Ch. 124 - Banished

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Meredith POV

I watched the ceremony from a distance with a shattered heart. Everything we worked for was for nothing. Both my boys defied the goddess and now all the Shadows would feel her wrath. I didn't want to admit it, but I was growing fond of Elena too. This new life she was about to lead would be one of a loveless marriage filled with nothing but to please others.

I was sad for my son mostly. As much as I wanted them apart and I knew Ryker loved her. This could break our Alpha and our family. Too many secrets have lived between us for too long.

I rushed back to the castle to change back to my body. I needed to be there for my sons when they returned home.

I left Helena's body in the kitchen's pantry with enough sleeping potion to keep her knocked out for a few hours. If I wasn't able to return I at least wanted Helena to have a chance to get her life back.

Elena was going to need her and her husband truly loved her. Helena was a good person and she made a good life here in the Kingdom. I couldn't let another life be destroyed because of my choices. Although, I knew Ryker and Elena parting ways was for the best, I was still his mother. I wanted to protect him, watch him love and start his only family. It was unfortunate I couldn't do both. In order to protect my son I had to keep his love away from him.

Ryker POV

I dragged Chris through the Shadows to flee the kingdom and I didn't speak a word. I couldn't or I would just attack him. Chris could feel the anger rolling off my shoulders and he knew his death would be soon.

'Everyone must abandon our territory. The King is coming. Follow your Delta warriors to the caves. I'll be there shortly to explain.' I ordered my Shadow Moon pack, fearing the King already sent warriors to attack my people.

We walked through the woods for hours until Chris was ready to burst. He was itching for something and it felt a little too familiar.

I feared he fallen down his dark path again. If he hadn't I was sure he would with Damien's rejection tearing through his body. He looked to me with pure defeat, but I couldn't find pity for him. He was my brother and he took everything away from me because of his lies and betrayal.

"Ryker enough! Kill me or something."

"Kill you? I should fucking kill you. My beta, my brother." I laughed. "All your shit about me with Elena and you've been fucking Damien. No! Not just fucking, you marked him. He is a Shadow now too. Do you have any idea what you did to all of us?"

Chris lowered his eyes to the ground and began scratching the back of his neck. "I'm sorry. I didn't know he was my mate. I lost control and marked him by accident. I didn't even realize what I was doing."

I tilted my head, watching my brother continue to fidget, almost making himself bleed from how long and hard he scratched his neck. I knew what this was.

"Are you going through fucking withdrawal?"

Chris pulled his hands tight to his side, cursing at himself for being so obvious. He lifted his eyes to me unable to speak.

"This is great Christopher. You know what, I can't do this anymore. I'm done with all of it. I lost the only woman I will ever love and I can't trust any of you.

I wasn't supposed to be an Alpha and I obviously suck at it, so I'm done. Let our goddess take away our Shadows, the whole damn species for all I care."

For the first time in my life I had no desire to be a leader or even a Shadow wolf. I gave up everything for the goddess and I was left with nothing, again. I couldn't do it anymore.

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