Ch. 28 - The Tyrant

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Nate POV

I couldn't get the image of that strange wolf I met out of my head. I wanted to tell Elena about it. She deserved to know that Ryker was playing us all.

Also, that the prisoner Damien and I now held was actually Ryker's sister. Something was off though. I had a nagging feeling inside me about her and decided to keep it to myself for now.

When I left the gym after overhearing Chris and Ryker talking about finding Hope in our dungeons, I had Damien search the cells by the pack house. The Red Moon pack had two small prisons. One was by the hospital for the lesser offenders, and one under the castle for high risk. I was expecting to find a feral she-wolf as she was kept in a heavily guarded prison and sister to Ryker, who scared the crap out of me.

Instead, I found a gorgeous, defiant warrior. She was almost as tall as me with long dirty blond hair in ratty braids from being in captivity. Her eyes were a mystical hazel and her perfectly tan skin coated her muscular physique.

She was the sexist warrior goddess I ever met. My first instinct was to mate with her, but I reminded my overzealous wolf we were there to take her as our prisoner to use as leverage. I didn't speak a word to her, just helped Damien escort her quietly out of Red Moon's territory.

Once we reached our borders Damien took her the rest of the way, but I warned him that no harm was to come to her. Although Damien was my Alpha, I was still his older brother who he looked up to his whole life.

I always protected my little brother, including teaching him how to hid his feelings of inferiority to me. It was natural that the little brother look to his older brother for guidance, but since Damien was the true Alpha and me the bastard Beta, he could never show it.

After the news the King announced of our father's death Damien and I left the castle in bliss. We dreamt about the day our father would be gone. He was an abusive man with no patients. He became so consumed for power that nothing else matter, not even his family.

It was rumored he found his fated mate but killed her because she wasn't a pure blood. He didn't want to chance the mate bond changing his path, so he removed it. He then took a strong she-wolf as his Luna and a beautiful young girl as his mistress. Both women gave him a son and he raised them to be in his image, ruthless warriors.

What Alpha Edward didn't consider was that his sons' had their own minds, influenced by our mothers and my step father, or how the princess would possess an aura that drew wolves to her side to protect her above all else. We learned from our Alpha how to manipulate and deceive, but above all else, how to bid our time until the right opportunity rose.

Damien was always more timid to go against our father, but with me by his side he feared nothing. I was the bastard child treated like a servant to the Alpha. My mother and stepfather taught me not to be jealous. I was raised to protect my little brother and I helped him to see the error in our father's ways.

When we arrived home we were greeted with somber expressions from our pack as we all mourned our Alpha's death. We gathered our mothers and my step-dad to meet in the office so we could freely discuss what was to happen next. Although we all dreamt of this day, we didn't expect it to happen so soon.

"My boys, I can't believe it!" Damien's mother, Destiny, ran to us clapping her hands together then engulfed us both in a hug. She was a 6ft gorgeously strong women with dark skin, black silky hair, and gorgeous brown eyes. A powerful Luna and is why our former Alpha wanted her by his side.

"Shhh mom. We have to be careful for a little longer." Damien said.

"I'm not spending more than 24 hours mourning that bastard of a Alpha. Our family is finally free." I said, squeezing Destiny tighter in a hug. I know how much she suffered under his wrath.

"Come here boys! We are so proud of you for everything you did to help those wolves in battle. You showed all three packs that they have warriors and protectors." Charles said, giving us both a hug and pat on the back.

He was my step-father, but he was the only father either us truly knew. He was one of the tallest male wolves with muscles so large that they look like they would burst any second. He had brown hair, light skin, and brown eyes. He looked like a mean warrior, but his heart was bigger than any other we knew.

"Your father is right. We are all so proud of the both you." Charlotte spoke, giving us her turn of affection. She was my mother and the Alpha's former mistress, but just like his Luna, she was forced to be the Alpha's. She had tan skin, light brown hair, and hazel eyes. When she grew older the Alpha found little use for her and allowed her to take her fated mate Charles.

Our parents were under the rule of the Alpha since they were teens and formed an alliance to end the cruel ways of the Blood Moon pack through their sons. For generations all the wolves in this pack were led by tyranny and harsh living conditions, but there was always hope that Damien and I would end that.

"Thank you! To be honest, we couldn't of saved half the people without Elena. She showed her true Luna side yesterday and it didn't disappoint. There might be hope that even with Tyler as King, she will show the kingdom a new way." I was proud of everything Elena did. I wasn't ok with her being with Tyler, mostly because I wanted her myself, but I had to remember my place.

The King was already set on announcing Tyler as the future King this weekend. Even though Tyler's parents made sure everyone already knew it the second they started dating, once it was announced, it would be official. If Tyler was who the king wanted then Tyler would be Elena's mate. There was only so much we could change at a time.

"Really! Elena was not in the bunker?" Charles asked.

"No. The King forced the servants out of the castle and S got snatched up. Elena let herself get captured to save her. She ended up fighting many of the Rogues, then used her medical training to help with the wounded patients. There were hundreds laid up with wolfsbane in their blood." Damien answered.

"Including your golden Alpha over here." I raised my eyebrow at my brother still not happy how he put his life at risk.

"What?" Both our mothers swarmed Damien, checking every inch of his body for marks.

"Stop moms, please, I'm fine." Damien said, chuckling at their over protectiveness of the most powerful person in the room. He loved that no matter how old he got they would always treat him as their little boy. I rolled me eyes at them with a smile. He was such a mommas' boy.

We all stared at each other a few moments, soaking in what everything truly meant for our family now. We were free.

"Ok, enough of all this." Damien spoke, breaking the silence and adoring stares. "The Alpha may be dead, but that only means we have a lot of work ahead of us. I have to meet Carlos to go over a mission from the King. Dad, I would like you to attend. I can use your advice until we get a handle of everything our Alpha use to do.

Nate, I want you to head to the dungeons and get as much information you can from our new prisoner. We need to know if the Night Shade pack is alley or foe to both the kingdom and our ultimate goals." Damien dished out his orders needing to get to work.

We wanted to enjoy time with just our family and celebrate what our Alpha being dead meant to each of us, but now an entire pack laid on Damien's shoulder for leadership and he barely knew how to do anything. Our Alpha father spent most of the time ordering us around instead of teaching us anything of value. I guess even the Alpha expected a much longer life.

"What about us, son?" Destiny asked.

I smiled at my moms eagerness to help. "Oh, you two better get some wine and enjoy yourself while you can. Luna Theresa is in redecorating mode. She has to rebuild the damage done to the castle, relocate El's Birthday party, and now plan an Alpha ceremony for your little boy." I said pinching Damien's cheek. He swatted my hands away but smiled at me. He may be my Alpha now, but I will always be his big brother.

Within 24 hours our entire life got catapulted ten years in the future. We weren't the heirs anymore, we were the future; Alpha and Beta of the pack most trusted to the king. A king of tyranny, that we planned on ending for once and for all. The how was still a little fuzzy, but it would be the only thing we lived for this day forward.

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