goddess ordered it or not.

Damien and Nate I would wait for an explicit order from the goddess, knowing it would break Elena to lose them. Elena I will not harm, I would bath in the blood of thousands to protect her. She would not die for anyone and that included the goddess.

"Yes, of course. Thank you!" I quickly sifted through the pages, signing where was needed then handed them back to the King.

"Very good. Tonight, I will first anoint Damien as official Alpha then him along with you and your Beta to all of Alpha council. I know this union will be of great value to our future. My witch tells me you will help me bring forth my plans by protecting my daughter. She is of little use, other then to one day bare my grandson, but given her wolfless state she will face many dangers. You and your pack will ensure my grandson is born."

I was taken back at his words knowing for sure that his witch was manipulating him as Chris predicted. The King still didn't know of Elena's power or how I would soon take his life. The witch was truthful about me needing to protect her though, and I smiled at that thought. I would indeed ensure her children were born too.

"That is a lot of pressure. I didn't know your witch had so much planned for me, or you, for that matter." I thought for a moment. "I would be honored to protect our future Queen and her children. You have my word I will give my life to ensure her safety, if it shall ever come to that."

"That makes me very happy to hear. You only have to protect the girl until my grandson is born. After that, she can returned to the goddess for all I care."

I held back a ferocious growl, letting images of Elena's touch and lips on mine to calm me. I looked to the King knowing the perfect way to protect Elena. "May I suggest that I also bond myself to the princess then. I only been here a few weeks and saved her from two rogue attacks already. It would be easier to keep her safe if I knew where she was or she could reach me through our mind-link."

The King thought a few moments making me nervous. Did I show my hand too soon? Could the King see my undying love for his daughter?

"Smart. I like it. See, this is why you are here. Quick thinker and ready to serve your King however I need. Tonight you will also bond yourself to Elena. I think it would be wise you stand in like a body guard to her as well. You can accompany her to town or wherever she may need to go when you are visiting. I don't plan to let her out much, but I know she will need to be seen publicly for our people to take her as Queen. It's been a shit show trying to get Tyler back in their good graces to become King as it is."

"You still plan to make him King?"

"Unfortunately, I have no other options at the moment. He is easy to control and won't stand in my way. I already had her fated removed as he would of caused too much aggravation for my liking." My eyes grew wide. What the hell does that mean, removed?

The King continued "I need to find a way to get Elena to show her forgiveness to Tyler so they will accept him as their new King. The ungrateful wolves are growing restless to have her crowned, thinking her reign will bring changes. It appears they also think she was betrayed by Tyler. As if a man had to remain faithful to a lowly wolf that wouldn't even put out to begin with." The King chuckled at the ridiculousness and I grinded my molars how he spoke so low of the woman I loved.

"It might be better to crown her Queen, then find a way to force her to crown Tyler King after. The people will be more accepting if she chooses him instead of you choosing for her." I smiled to myself for my quick thinking. This will buy us some more time.

Once Elena was crowned Queen I can kill both Alphas and Tyler so she can reign freely. Realizing she would indeed become Queen I cursed at myself remembering I could not be King. The goddess won't allow me to have that much power. If I remained as just her lover I could never mark her or give her children. The goddess would surely curse us all. If we were to be together Elena can't be crowned. None of this made sense.

"Hmm, you make a good point. I will consult my witch about the possibility. She isn't always so compliant, even after all the years of torture."

I clenched my jaw again, wincing how my molar felt like they would crack in half. Esther's sister was at the brutal mercy of the King and I knew too well how ruthless he could be.

As I left his office my phone buzzed with a text from Elena. Instantly I felt relieved until I read that there was trouble at the prisons. Both my siblings were there and now all the heirs. I had a bad feeling this wasn't going to end well. I was hours from my induction ceremony though. We needed to smooth out whatever this disturbance was.

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