Ch. 39 - Pain and Fun

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Damien POV

After a few deep breaths Chris's eyes were back to his normal hazel color and his canines were retracted. I nodded to my men and they reluctantly released him. They were not convinced that Chris wouldn't try to kill me despite what I said.

"I like how tough you are now that you have your men protecting you." Chris spat at me.

"Aw, don't be jealous, little Beta. You can protect me too." I patted him on the shoulder, then moved to the middle of the arena. Chris gave me a questioning look.

Nate and my dad shot me a look with raised eyebrows, thinking I must of lost my mind from all the stress. I was poking a very powerful wolf and laughing about it. I knew he wouldn't really hurt me though.

"Pack members, as you know my beloved father, your former Alpha, was killed in battle trying to save his pride and joy, Nate and I." I paused a moment, pretending to collect myself.

"Although, that is complete bullshit, it seems to be the story of the King and what we must all now believe. Either way, the tyrant beast is dead and we have new orders from the King himself. I need 125 of our men willing to go out and scour the perimeter of all three packs, then push outward to hunt down these Rogues to bring them back alive. Only if necessary are they to be killed. I want to make it clear, this is not a free pass to kill or take advantage of other wolves. It is a search and capture mission and nothing more.

Any word of my men forcing themselves or ruthlessly beating another, for any reason, will be punished by death. In three hours, those who want to join this mission are to report to the pack house's dining hall for mission overview. I expect my team to head out Monday morning after the Princess' birthday celebrations." I walked out of the arena waving for Chris to follow, leaving my pack in awe.

Warriors dropped their blades with mouths agape at the way their future Alpha just spoke to them. I was blunt, to the point, and requested warriors. Plus, I gave them the opportunity to stay for pack celebrations. I also referred to tomorrow's party in honor of the princess birthday, instead of an awakening ceremony.

Our former Alpha was a bully that ordered our men around, constantly showing his strength over his people. I was stern, but compassionate. Whispers erupted from the arena as everyone contemplated what this meant for them as a pack.

Chris watched my warriors becoming dumbfounded by my words. These ruthless warriors were not sure what to do with their new carefree Alpha. When I waved for Chris to follow me, he rolled his eyes, but fell inline.

"Are you trying to get your people to challenge you?" Chris asked me in a serious tone. Was the little beta worried about me?

"Please, they can try, but they will lose. Don't worry about me, Beta."

"Stop calling me that. You know my name and I already proved I'm stronger than you."

"Oh, you proved a lot, but stronger was not it... Beta."

A growl ripped from Chris' throat as he lounged at me. Nate was close behind him and grabbed him by the shirt, throwing him to the ground. Chris went to fight back, but saw the massive man standing behind Nate daring him for a challenge. Chris gulped with his hands up in defeat. There was no way he could take all three of us, especially with that ogre we called Dad.

"Leave him be. I told you Nate, it is of no concern. He is just throwing little tantrums, that's all." I ruffled his hair and Chris growled again. "He is like a wild little pup that has no idea how to play nice. I find it adorable."

Chris' eyes turned black at my words. He was no pup and now extremely confused why I was treating him this way.

My hand moved to Chris' back, giving him a gentle rub, but Chris turned and snapped at my hand, making me chuckle. "See how amusing." My eyes lit up in delight. This was fun!

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