Ch. 30 - Family

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Ryker POV

I made it home just before midnight to a quiet house. I knew my family was all in there with my younger siblings sound asleep, while our mother and Chris waited for my arrival. I took a few moments staring at this house that we now called home.

My mind drifted to the idea of it being my permanent home. A place for my family's gatherings, bbq, and my own kids to run around. The problem was, I couldn't truly imagine myself ever having a wife or kids. It was always images of someone else's life I desired, but never a fantasy with me actually there.

It wasn't that I didn't want a family of my own. It was what it would mean for their life. They would be powerful Shadow wolves, fighting what seemed like an endless war, sacrificing their happiness for the goddess. Most days it seemed like the greatest gift to be anointed by a goddess, but lately it felt like a curse.

"Hey mom, you look as beautiful as ever." I said, placing a kiss on her head. In reality she looked tired and impatient for her death. I couldn't imagine my life without her.

"Please, you're too sweet for your own good, my boy." She said giving me a long hug. She needed to be reminded of why she kept on and her children was the best reassurance.

"Do either of you know what it's like to not be the favorite child? I've been trying to get mom to smile for an hour and all it took was one sentence from Ryker." Chris said with arms folded and a scowl on his face.

He wasn't really mad about that, he was just mad about everything. We all were feeling the weight of this mission and it barely began.

Chris is very stubborn in his ways. He didn't like to over complicate life and that is exactly what the heirs did yesterday. He blamed me for letting them get too close us.

"Shut up, Chris" I said, giving my little brother a hug. We rarely showed affection outside of our family's eyes as we needed to appear as ruthless Wolves that all should fear. When we were alone we were the closest a family could be.

Mom took out some pie from the fridge and made us both a plate before we all settled around the table to discuss our next mission. Chris and I gave our mother a thank you and inhaled her delicious apple pie.

"You do know my favorite is cherry mom, right? Just in case you maybe wanted to bake some one else's favorite, other than your favorite's."

"Enough Chris. I'll buy you a damn cherry pie tomorrow." I said rubbing my eyes. I was too tired of my brother's little tantrum. I knew something was eating away at him, but there was no time to figure it out.

"No, it's not the same... but I'll take it anyways." Chris scoffed

"Now now boys. You know I love all of my children equally. Ryker is rarely home so he gets favored the few moments I have him here. Keep it up Christopher and I won't ever make you a cherry pie again." Mom warned him.

I chuckled at them then took a deep breath. It was time to get to business. "Ok, we need to put a counter defense in play for the King's new orders. He wants Damien to send 150 wolves out to hunt and kill Rogues.

We need to track the routes and then get out any that can be saved before they get to them. I don't care if the true Rogues are slaughter. They are nothing but feral beast raping and murdering our kind, but the ones that are newly lost or in small packs abandon of a true Alpha, we need to recruit and get to safety. Chris I want you to head to Damien's territory tomorrow and offer your help. You can get the intel we need."

"No way. I'm done dealing with those self righteous cowards. Send someone else."

"I'm sorry little brother that wasn't a request. That was an order from your Alpha." I let out a snarl that made mom stiffen.

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