Ch. 51 - My Queen

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Serenity POV

I was in knots all day feeling Elena's anxiety for what was to happen tonight at the ceremony. I did love the princess like my sister, but I hated being constantly tied to her emotions. I was linked to Elena at birth, both by the moon goddess, Selena, and the goddess of witches, Hecate.

I was to be her protector, but I didn't know much more than that. All I knew is that my mom, a witch, was killed only days before giving birth. The moon goddess granted me life only if my father agreed I was bonded to the future Queen of Wolves. My duty in life has always been to serve and protect.

My father stayed in contact through magic, but offered little information to me. What he wanted me to understand the most was that I could not speak this secret to any, not even Elena. This was the only secret I ever kept from my best friend.

It was unfair that I was born only to serve, but if my father didn't agree, then I would had not been born at all. Even if I wanted to leave to live my own life, our bond would always bring me back to Elena.

I helped the princess dress for her big day, then applied her makeup. I feel her uneasiness pouring out and wanted to make it better. I knew it was impossible for Tyler to be her mate and I feared after the way she looked so defeated that she would chose him anyways. Her life in this castle was more like a prisoner than any royalty.

My Queen had a big heart and a courageous soul, despite her father trying to beat it out her over the years. I believed she could be the change we needed. I believed she would become more than what was forced at her feet. I was just unsure how it would become possible to overcome someone so vile as the King.

Once Elena went off to meet her parents I slipped out to the gardens. Only servants that were needed to serve were allowed at celebrations. As much as I wanted to be by her side tonight I knew I wouldn't be allowed.

I made my way through the woods and grabbed a car once in town to my coven. I was born to two witches but gifted a wolf from the moon goddess. My mother was only days from giving birth when she was attacked by Rogues. My father swore vengeance on the goddess herself for allowing such a beast to run free.

My father was known as a powerful witch, one with powers beyond many in our time. That is why it is said the goddess heeded to his call. She didn't want a war with her children and the witches, especially one so powerful.

She gave the unborn child, dying in my mother's womb a wolf so I would be strong enough to survive. In return, my father had to pledge his allegiance to the future Queen of wolves and my life was to be bound to hers.

Elena was not born yet, but the goddess saw how the Fae were working it's magic into our world. The Fae gifted Elena with magic of all the elements which would remain in her bloodline forever. Someone with such power would be able to merge the worlds, allowing the Fae to cross over and finally come home.

They were a great evil that could not be allowed to walk this earth again. The goddess couldn't prevent it from happening to Elena, but she could try to protect her. I'm still was unsure how I could offer that level of protection to our future Queen, but I knew I would die trying.

"Serenity, my dear child. I'm so happy to see you home." A frail old woman spoke, wobbling on her cane to me for a hug.

"Hi Esther! It is good to be home." I gave her a long hug, letting my magic flow freely. I had to bound my magic in the castle, but here I could be my true self.

"What is weighing on you my child? Your aura is like a kaleidoscope of emotions."

"I have been at odds lately, but I came here looking for information. I ran into an Alpha that had gold in his eyes and magic in his heart. I don't know if I should fear this man or trust him."

"Interesting! I wonder if you have met one of the Shadows, my child. If so, I would be very careful, especially with his wolf. They are righteous assassins of the goddess and will eliminate any who possess evil in their soul."

"Well, I don't think I have any evil in my soul so I should be ok, right?"

"Yes and no. See these Shadows are also wolf and human so they too can possess evil or conflicting emotions. If their wolf is in control they can become quite violent and can rationalizing just about anyone as evil."

"Oh, I see. Homicidal manic looking to burn the world. Got it, don't piss off a Shadow." I kicked myself for the amount of times I threatened Ryker's life. If he was a Shadow then I was definitely poking at a dangerous demon.

"Yes, exactly, always so smart my girl. Come sit and have some tea with me. I want to hear all the latest gossip of the trouble you and that princess got into."

I giggled at Esther and took a seat to tell her all about the drama of being the servant and best friend to the future Queen of wolves.

Once I arrived back at the pack house I made my way through the crowd. I needed to find Elena and tell her what the witches knew.

Then some arrogant wolf knocked into me making me fall on my ass. I was not in the mood to deal with these arrogant beast.

I looked up at the man in disgust, but he seemed elsewhere. "Nate?" I asked in surprise.

"Sorry." He growled, reaching an arm to help me up then carried on as if he didn't know me.

"What the fuck Nate? Are you too proud to be seen with a servant now?" I yelled at him.

I shouldn't even be out here, let alone running my mouth to a powerful Beta. I needed to find Elena, but my anger always got the best of me.

I was born a witch, but gifted a wolf. My true kind were used or killed by wolves. We were treated as nothing but lowly creatures to do their bidding. It was hard for me to pretend I felt any respect or loyalty to werewolves, despite being one myself. Elena would change all this one day though.

"Not now S." Nate growled, letting his power wash over me and I instantly lost my breath. I never seen him so angry or so powerful.

He ran off into the house and I followed after him fearing he would get himself in trouble or worse, killed. "Nate wait! Please just calm down one moment and tell me what happened. I can help."

"Psh, a servant can't help me." He pushed forwards, running into the study where Chris and Damien were entertaining a few beautiful women.

"That motherfucker!" I swore then chased after him. I was now on a war path to slap that Beta until he apologized.

*** Finally a little bit of Serenity's POV. There will be more to come. Don't forget to leave a gem! ***

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