Ch. 88 - Ryker's Rage

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Elena POV

The second my arms wrapped around the strangers neck I felt a deep connection. "Please tell me how we know each other. I can sense you are not telling me something important, something we are to each other."

The man squinted his eyes to me, debating what to say.

"We were once destined to be family, but your father made sure that never happened. Since the day I found out the truth, my only thought was to take your life in vengeance for what he took from me."

He paused for a moment, looking over my face and I looked wide eyed to him. I didn't feel afraid though, just shocked at his bluntness. "Tell me my Queen, do you feel your life is more important than others? Should some die so you could live?" The man swept his fingers across my check, tucking a strand of lose hair behind my ear as a shiver ran down my back.

The man spoke with confidence, without an ounce of fear that he just threatened my life. "I don't understand, but I would never sacrifice another for myself."

"Neither do I my Queen. I was not expecting you to be the image of pure untainted love. You radiate acceptance and family and I just want to protect you now. Dance with me and lets forget about who we were or should be for now." He pulled me in close and swept me across the floor.

I rested my head to his shoulder, soaking in the bond that was there but now severed. I wanted to ask so many questions, yet I couldn't form the words. He spoke of his desire for my death, but I felt that family connection he spoke of between us. I didn't fear him. I wanted to know him more.

My father's voice of irratation rang through my head that I was making a spectacle of myself. I needed to return to my chambers immediately after the song.

Anger rose in my chest that yet another person that was supposed to love me simply found me foolish and unimportant. Seeing Ryker stand next to my father I was filled with regret that I couldn't find trust in him.

He looked at me like a little girl that needed to know her place. Although he would not beat me like my father did, he would try to force me down just like every else. Ryker didn't have faith in me, not like I saw in Damien and Nate.

Then again, I stood here wrapped around a stranger who's only thought for probably years was to end my life, yet I felt not an ounce of fear. I felt a need for his embrace and knew nothing of who he was. Maybe I was foolish.

I let out a long sigh, sinking deeper into the man's arms. "I don't know why you would want to harm me but whatever my family did to yours I apologize. All I can do now is promise that no one, not even myself, will stand in the way of ruling our people with love and understanding. I pray one day you can find peace and forgiveness." I gave him a light kiss on his check then walked my way towards the devil. A sinfully handsome man that I knew loved me, but I feared he would never love me the way I needed him to.

"My apologies father! Ryker would you kindly return me to my chambers? My night has been a bit too eventful for such a undeserving Queen." My bitterness was clear in my tone.

Even my father paused at the power and hurt that radiated from my body. He quickly scuffed it off as he too thought very little of me. It didn't matter if I was a true Luna, he thought I had no wolf and was no threat. He would soon learn that was a mistake. Davina gave me reassurance of this.

"That sounds like the first wise decision you made tonight." Ryker responded, holding out his arm. He was obviously as stubborn as myself. I had a feeling the love between us wouldn't be enough to stop the fight we would inevitably have over the other.

"Trust me. It was one of the only good choices of the entire day."

I pushed away from him the second we hit the gardens, quickening my pace to my bedroom. I didn't want to fight, but I knew if we were alone another second it would be an all out war. Davina was clawing at my skull for control. She didn't take disrespect lightly and was tired of me pushing her down for so long.

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