Ch. 52 - Lost

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Nate POV

After Elena came forth to her awakening I watched her dance with Tyler already sensing the tension. He was not her mate which made me let out a deep sigh. I no longer wanted her for myself, but Tyler was not right for her. I would still protect my Queen in anyway I had to.

I stole a dance with her and we made each other laugh, remembering how close we truly are. I forgot how easy it was to be myself with Elena or how she felt like my home.

It had been hours since I touched my mate's skin and I was now burning for her. I was with Damien and Chris knocking back a few beers at the bar, getting annoyed at all the girls constantly swarming us. Chris and Damien were fighting the attention of a tall blond she-wolf who was looking to satisfy her needs and I took it as my cue to duck out.

"I'll catch up with you later. Don't have too much fun without me." I hugged my brother and shot Chris a look bye then walked out.

The second my foot stepped into the bordering woods of our packs I ripped my clothes and let my large white wolf run to my pack house. My desire to feel my mate was becoming unbearable.

I knew the bond would make us need to be close, but I never heard of anything like what I felt right now. It was like being separated from her literally tore at my soul. The need to touch her consumed my every thought and I knew no matter how many times I was inside her, I would always crave more.

I needed to be connected to her in every way, I needed her mark on my skin, and every part of her entwined with me. When she spoke of being pregnant it made me yearn to see her belly swollen with the life we created together.

I arrived at the gates, pulling my shorts on and buzzed myself in. The guards nodded in respect as I passed. I was going to bring her home and take her in my bed until she was with child. I needed her and I wanted our family.

The closer I got to her my desire to need her turned to desperate longing. I picked up my pace until I was running to her cell. I couldn't explain what I was feeling anymore and I would never understand it.

I arrived at the glass doors and punched in the code. As they slid open I froze in fear. Her cell was empty. I ransack every inch as if there was a possibility she was hiding in a tiny crevice somewhere.

Once I realized she was truly gone I lost all control and my wolf ripped free. I attacked every guard on my way out of the prison. My alpha aura poured out me making them answer any question I asked, but all they knew was that five wolves came and took her.

I ran from the prisons searching the woods for her scent, but I was coming up empty. After a few hours of searching I came across Tyler's mom and instantly attacked her. There was no reason for her to be there and not at Elena's birthday awakening. She thought the same of me, but knew I was in full Alpha mode and not to make me angry.

She told me some lies knowing I didn't believe her. I had told her the same lies though. After realizing I was not getting any information on my mate's whereabouts I left and carried on my search. I thought maybe Chris or Ryker found her and headed to the castle to find them. I didn't care if they were her family. I would kill them all for taking her away from me.

I ran straight to the fields where most the pack was drinking and dancing, colliding right into Serenity. She fell to the ground swearing at the arrogant wolf that just knocked her over.

"Sorry!" I growled and picked her up then carried on as if I didn't know her.

"What the fuck Nate! Are you too proud to be seen with a servant now?" Serenity yelled at me.

"Not now S." I growled letting my power wash over her. I needed to find my mate or I would start killing any that stood in my way.

I ran inside and the second I saw Chris, I lunged at him, pinning him to the ground. My fist wailed down on his face letting all my pent up rage and fear out. "What did you do? I want her now or you will die."

Damien jumped on my back trying to peel me from a half beaten Chris, but in my full wolf I was too strong, even for my brother. "Nate get off him. Stop!"

I spun my fist behind me, throwing Damien into the wall. Then my ears perked up hearing Ryker call out to Elena. I grabbed Chris by the shirt throwing him through the second story window. Damien cursed at me, jumping out the window after Chris. I didn't care that I turned into a full psycho. Hope would be returned to me or the world would burn in my misery.

Serenity stood in the doorway in shock, watching me beat Chris and then my brother with my fit of rage. Elena came into view from the corner of our eyes. "Do not go near her Nate or I will put you down." Serenity warned me.

I laughed at her words, thinking she was a weak servant. I wasn't after Elena anyways. I jumped over Serenity's head and stalked towards Elena with claws out and canines ready to rip anyone who tried to stop me.

"Nate! What happened?" Elena saw I was not in control and slowed her steps towards me. She was covered in blood fleeing Ryker's touch, but she began to calm the second she saw me completely Rogue.

"Not now princess. He will give her back and anyone that stands in my way will die." I raised my hand to remove her from my path, but suddenly felt a pull backwards and my back slammed to the ground.

Ryker just rounded the corner about to call out to Elena when his eyes zoned in on Serenity. Magic was being used and with great power. It was not something that occurred on a wolf's territory, let alone a pack house. Witches were feared and controlled by werewolves, never welcomed.

Elena ran to me as my body flailed violently on the ground. Her eyes shot to Serenity with tears welling.

"Elena you're covered in blood. What the fuck happened here?" Serenity walked slowly to us but kept me under her power not to move.

"You lying backstabbing witch. All this time you have lied and weaseled your way by my side." Elena's eyes turned silver and Serenity wanted to run for her life.

I was too consumed with pain of losing my mate I wasn't processing all that was happening with my friends. I needed Hope back.

"Me a liar? Your eyes show your deceit, princess. How long have you been lying to me?" Both women seemed to be equally hurt, but I had other matters to tend too.

I screamed to be free of Serenity's magic then turned my anger to Ryker. "You Alpha bastard! Where is she? I know you took her. I will gut you."

Ryker's eyes moved between the women about to kill each other, to myself, a feral wolf ready to kill him. He looked at us like we had all lost our minds and a killing spree was about to begin. "I have no idea who you're talking about, Nate. I have not taken anyone, especially from you. All of us need to calm down. Something is not right here and if we are not careful...."

I let out deafening howl that they all could feel my pain in. I knew that Ryker and Chris didn't have Hope. Someone took her and I didn't know where she was.
Serenity dropped her magic on me and covered her ears.

I jumped up and lunged out the window to head to the woods. I had to find her and I knew she was not there. I couldn't feel her nearby and I would die if I didn't find her soon.

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