Ch. 87 - Disobedience

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Ryker POV

Elena knew the devil was coming for her and I would not be kind. She linked herself to those damn Alphas like the foolish child she is. How can she be Queen and do all that needs to be done when she so blindly trusted. Fuck that, she didn't trust those two, she link herself to them.

She watched me walk with slow calculated steps towards her and she gulped in fear. She didn't want to fight, but I knew she would stand her ground too.

I grabbed her arm, yanking her on to the dance floor as I spoke with venom in my words. "Tell me princess, what possibly makes you think bonding yourself to Nate and Damien was anything but a foolish decision? You should had asked me or atleast spoke to me before doing something so rash and stupid."

Elena's finger played with the collar of my jacket, trying to remain calm.

I knew I was raging, but I didn't trust those brothers. They were hiding something and Elena was blind from her love for them. She was a true Luna that would care for all wolves, but some did not deserve her protection. Just like Tyler didn't deserve her yet she almost bonded herself to him forever.

Her eyes remained aqua with a thin silver swirl as she slowly lifted them to meet the raging darkness of mine. "You will not question me Shadow and you would be careful to call me foolish again or I may rethink that all my choices of the day were not the wisest. Your sister waits for you, I suggest you leave." Her wolf had such an ethereal tone when she took control. I wanted to crumble to her feet, but my wolf didn't submit so easily.

Elena turned on her heels but I grabbed her arm again. "You dare.."

A man moved in to take her arms just as I grabbed her. "Oh sorry! I thought your turn was over. I was hoping to get a dance with our future Queen?" A tall man with dark brown hair and emerald eyes peered down at Elena with pure kindness and love.

"Do I know you, sir?" She asked, lost in his deep green iris.

I growled at the man, not liking her dismissal of my warning or the obvious attraction she had for this stranger. I knew I had to be careful until the time was right, but I was tired of waiting for the time to be right.

"No my Queen. I of course know of you, but we have never crossed paths before, we may never again either. Would you do me the honor of a dance?" The gentleman extended his hand and bowed his head to her.

"I would love too!" Her hand met his and she looked at their hands confused. She felt a strange connection to him and I was ready to tear him from limb to limb.

My eyes caught the King's and cursed at the whole situation. I wanted nothing more than to tear her away from this man for touching what was mine, but that was so far from the truth.

Elena wasn't truly mine and I had a mission to complete. I stalked to the King, trying to push down my wolf. I didn't dare to glance back at Elena dancing in another man's arms. I wouldn't be able to handle it.

"You seem rattled my boy? Is my daughter giving you grief? I can have her reminded of her place."

I let out an irritated growl, remembering how ruthlessly he beat Elena with wolfsbane only a day ago. "No my King. Just a foolish child. She should return to her chambers as her presence is causing too much of a commotion. She radiates Luna power and your people are swarming to her."

The King thought for a few moments looking around the room. He noticed as I did that almost every wolf's eyes were on his daughter.

"It does appear she has caught their attention. After this dance she will excuse herself. I must speak with my witch and see if everything is still on course. I admit, I was not expecting a wolfless girl to have so much Luna power."

I tilted my head down staring up with a diabolical smile at Elena, knowing the King was mindlinking her the night was over. She shot me a look, but it was mixed with both hate and fear.

I took a gulp, unsure what the meaning was, but I would not let go of my anger so easily. She needed to listen to me. I was protecting her better than she ever could for herself.

I loved her innocence, but with her title of future Queen, it put her in too much danger. I can't lose her to childish wants or tantrums from herself.

Elena needed to learn how to hardened her heart to the world. It would be hard for her because it was natural for her to want to care for all. She won't be able to do that and survive though.

Her father is a brutal savage, thirsty for power and will get it at any cost. Damien and Nate were brothers wanting to rise to take over their packs and become stronger than they ever been. I could see it in their eyes, their need to conquer. I didn't doubt either of them would use Elena's power to their advantage.

She needed to learn how to rule with heavy fist despite her kind heart. I wasn't even sure how she would do it, but I knew without a doubt, that I would protect against everything in this world.

She is mine now, she was always mine. I won't lose her or allow her to be harmed. Even if that meant going against her wishes, I would do what was needed to keep her safe and by my side.

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