Ch. 45 - Truth and Lies

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Elena POV

I snuck off to the field to practice my magic by myself. I literally felt like I was going to explode from the pressure and anticipation.

I put up all the magic wards up to be undetected, then I held out my hand to call fire. Only sparks would ignite, but I was determined to find another way to call fire then to think of Ryker.

After an hour of no luck I cursed the goddess for making me this way. I had magic, but couldn't use it. I was a powerful wolf, but couldn't shift. I was to be Queen, but would never truly rule. Now, I was turning my anger to my goddess. I wasn't ready for any of this.

As my anger built so did a ring of fire, encircling my body. I was lost in the thralls of my magic, letting it take over all the warring emotions inside me.

My body began shaking violently, knocking my sensing back to reality. I felt strong hands on my arms and it only ignited the fire in me more.

"Stop, Ryker!" I screamed as he continued to rock me roughly back and forth. My vision became more clear and my eyes widened, realizing we were engulfed in a dome of fire. I slowed my breaths and let it slowly simmer out.

"Fuck Elena, you really can't listen to a single thing I say."

"Sorry!" I bowed my head embarrassed. My father was right; I was worse than a disgrace to the crown. I will never be of any use to my people.

"What is wrong with you, little wolf?" Ryker was pinching the bridge of his nose, looking exhausted. I stared at him while searching for a connection or a pull, but I only found pure lust. I was nothing of importance to him either.

"We are not fated, Elena." Ryker said as his knuckle swept my cheek. He could feel my desperation trying to connect with him.

The way he looked at me right now was like a father would a child. His eyes felt my pain, but he would never truly understand how deep it ran. So much I wanted, but could never have.

"Then why do you want me so bad?" I whined like a pathetic little girl. I just didn't understand why I felt such a strong pull to him if it meant nothing.

Ryker smirked at my words, like the cocky Alpha he is. "Because I can feel how badly you want me, princess."

I swatted his hand away annoyed. I was dying inside and he found it amusing. "You're such a jerk."

Ryker chuckled then sat down patting the space next to him. "Elena, we are both very powerful. Our wolves call to each other because we would make good mates and strong children. Your fated mate is out there and when you find him you won't be so confused. I promise."

"And if Tyler is my mate." I held my head a little higher to hide the disappointment at that possibility.

"He is not your mate."

"You can't know that for sure"

"Actually I can. One of my special wolf senses."

"Whatever!" I rolled my eyes at his cockiness. "Even if he is not my mate I will probably have to chose him." I sighed in defeat.


"You don't understand my father."

"Are you fucking kidding me?" His tone turned from cocky to sweet to lethal. Maybe I wasn't the only one conflicted.

"Ryker my dad will have his way one way or another. If I don't find my mate tonight I will be forced to chose Tyler." I sighed getting annoyed with myself for feeling so weak. "No, not forced. I want Tyler. He has been by my side all these years. Goddess, you make my head so fucking fuzzy Elijah."

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