Ch. 98 - Burial of a Warrior

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Damien POV

Chris came beside me as I was wrapped my arm around Elena's waist, staring at what seemed like stars captured in the middle of the field. It looked like a magical piece of land curved out in the middle of everyday life.

"The buildings are made of stone with moissanite grounded into each slab. It is said that it captures the heavens and the smile of our goddess to watch over those that gave their life defending our species." Chris looked out to the building in aw at the beauty and power that radiated from them.

"You're like a little history nerd aren't you, Christopher." I teased him, feeling even more in love with his studious wolf.

I wanted to talk to him, needed an explanation on what we were to each other. My neck itched from the mark he left there. I wanted to proudly show it to the world be he warned me I had to hide it for now. I didn't mind waiting for my mate. I even enjoyed the little games between us. I just hoped he was done with the whole we need to fix it.

"I always liked the past. The future seems to be shit no matter what we do, but before all this bullshit, wolves had honor and loyalty. Purpose in their life and warriors had clear paths." I could see in Chris's eyes that he never found happiness in his life. I wasn't sure if it was since his father and brother died or if he was just born with a darker outlook.

I felt his longing for simpler times and I whined at my mate's sadness. "Life may be complicated now, but there are a few good perks, little Beta." I separated from Elena and threw my arm around his neck. "Give me a chance and I'll show you just how good." I whispered for only Chris to hear.

Nate and Elena threw me a confused look. I was always getting under people's skin and by the feral growl Chris let out they feared a fight was about to break out. Then Chris let a smile take over his face and walked towards the cemetery, needing to escape the growing urge to claim me right now. Goddess, I wished he would though.

Nate POV

I was getting annoyed Damien was messing with Chris but my senses were going haywire at the same time. I could smell my mate was close and needed to feel her skin under mine.

My hand squeezed Elena's in a death grip and she shot her head to me. My jaw clenched and nostrils flared as I finally found my warrior goddess standing only a few feet from us.

Hope wore a black cotton dress with long lace sleeves and black leather cuirass. Her hair was down, but with many thin braids woven through her thick blond hair. She was the perfect image of a Viking Queen and I so desperately needed to feel her every curve.

"You're going to break my hand." Elena teased, knowing I was trying to restrain my wolf from throwing my mate over my shoulder and devour every inch of her body. We heard a growl erupted from Hope's chest and watched as she sauntered towards us in her knee high black boots.

Hope cleared her throat, pushing down her jealousy. She needed to mark me before her wolf tore apart the princess. I would never allow it to happen, but I also knew the rage a werewolf felt when jealous.

I smirked at my perfect mate while Elena tried removing my hand that remain crushing her tiny fingers. She let a bit of fire come forward and I pulled my hand back, shaking the heat from it. "Fuck Elena!"

"Sorry, you were hurting me as you swooned over your mate. Had to knock you back to reality." Elena shrugged her shoulders innocently.

Hope laughed and wrapped her arms around Elena. "Hi my Queen. It's a good thing he has you to keep him in check."

"I'd rather be allowed to run free in all my desires, mate!" I said reaching my arm around Hope's waist, pulling her from Elena and into my arms, where she belonged. Her soft toned skin felt amazing against mine.

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