Ch. 46 - Jealous Wolf

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Ryker POV

I just walked into the pack house from the gardens not in the mood to deal with this little game of manipulations. I didn't understand what these kids feared so much from the King either, especially Elena. She was the rightful Queen, yet she cowered to her father like a helpless child.

'Let me guess, the princess has you in a frenzy again.'
Chris smirked at me while speaking through our own mind-link.

'Not today Chris.'

'Right! Not any day, Ryker.'

'Update or fuck off.' My eyes burned into his. I was not in the mood and he knew it.

'Nate said he would give me a tour of the prisons once we have the Rogue situation handled. He is having some issues with one of their inmates not submitting. That little runt better not have laid on hand on our sister.'

'Nate runs the prisons?' I wasn't expecting to hear that. Damien seemed to be the more devious of the two brothers. Nate was too laid back to handle a position like that.

'Yeah, apparently his father gave him control when he was 15. There are many others involved and guiding him, so I'm not sure if he is a part of the experiments. We will know soon enough though.'

'Did you speak with Mom? Anything good on the thumb drive yet.' I asked feeling the tiredness deep in deeper. I just wanted my sister back and my life to make sense again.

'Nope! It was all medical trials and looked to be willing volunteers. The doctor is either lying or has no idea what else they are doing.'

'Fuck! She knows. She even told me about the witch. I'll deal with her later. I need to speak to the boy again. Hopefully he gets a vision that makes fucking sense this time. I'm losing my mind with all these little cryptic messages.'

'Ok, I'll find Damien and keep an eye on their pack.'

'You don't have to do that, Chris. Go home for awhile and take a breather. You need to separate yourself so you don't get in too deep and make a mistake. We have a pack and you are my Beta anyways. They will get suspicious if you hang around them too much.'

'Right, of course.' Chris seemed perplexed on what to do. He was usually the one keeping all the pieces of our manipulations running. Something was setting him off balance and I didn't like it.

'Oh Ryker, I forgot, mom said to be careful with the boy. Those with sight remember pieces of what they say and sometimes even see glimpses of the past, present, or future. He might become a liability if he knows who we are and tells someone, especially Elena.'

'He is just a boy, not much younger than Rosie. He is not a liability and the goddess chose him.'

Chris threw his hand up. 'Don't kill the message. Just be careful, that's all.' He spun on his heels leaving me in peace to think. I needed to talk to the boy and then Carm again.


When I got to the hospital I saw the Doctor speaking with some patients and decided I would deal with her first. She was wearing a red button up shirt and black skirt that hugged her in all the right places. I wanted to punish her for lying. My wolf was running rampant in my mind about everything that was happening.

I didn't want to admit it, but not feeling a pull to Elena earlier made my heart crack some too. I already knew it wouldn't be there, but I also never wanted a woman the way I wanted Elena.

A part me hoped she found her mate tonight so this uneasiness can go away inside me. I needed to get back on task and so did Chris. We were getting to close to the heirs.

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