Chapter 19: Hospital

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Elena POV

I was only a few feet from the hospital, but I barely had any energy left. Between fighting the Rogues, to using magic, and now practically carrying Serenity, I felt physically drained. My body could just give out any moment. Mentally, I was barely coherent.

The whole way to the hospital I cursed Ryker's name, which Serenity only let out a sigh or moan in agreement. I didn't understand how he could be so hot and cold.

One minute he looked at me in a way that nobody ever has, making every part of me give into him, then the next he treated me like some idiot child. On top of that, he treated all my friends like they were worthless, sitting below his feet.

It infuriated me that I couldn't even be thankful for when he saved me or how he helped me so easily with fire magic. Anytime I felt a spark of gratitude, I was instantly reminded what a self-righteous Alpha he really was.

Davina wasn't any help either. She was one extreme to the next. One moment wanting to rip his clothes off to show him who had more power, and the next moment wanting to flat out kill him. My wolf was just as hot and cold as Ryker. It was too confusing.

I stared at the three story beige and brown hospital that now has one side in complete ruins. It was like looking at a split screen of a before and after picture. One side a beautiful stone building with large glass windows sitting on top of a lush landscape. While the other side, was reduced to rubble with debris scattered over the ripped up pavement and sparks flying out from loose wires. I could still hear fighting in the distance so I knew the battle wasn't over either.

My territory has the best medical facilities in all of the packs. I always had a love for helping people and medicine fascinated me. How so many diseases and ailments could be cured or treated by mixing certain ingredients amazed me. I practiced real magic, but science always seemed to be the true mystery. Being inline for Queen meant that I couldn't indulge in my passion though.

Finally getting to the main doors I let out a frustrated scream as the automatic doors didn't open. I laid Serenity on the ground then called on Davina's strength to pry them open. After taking a few breathes I brought my eyes back to normal and picked up my friend again.

Serenity was barely lucid, but I couldn't chance her seeing my silver eyes again. I knew whatever was happening with my wolf was caused by a witch binding her, and whoever knew the truth would be in danger. I was already making Serenity risk too much knowing I had magic.

I tried calling for help, but no one was around. The whole area looked like an end of the world movie. Lights flickered on and off, trash and blood was scattered all over the floors and walls, and not a single wolf was to be seen.

I left Serenity in a waiting area so I could move more easily around and find help. After going through four doors marked "staff only" I finally found other people. I could hear what seemed like hundreds beyond the next door though. The hallway I stood in had just a few injured on gurneys, all lined up against the wall with some nurses assessing their wounds.

One nurse was softly speaking to a man who didn't seem to have any injuries. I tried nicely getting her attention, but she waved me away. I went to another nurse wrapping a woman's leg and got the same dismissal.

I looked around and screamed. "What is wrong with all you? I'm your future Queen and you can not just dismiss me. My friend is in the waiting room dying. I want her treated, now!"

The four nurses in the hall straighten as I spoke, feeling my aura radiate through their body. They were so caught up in all the mayhem they didn't even notice who I was, not that many people ever really saw the Royal family up close. They all repeatedly apologized as they rushed to get my friend. Two of the nurses scooped up Serenity and ran her to a room on the far end of the hospital.

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