Chapter 10 - Being a Kid

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Elena POV

I could tell that Tyler was fuming from what just happened. He wanted to put Ryker in his place, but he was too weak compared to him. I, on other hand, felt his waves of submission roll right off me. I could sense his overwhelming power, but I didn't feel a need to submit to him.

In fact, it fueled something inside me to defy him. Davina definitely wanted to show him she was more powerful too. I wasn't sure if it was a good thing or not, but I liked how it felt. My body filled with confidence, then I felt it emanated out of my pores.

"We are definitely going to the lake now. Go get Serenity and meet us in the gardens." He said kissing my check then ran out of the doors.

I jumped up screaming, "Yes!" I quickly covered my mouth and giggled as I rushed to my bedroom grabbing Serenity from the wash room. We were going to go to our old hangout spot. I thought if I could just get everyone there we would fall back into who we use to be. Old friends just hanging out and being kids. This weekend I will be 18 and everything will change.

I will no longer be the princess that can run off with her friends. I will soon be married and become the actual Queen of wolves. It was always my path, but with it only being days away I needed to be a kid one last time. I wanted to step into this next chapter of my life with Tyler and me in a good place and not like we are now. I was filled with doubt and I needed the reassurance that we were going to be ok.

"Calm down princess." Serenity said catching her breath as we raced to my bedroom.

"We are going to lake." I blurted out closing my bedroom door. "Quick, find a bathing suit and put it on under your work clothes. We are meeting the boys in the garden. Hurry before someone notices." I was talking a mile a minute, frantically going through my clothes.

"Ok, ok, calm down. Seriously, take a breath. What is up with you?" Serenity gave me a concerned look.

Before I could respond Helena came in. "What is all the fuss? You can't run through the house like children. I swear you girls are going to be the death of me."

I looked at the shadows by the door and watched intently as they became larger. It must had been the light from Helena opening and closing the door, but I had a eerie feeling something else was in the room.

"Sorry Helena, we are just changing clothes for... lunch. Yeah, Elena wanted to look extra pretty for Tyler, that's all." Serenity responded with a sweet smile.

"Alright, well hurry, but no more running. You are to be Queen Elena you need to start acting like it." She scolded me making the smile on my face fade. I was use to disappointing everyone, but not Helena. She was like a mother to me and I hated the look she was giving me right now.

Helena noticed the shift in my mood. She reached out and gave me hug. "I'm sorry child. I didn't mean to yell. One day very soon you are going to be a wonderful Queen. There is nothing that can make me doubt that. Now hurry and go met up with you future King, but no funny business, not until the wedding. You hear me child."

My face lit up with a smile as Helena showed me her motherly love I so desperately needed. "Of course Helena. I would never be so foolish. Once I know Tyler is my fated mate we will be married and everything will fall into place."

"That's a good girl. Now go and have fun." Helena said, giving me a kiss on my head before leaving my chambers.

I looked to the door staring at the Shadow again, noticing it didn't change size as the door opened and closed.

'Davina, we are going insane.'

'Agreed. I never been so intrigued by a shadow in my life. I just can't stop staring"

"Put this on and let's go. That was too close with Helena. We need to hurry." Serenity threw me a blue bathing suit, bringing me back to reality.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. Tyler and I ran into that demon Alpha while we were in the Library. I'm telling you, something is off about him. He got really pissed off when I said I wanted to go the lake. Then he called me stupid. When Tyler stuck up for me he actually said he wasn't the future king, just a toy I liked to play with. Can you believe he would actually say something so cruel like that?" I huffed as I tied the strings of my bikini.

Serenity chuckled, "Off or hot? I keep losing track if you hate him or want to fuck him."

"Stop! I do not want that pompous Alpha. He is infuriating, selfish, self absorbed... and just, I don't know... wrong."

"Riiight and while he was getting all big bad wolf, scolding you like a little girl, did you perhaps find yourself getting a little... turned on." Serenity wagged her eyebrows at me. Goddess she had a one track mind.

"Whatever! I'm not talking to you anymore." I huffed in frustration, again, pulling my sundress over my bathing suit.

"Mmm hmm. Your face is getting a little blush there. Are you still thinking about all the ways Alpha Ryker can overpower you?" Serenity teased, but I ignored her grabbing my phone and headed to the door.

As we rushed out of the room I took one more look at the shadow by my door. I moved the door open and close, then open, but it didn't change. I didn't know why but something was not right about that one black spot. Serenity grabbed my arm to come along. "What are you doing weirdo. Let's go!"

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