Ch. 34 - Disrespect

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Chris POV

I finally calmed my nerves as I walked into the Blood Moon's pack house. I needed to play nice and that was next to impossible for me to do with all these conflicting emotions. I opened the study door without a knock and dropped my jaw.

The Alpha was between two gorgeous women with his head rested on one's lap as she stroked his hair and the other leaned on him with her hand on his shoulder.

"What the fuck, Chris?" Damien shouted at my rude intrusion. I didn't need his approval to enter a room though.

"I didn't know you were into older women, but hey, each to their own." I sat next to one of the women and loudly whisper to her "I'd be careful, he obviously has mommy issues."

"These are my moms you fucker. What do you want?" Damien's eyes turned black in rage. He didn't like me and he didn't tolerate anyone disrespecting his family. Something I would find useful to annoy him with.

"Really? They are hot! Are you sure you came from one of them?" I looked over both his moms and they gave me a flirty smile. I was tall and muscular like most Alpha bloods, but I had a powerful aura about me that made wolves, especially female ones, swoon at my feet.

Damien pinched the bridge between his nose. "Mom can you leave us please."

"Of course my dear." One said with a kiss on his cheek.

"Wait, aren't you going to introduce us to your gorgeous friend? You know I'm newly widowed, son."
The other said, leaning into my shoulder while sliding her hand on my chest.

"Mom, out, now!" Damien ordered, making them jump to their feet. They gave him a disapproving look that he used his Alpha aura on them. I guess I annoyed this little Alpha more than I thought. "Sorry mom, please leave us. I'll catch up with you soon, I promise."

Both women walked out and I gave them a wink and small wave bye.

"Wow, your mom doesn't seem to be too heartbroken over the lost of your father. It was what? Not even 24 hours ago. Do I sense trouble in the little Alpha's childhood?" I teased him.

"Shut up and tell me why you're here."

"I'm very hurt with your dismissive tone young man." I said playfully. I pulled out my phone acting as if I was adoring the screen. "And here I thought we bonded. You know when I saved your life and everything." I showed him the pic of us and Serenity all cuddle together.

"You're such an asshole."

"Yeah, but you'll learn to love it, they all do." I wagged my eyebrows at him and Damien smiled. He was definitely not going to love my presence anytime soon, but I did have a point about saving his life.

"Fine! Sorry for the rude blah blah. Now what do you want? I have an entire pack to run if you weren't aware how the whole Alpha father died thing works."

I looked at him for a moment trying to decipher what he was feeling. Ryker told me that he didn't sense any remorse, but I didn't think he actually didn't care at all. The man was still his father.

"I actually came to help. My brother told me about your Rogue mission and I just so happen to be an experienced Rogue hunter and killer."

"Really! A pompous dickhead like you can take the life of another wolf? Please, I'd be better off sending my baby cousins." Damien laughed at my ridiculous claim.

I slowly eyed him up and down, turning from playful to rage. I was a powerful Shadow wolf, stronger than any wolf here, including this little Alpha. My wolf would not be downgraded to that of a pup.

In a swift movement I lunged off the seat and pinned Damien by the neck against the wall. "Don't be fooled by what you think you know. I can crush you in a second little Alpha. I said I will help and you will be more gracious of my service. Understood!"

The second Damien hit the wall he panicked and started mind-linking someone, probably his brother.

"Stop calling your brother you weak little wolf." My eyes were pitched black and salvia poured from my fangs. I was a dangerous beast and everyone will recognize that.

"Let... me go." Damien tried to pour out his own Alpha command, thinking I was just a Beta. The waves of power hitting me were overwhelming. Stronger than I thought this little Alpha had in him.

"Make me." I tightened my grip around his neck and I tilted my head, watching him squirm in fear. Once I heard his heart beat slow I released my hand around his neck. Damien instantly dropped to the floor.

He was on all fours, coughing erratically as he caressed his bleeding neck. Once he healed, his face turned pure Alpha, matching my black eyes and barred teeth.

He lunged at me, punching me square in the jaw, spilling blood on his beige carpets. While I was leaned over admiring the forceful punch the little Alpha got on me, Damien kicked me to the ground.

"You low life piece of shit come to my pack and threaten me." Damien got on top of me and began wailing at my face, but I just maniacally laughed at his burst of rage. I kneed Damien in the balls then rolled him over, pinning him to the ground.

"I wasn't threatening you, little Alpha. You challenged my wolf and I was merely making a point."

Damien look at this strange beast on top of him in complete confusion. I had a murderess look on my face seconds ago and now I seemed amused as blood dripped from it.

"What point is that? You fucking lost your mind and gone Rogue." Damien said staring me dead in the eye. "Get the fuck off me." He squirmed some more.

I let out a feral growl liking these little exchange of power we had with each other. I thought maybe there was some hope for him after all.

"No idiot. That I'm stronger than you and I can take ten times the amount of Rogues than you ever could."

Damien tried to squirm his way out of my grip, but I had him pinned down. I laughed at his futile attempt to escape.

"Now say you're sorry for doubting me, and then give me a thank you for offering you much needed help."

"Fuck you!" Damien shouted then spit in my face. This little wolf didn't seem to understand the power I held. He would learn though.

My shadow wolf rushed forward before I could contain him. I loved to be playful but my wolf didn't tolerate disrespect.

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