Ch. 60 - French Toast

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Elena POV

I ran into my room changing quickly while cursing Serenity wasn't here. I needed to find her! I was basically on house arrest and I didn't know where she was.

"Princess, what are you wearing? Wait, that is backwards." Helena walked into my bedroom dumbfounded at my appearance. My hair was a mess and my blue dress was clearly on the wrong way.

"Fuck! I can't even dress myself." I tore off the dress then pulled it back on the proper way. I unsuccessfully ran a brush through my hair getting it caught more times then smoothing it out.

"Ok, ok. Sit child and let me tend to you before you somehow hurt yourself with that brush."

I huffed wanting to protest I could do it myself, but I was too frustrated between Serenity not being here and my fight with Ryker I couldn't seem to do anything right. "Thank you Helena. I'm late for breakfast and Serenity is gone. I don't know what to do."

"It's ok. Serenity will be back. You two have been joined at the hip since you were little kids."

"Yeah, I wish that was still the case, but I don't think so anymore."

"I don't want to pry, but what happened?"

"You can't say a word to anyone no matter what Helena. Serenity may had betrayed me, but I still love her and will protect her, even with my life."

"Of course Princess, you know I would never betray you, either of you."

I took a deep breath and just blurted it out. "Serenity is a witch."

"What!" Helena almost dropped the brush in surprise.

"Yeah, I found out on my birthday and I banished her."

"You're not Queen yet. How could you banish her?"

"I told her to never come back or I'll hand her over to my father. We all know he would kill her without question. Now I need her and I want to hear her side on why she lied to me. I have no way of finding her though." I dabbed the tears falling from my eyes.

"Shhh! It's ok, princess. It will work out. Just give it some time."

"I don't know if this will, Helena."

She got the knots out of my hair then put it in a nice braided bun. I ran out of my bedroom thanking Helena again.

As I approached the dining hall I stopped running and swiftly walked in. I was trying to calm my breath but it only got worse when I saw Tyler speaking with his parents.

I knew he would still come. I hoped I would get a break for once though. I turned my head in disgust when my eyes landed on Ryker. He was speaking with my father and they looked too close for my comfort. Even though I knew he despised the King it made me realize how good he was at acting.

"Elena, please let me explain." Tyler's whinny voice reached my ears sending Davina forward.

"You will not speak to me or your parents will be mourning their only son. Dare sit by me and I'll be sure my knife lands between your eyes." I threaten with a deathly whisper.

Tyler gulped, remembering my silver eyes and the way my fangs tore out a piece of his arm last night. He wanted to ask me how that was possible, but he knew I would never answer him. He walked around the table to sit across from me and I shook my head, no.

Damien came up behind Tyler and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Why don't we swap seats for now!"

Tyler looked back to me. I remained with a stoic look throwing daggers at him and he retreated back to the other side of the table. I shot Damien a nod to say thank you and we sat, keeping eye contact with each other.

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