Chapter 26 - The Day After

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Elena POV

Ryker and Chris returned with much needed food and everyone dug into the random burgers, salads, fries, and tacos that they brought back. As we sat in a circle of old friends and new acquaintances, I could feel a new bond we had with each other. A bond that I know not one of us ever expected.

I plopped on the floor ready to say goodbye to the long and horrible day. Nate plopped next to me, then Damien next to Nate. Ryker rubbed his eyes and gave into the need for sleep laying down next to me, then Serenity laid next Ryker.

Chris sighed, laying down between Damien and Serenity. He had an odd pull to this group that he didn't want to admit to, but I think he was too tired to fight it. We all laid together, forming a circle at our heads.

"I can't believe it was only this morning that the Rogues attack." I spoke with a yawn.

"I can't believe we are all still alive." Serenity said with fluttering eyes.

"We made it though. All of us have always made it together." Nate said, grabbing my hand then placing a light kiss on it. I blushed at the sweet gesture then cursed at myself in my head. I completely forgot about kissing Nate earlier.

How did I fight a battle, learn fire magic, steal herbs from a neighboring pack, treat hundreds of patients, and still manage to kiss two different men, well a little more than kissing with Ryker.

I needed to figure out what was going on with my emotions fast before I hurt someone I cared for. I closed my eyes to think about that another day. Today was done and tomorrow would be a whole new set of problems.

"Wait, where is fucking Tyler?" Damien asked.

"Oh shit, that coward must still be in the bunker." Nate said with a chuckle.

Damien lifted his head to give Nate a confused look for talking about Tyler that way, but then he saw his thumb drawing circles on my wrist. His eyebrows raised at his brother and Nate just shrugged with a smirk. He never spoke against Tyler or shown such affection to me before. This wasn't going to end well for us.

"Fuck! Everyone's still in the bunker. One of us should go tell them it's safe to come out." Ryker said realizing he was supposed to inform and update the King of the battle. They had blocked their mind-link while in hiding so they didn't have to hear all the cries for help.

"Fuck them. They will figure it out eventually. I'm going to sleep." Chris said and rolled over on his side facing Serenity. She smiled at him and pulled herself a little closer. After the day we had a little cuddling would be understandable and Chris was a handsome Beta with Alpha blood. He had just as much god like qualities as Ryker.

I started drifting to sleep then my eyes shot open remembering what Tyler was to me. I completely forgot he existed all day. Never once did I wonder how he was or if he was ok.

What if he came out looking for us and got killed. He would be laying dead somewhere while his girlfriend kissed his best friend and let another Alpha pleasure her in unspeakable ways. I let out a groan then rested my head on Nate.

Tyler would had reached out to us with his mind-link if he was in trouble. I needed sleep, then in the morning I would figure all this out.

Within a few minutes every one of us was in a deep sleep for the rest of the night.


I felt my leg being hit, stirring me awake. I was exhausted from all that had happened the day before and I didn't want to wake. I nuzzled my head into the strong shoulder that my head rested on, then drew a deep breath of his scent waking every part of my body.

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