Ch. 55 - Defeated

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Elena POV

My eyes shifted from silver to lavender to blue, staring at Ryker leaning against my door frame. I didn't have the energy to deal with him again. My head leaned to the window and tears slowly ran down my cheeks.

Ryker clenched his jaw so tightly his molars would crack in half as he watched me.

He slowly walked in my room, then lowered himself on the window seat by my feet. He watched every muscle in my body, careful he wasn't about to make me dive into a violent attack from him being so close to my body. He knew I was pissed and that he wasn't someone I wanted by my side. He also knew I was falling a part.

When I didn't move or protest, he grabbed my thighs and pulled me slightly forwards so I moved away from the wall. My swollen red eyes shot to his, unsure what he was doing. He looked back at me with a look of pure defeat. We stared at each other a moment in silence, then he moved behind me and pulled my back into his arms.

"I'm so sorry, Elena." He whispered, then kissed the top of my head.

I didn't want to feel his love and protection, but I was so broken I needed to feel something. I let myself curl into his chest and closed my eyes. I felt like I needed to cry out my soul into him, but there were no more tears left in me.

We were quiet for a long time while I balled his shirt in my hands and he slowly caressed my arms as his other arm wrapped around me tightly.

"Should I be afraid of you, Elijah?"

"Never." He replied.

"Why did Dexter see you kill me or my child as a possible future?"

Ryker let out a deep sigh. "It is believed your child will be bring forth the Fae. The goddess sent the Shadows to make sure your children are never born. I was hoping if I removed your father and Tyler then your future will change, but I honestly don't know for sure anymore."

"If the goddess ask you to take my life, will you?"

Ryker paused for a long moment. "No, I can't."

I relaxed back in his arms unaware I was so tense. I thought hearing him say no would make me feel better, but now I felt guilty. He couldn't defy the goddess for me. I didn't want him to anyways. My life was not worth whatever bringing forth the Fae meant.

I lifted off his chest so our eyes met. "Promise me, if she ask you that you will tell me. Promise me no more lies or secrets and that we can figure it out together."

"Elena, there so much you don't know." His blue eyes had a look of defeat in them. He was a strong man but right now he looked tiny and weak.

"Then tell me. Now that you aren't going to kill me we have time." I gave him a small smile with a hint of playfulness in my eyes. "Trust me, like I stupidly trust you."

Ryker watched me for a moment, like he was trying to figure me out. His knuckles brushed over my cheeks like I was a porcelain doll he afraid to break but needed to touch. I felt his need for me, not just sexually but all of me. "I promise I will be by your side so we permanently close that door."

I fully smiled for the first time in hours and it made Ryker light up he could make me feel a glimmer of happiness after everything that happened. My face moved closer to his and my fingers traced his jaw line.

He closed his eyes, letting my touch wash over him. He wanted me, the truth was out in the open, but I knew he still held back. Ryker let out a long breath before opening his eyes back to reality.

"We aren't mates, Elena. We both have someone out there made for us."

"I know, but they are not here and I need you right now." I closed the gap between us, letting my lips mold into his.

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