Chapter 23 - Bonds

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Elena POV

I didn't know how exhausted I was until I closed my eyes and fell asleep instantly.

I rubbed my eyes, trying to force them to remain open. I was anxious to help and heal my people. I stretched my body, then jumped up, slapping my cheeks. I needed to know where everything was at.

I saw Carmelita and slowly walked her way. "Hey Doc, please tell me we have made good progress?"

"Oh yes, princess, we sure have. We already sent everyone that was in the other wing home. Over two hundred wolves with minor injuries are all healed with no wolfsbane in their blood. The herbs you and Beta Nate brought were truly a lifesaver."

"I'm so glad to hear that. I wanted to help more, but I needed to realize how tired I was. I'm all charged up now, though. What needs to be done?"

"Oh, princess, that isn't necessary. You should head home and let us finish. We are here to serve you."

"Carmelita, I didn't ask your opinion if I can help. I ask how I can help, but if you prefer, I can order you instead." I could hear a bit of condensation in her tone and wouldn't say I liked it. If I said I was helping, then no one would tell me I wasn't.

Carmelita smiled with a nod. "Good, because we have a lot left to do. I need to get the hallways cleared and the machinery beyond it up and running so we have access to do more invasive surgeries. We've healed many, but there are still hundreds that need treatment. Some have so much wolfsbane in their system that they could die soon unless we can get them into surgery. I also need more help to get rooms cleaned, beds prepped, and patients cared for. Simple things like giving water and such."

I mind-linked the pack, making my Luna aura pour into my command. I was getting better at controlling my power, making me feel even more connected with my wolf.

'Any wolf not being treated for wounds must report to the hospital immediately. You can find Dr. Williams, and she'll give you your assignment.'

The doctor gave me a gracious smile and headed towards the back. "I figured you would want to see your friend's princess. They are through there." She pointed to the double doors. "Thank you for everything. So many would have died if you hadn't stepped in and been our Luna today. I hope it is ok to say that I pray your reign will bring us all to a more peaceful time." She nodded and walked away.

I was stunned by her words. I felt like I was nothing short of a train wreck today. The number of times I lost my temper, yelled at my people, or even just broke down and cried. I thought I was anything but a poor excuse of a Luna.

The doctor walked away, but I felt a little hand pull on my arm before I stepped through the doors. I smiled at the boy I met earlier with Ryker. He still looked weak but much better than before. Then, his eyes turned white, and he began speaking in a monotone voice.

"Be careful, my Queen. The paths you and the midnight wolf have chosen closed many doors. He may still choose your death, as it is not written yet. I fear peace will now only come from both your sacrifices."

I didn't know what to think of the little boy's words. I kneeled to him and hugged him. His little arms wrapped around my neck. I could feel him return to his body and then squeeze me tight.

"I'm sorry, princess, if I said something unusual. My parents didn't let me speak to many people because I scared them. I don't usually remember anything that I say, though." The boy said with water building in his eyes.

"Shhh, don't worry my child. The moon goddess tries to speak through you, which is not your fault. I will pray that she releases you from this fate. For now, it is nothing for you to be ashamed of. Go rest and have no more worries about it. Ok?" I gave him a sweet smile, making his lips curl up.

The little boy jumped back on his bed and continued playing with his trucks and planes as if nothing strange had happened. I took a deep breath, then returned to the doors and pushed through.

"Whoa! What is going on here? Am I dreaming, or are all of you getting along?" In shock, I asked how everyone was working away, chatting and pulling together as a team in this little makeshift lab.

"I wouldn't get too excited. I'm seconds from slapping this Beta if he doesn't shut up about what stupid teen drama he watched last week." Chris spoke with only a hint of anger towards Nate. Progress.

"I'd be careful how you speak to my brother, Beta," Damien said, walking in from behind me, letting his Alpha aura spill out.

"And I would be careful how you address my brother, little Alpha." Ryker gave him a challenging look, letting his more powerful aura seep out.

Damien didn't back down, but we all knew Ryker was one powerful beast not to mess with.

"Oh goddess, it's been like this the past three hours. Nothing but one show of dominance to the next. I swear I can't stand men anymore." Serenity rolled her eyes as she walked to me. I couldn't help but giggle at the whole exchange.

We gave each other a long, tight hug. I whispered "thank you" in her ear, then pulled back to join everyone.

"I ordered every capable wolf to come meet here for orders from the doctor. There is still much to do, and the day is almost gone." I walked over to Nate and Damien, giving them both a squeeze on their shoulders as a silent thank you. Then I went over to Ryker and grabbed a bowl to help mix.

Ryker looked at me awkwardly. "Has the princess been studying herbs and medicine in her free time? It would be very unroyal of you if so." He teased me.

His smile was filled with friendship, and I couldn't help but return one to him. Our relationship wasn't even close to friends, more like a steamy make-out session that started and ended in a massive fight.

"Hey, Nate, we need to get some more coal. Can you help me gather some?" Serenity waved me to come to where she was to continue heating mixtures. Nate wrapped an arm around Serenity, and they walked out. I smiled at them, loving how my friends always came together.

Ryker and I teased each other, sending flirty glances back and forth. It didn't go unnoticed every time Chris scuffed at us, but we ignored him. Damien tried a bit of small talk with Chris, but I could tell he found him impossibly arrogant.

"Oh crap, we need to send people to clear the hallways. The doctor needs the machines for surgery. Only a few who have shown up to help are strong enough. Can any of you go help?" I asked as I ended my mind-linked with the doctor.

"Yes, Damien and Chris would love to do that," Ryker replied with a smirk. Their bickering was getting annoying. Chris's eyes narrowed in on his brother, making me giggle again. I wonder how we finished so much with all this tension.

"I'll go. You can keep the little Alpha." Chris retorted to Ryker.

"Chris, I said to both of you. I'm tired of listening to both of you trying to outdo everything the other says. Go, now!" Ryker ordered.

"You're not my Alpha, Ryker. You want someone to go with Chris, so then you go." Damien replied. These boys were ridiculous.

"Damien, please, let's not make this a big thing. We are all here to help these people, not fight with each other." I pleaded. I could order him as I was the princess, but I'd rather he did it out of friendship and for our people.

"As you wish, princess." He replied with sarcasm in his tone.

Once they left, Ryker's smile grew from ear to ear as he stared devilishly at me. Now, what was he thinking?

"Why are you looking at me like that, you freak?" I said, throwing some of the herbs at him.

"Because finally, we are all alone, princess." Ryker slid around the table and then inched slowly to me. Flirt or fight? I honestly didn't know what his intentions were right now.

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