Chapter 21 - Friends

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Elena POV

I let Davina take over so she could speed her way to the forest. I needed to get as far from Ryker as possible. I was almost positive he would head to the dungeons, but I didn't want to get caught if his big bad wolf decided to hunt me down instead.

I was 99% sure he wouldn't kill me. With all the trouble I found myself in lately, I figured that it was more like a 70/30 chance of living through one of Ryker's black eyed rages.

After winding through the woods, heading north of the river I found the fields I needed. It was technically a bordering pack's territory, but I prayed no one saw me steal some herbs. I planned on using some earth magic to make the ground fertile while increasing other crops production and I hoped it would be enough to compensate what I took.

I would of ask them, but I never even met them before. I didn't have time to find the Alpha and wait for permission. My people were dying and without these herbs they wouldn't heal. I had three bags slung over my shoulder and I began filling each of them up with everything on the list.

I felt large hands snaked around my waist and I jumped at the intruder. "Goddess, you just don't get the hint." I said spinning around and punched the man trying to feel me up. I thought for sure it was Ryker, but then I burst out laughing when I saw it was Nate. "Sorry, I didn't know it was you."

He gave me a puzzled looked that I so candidly thought some other man was grabbing me. He knew I wouldn't be expecting Tyler either as he has been MIA, probably hiding in our Royal bunker.

"Really, and who did you think was wrapping their arms around you, princess?" Nate asked with a taunting tone.

"Oh shut up Nate. It's not like that. Ryker keeps trying to drag me back to the castle and won't get the hint I'm not hiding."

"Alpha Ryker? Elena, be careful with him. He is very powerful and may want more from you then you want to give him."

"Please. Ryker treats me like a child. The only thing he wants is to lock me in the tower so the future Queen isn't harmed." I laughed at the accusation that Ryker wanted more, but I had to admit there were a few steamy encounters we shared. One that happened not even hours ago when he showed me how to tap into my fire magic.

"I'm serious Elena. There is something big he is not telling us and why he dismisses Tyler as King. I don't know, but it's starting to seem like maybe he wants you to make him King."

"If you're going to carry on with such a ridiculous conversation you can at least help me."

"What are you doing anyways?"

"There are hundreds with wolfsbane poisoning back at the half standing hospital. They need these ingredients to make more antidote. Here!" I handed him the list folded in my pocket and a bag from around my neck. "Collect as much as you can."

"Elena we have people to do this. A princess shouldn't be gardening or making medicine."

"I swear if you say one more dumb thing I will rip your throat out. Help or go back to your hole in the wall and hide like a coward." My voice came out more and more with a Luna aura making Nate smirk at me.

"I won't leave you alone or say anything else stupid, Luna." He teased me.

I gave him a playful look, feeling embarrassed I let my anger try to force dominance over him. Not only was he actually of Alpha blood, he was my best friend. I didn't need to force him to help.

We talked the whole time as we filled the sacks and I realized how much I missed just being with my friends. Ever since Tyler and I started dating everything changed.

Our parents were so happy that they were constantly arranging dates and political meetings to solidify the joining of the future King and Queen. Nate seemed to back off a lot as Tyler would get jealous of our friendship. Plus, Nate was two years older so he had been preoccupied calming his wolf until he finds his mate.

We headed back to the hospital and fell into a comfortable silence.

"So, there is really nothing going on with you and Ryker? He never tried anything or maybe something already happened?" Nate had too much curiosity in his tone. He can't seriously think there was something going on between me and Alpha Ryker?

"Argh, no Nate! We aren't even friends. He is a pompous Alpha that thinks himself a god or something. He treats all us like we are little kids and he actually orders us around. I mean seriously, I'm the future Queen and he disregards everything I say then tells me what to do. Princess go now, princess be quiet, princess go home, princess...." I shyly hugged myself avoiding his eyes, Shit! that was a little too much. I won't admit I have feelings for him because I don't. I don't even like Ryker.

"Elena please tell me you don't have feelings for him. I'm telling you if he pursues you at all it's because he wants the throne and nothing more. You can't trust him."

"Really! I'm so horrible that the only thing he would want is the title I would give him. You're such an asshole." I snatched the bag from him and hurried my pace to the hospital.

I was almost there and had enough to worry about then all this bullshit. No one ever saw me worth anything but my title, and even that they felt I didn't deserve.

"El, I'm sorry, that's not what I meant. El, wait up! Come on, you know I don't think your horrible." Nate pleaded, trying to catch up, but I just dismissed him.

"El! Seriously, just stop pushing me out."

"Pushing you out." I spun around to face him. "Me pushing you out? You were my best friend then just like that you started avoiding me. Stopped calling me or hanging around me." I snapped my fingers as anger fumed from my pores.

I took a deep breath as Davina tried pushing forward. I was exhausted and still had goddess knows how many to help inside the hospital. I didn't have time for this. "Whatever Nate! I don't care anymore. There are bigger things that need to be done then to rehash who pushed who away."

As I turned to walk away Nate grabbed my arm, pulling me directly in front of him. I was about to push him away when I felt his Alpha aura pouring out of him. He seemed like a quiet well mannered boy, but when he was pushed too far he was a dark handsome man with authority to make you feel weak in the knees. For some reason his aura felt stronger too.

"I'm so tired of this, El. You are the most important person to me and you know that. I stepped aside because I can never have you."

Tears welled in my eyes at his words. How did I not see it before? The love and devotion pouring out of this man that stood in front of me was also hopelessly in love with me. I leaned forward lifting myself on my tippy toes. "Nate, I'm so sorry. I didn't know. I didn't see it."

He wasn't sure how to react to my growing closeness to him. My lips rested inches from his and I could feel his need to consume every part of me. The frustration to give in or pull away was clear in his eyes.

"Fuck it!" he whipsered then crashed his lips to mine. I smiled feeling his warmth and love fill me as our mouths danced together. Nate was my home, my protector. I could always rely on him to be by my side and I don't know why I didn't see it before.

A moan slipped out my lips and I was smashed back to reality. I can't believe I'm making out with my best friend and at this moment that hundreds are suffering. I broke our kiss that left me breathless. "Nate we have things to do. This is ridiculously inappropriate. I'm ridiculous." I turned, quickly running into the hospital with red cheeks from embarrassment.

Nate quickly caught up to me and I could see the confusion and satisfaction on his face. We just crossed a line that friendships rarely survived. I didn't have time to worry about us right now though. Goddess, I made out with Ryker only hours ago. We really do turn into mindless sex animals.

Although, I wasn't overly excited the same way with Nate as I was with Ryker. Nate was comfortable, familiar, but most importantly I felt safe and loved in his arms. Ryker was a mystery that sent my insides on fire.

Oh my goddess, Tyler. I need to control myself. I blamed Davina and she just purred in my head flashing me images of having both Alpha's in my bed. Definitely not what I want to be thinking about as I walked into the hospital.

Nate opened the double doors and waved for me to enter. He stopped me just as our bodies passed each other and I felt that wave of calmness between us. "You're right that there are more important things that we need to be doing, but princess, we will talk about what just happened." He gave me a stern look and I melted right to him. Damn! When did he get so sexy?

I just nodded back to him unable to find words. I never seen him act so in charge before. I had to admit I liked him telling me what we were going to do. A smile slowly etched on my face as he followed behind me. I could feel his eyes inspecting every curve of my body and I liked it. What the hell did this mean?

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