Ch. 94 - Finding Myself

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Serenity POV

It had been a week of nothing but training and studying day and night. I was itching to have a minute of fun or to see my best friend again.

My father's eyes had nothing but love and guilt for me, while Nicholas had nothing but disgust that he tried hiding. He had this overbearing fake attitude of interest whenever my father was around that annoyed me to no end.

Ramsey kept us both so busy with lessons either in the field or with books I barely had time to think of what a disaster my life suddenly became. Ester told me I needed to become stronger for Elena, so I pushed down my need to be a young adult and poured myself into my training. I would be ready with Elena needed me.

I was standing in the forest with trees that seemed to reach the sky and so thick they hid most the sun. Dead leaves crinkled under my feet as my spirit connected with the roots below. I insisted on working on my earth magic, knowing Elena was still struggling with it. I knew that Ryker taught her how to control fire better and Elena already controlled air and water with ease.

As the shadows danced across my body, rays of shimmering sunlight peeled through. I slowly opened my eyes and the yellow beams grew wider as I parted the branches of the trees above us.

"Good Serenity. Earth magic flows through you beautifully." Ramsey had a look of pure pride as he smiled at me. I met his eyes and swooned at the fatherly love. I wished he could always be this way with me.

My sight drifted to Nicholas and he looked at me in wonder. I was almost as powerful as my father, but I looked like one bad ass goddess. His small deep set eyes were mesmerized by my magic, even if he didn't want to admit it.

His black hair hung down his forehead, brushing his olive skin and it made me appreciate his handsome features when he wasn't being a total asshole.

I noticed more and more he would fall into a trance at the way I controlled the elements, but quickly returned his glare of hatred that I was also a werewolf. It was just like my father, but his eyes would turn to guilt. I knew deep down my father didn't feel a wolf was worthy of such power.

I gave Nicholas a smile and he unknowingly returned one with his pearly white teeth shiny through his thin red lips as he was still under my spell. I loved messing with this boy!

I grew the beams wider then pulled on the power of the sun, intensifying the heat and brightness. Then I moved the branches one by one, making the light dance it's way onto his face.

Nicholas' palms smacked his eyes rubbing them rapidly. "Ahhh, fuck I can't see." He screamed as they burned and his vision turned white then black with yellow spots.

"I can even make you see stars." I chuckled as he knelt on the dirt trying to rub his vision back.

"That's enough Serenity. Good job though." Ramsey said, obviously way more proud than upset with me for messing with his student.

Nicholas' vision finally cleared enough to see his surrounding and he threw wind in the dirt and leaves kicking them up to my face. "And I can make you see yourself for what you really are, dirty trash." He spat at me, annoyed I used my magic against him.

Even though it was nothing serious it was against the rules and he always followed the rules. He had a damn stick up his ass and I planned on removing it very painfully.

"What is your deal?" I growled with eyes turning black.

I rarely let my wolf come forward, always feeling like she wasn't truly connected to me. My magic began dimming and I felt like the feral animal my kind always referred to wolves as.

"That! You're a vile beast is my problem. It's against the rules to use magic on another practitioner. That applies to even unworthy hybrids that shouldn't hold such power." His words came out like poison and his body was rigid with anger.

"Leave!" Ramsey dark chocolate eyes had lightening shooting across them as he spoke.

Nicholas spun on his heels storming off. He always held his spine straight with long strides, even when flustered. He was raised to be proper and not to defy his superiors, but Ramsey was pushing every ethical law the witches had in place.

I huffed that I lost control, again. I hadn't let my wolf run in two weeks and she was itching to come out. My wolf side didn't care what the witches thought and felt no connection to our father. I was constantly at odds with myself.

Growing up I always held my head high with confidence, but felt shame deep in my subconscious. Everyday I was away from the only home I ever known I felt like my walls were cracking and doubt was pouring through.

Ramsey's wide eyes fell dark with sadness and I growled again. "I'm a wolf dad and I can't change that. Stop looking at me like I'm some cancer patient with an incurable disease. She makes me strong and saved my life. You should be grateful, not ashamed." I pushed passed him with tears, fleeing back to our little shack in the middle of nowhere.

I slammed the front door hearing my father's engine start. He was once again leaving to drown his sorrows at some local bar. I wasn't sure how to handle any of this.

"Great, now he will be useless until he is sober." Nicholas spoke, never looking up from a grimoire he was reading.

"Fuck you!" I stomped into the kitchen, grabbing a mug from the cabinet. I slammed the cabinet door then the mug, smashing it into pieces.

"Careful! I swear you have no idea of your own strength or are you just unaware when a wolf slams shit it breaks." Nicholas moved to the kitchen, grabbing a new mug and placed a tea bag in it. He started the kettle then return to his book.

"Goddess, I hate you." I whispered, half smirking that he just fixed me a cup of tea.

"God I hate you too, but I don't think either of them cares."

I thought about how true that was. Our makers didn't see an issue with saving my life by making me a hybrid. Why the witch or werewolf counselor thought otherwise made no sense? Why did I have to feel like an abomination from their ignorance when I was a witch gifted a wolf to survive and protect this world?

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