Ch. 3 - Little Wolf

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Logan POV

I never cared about PDA before, but to go all wolf on a random woman in an elevator was something even I would be shy about. Before I could get a word out, she bolted from the elevator and out of my grasp.

I cursed at myself for losing her so quickly to my touch. There was something about her that woke parts of me I thought were sealed shut. I wanted her for the night, and my wolf didn't take defeat easily.

I decided to chase after her. After all, she was a young girl running straight into the forest alone. What was she even thinking?

I followed her faint scent, which I knew she masked with perfume and magic. Before reaching her, I heard the growls and knew immediately it was Rogues. I cursed again but welcomed the challenge. I removed the hearts of all three wolves, then changed back to human form.

I had enough foresight to remove my pants before shifting and pulled them back on. After her little panic attack in the elevator, I was sure showing up completely naked would probably overwhelm her again. Goddess, I really wanted to overwhelm her, though.

When I arrived back at the lake, she was neck-deep in the water and completely still. I wasn't sure what the hell she was doing, but it looked like she had given up. Red swirled around her body in the blue waters, and she looked to be giving herself to the waters to drown her.

Fuck! She must be really hurt I internally growled. The last cut in her thigh was really deep. I saw the Rogue's claw dig into her skin, and her blood just started gushing out.

I stomped through the water, feeling an amazing sensation wrap around my body. It almost felt like magic, but that was impossible. I wrapped my arms around her and picked her up. Her body instantly relaxed into mine, and I nearly purred at that. I had no idea what the fuck was happening, but I liked it, a lot.

Once we reached shallower waters, she jumped from my arms and splashed water in my face. Seeing her playfulness brought mine to the surface. I went from full animal lust to protective Alpha to worried friend in less than 30 minutes all because of her.

As I chased her through the sand and water, I let my emotions go. My body relaxed and my heart swelled with her laughter. Then she said my name, a name that no stranger should know. It was the name given to me at birth, but one that shouldn't have been said. I was so lost in her beauty when I first touched her that all reasoning left my brain.

Now she stood there, waist-deep in the water, taunting me. "You are the worst knight in shining armor, Alpha Logan."

I instantly lost my breath at her words, and my eyes turned black with lust.

"You want me to rescue you, little wolf?" I challenged, stalking toward her.

I could smell her arousal as my body connected to hers. She was afraid of the contact but also craved it. Then I saw it again, something that should be impossible. Her eyes began swirling with thin silver lines. She was a silver wolf, something rarer than even myself. I should have questioned her, but my wolf took control.

'She will be ours,' he demanded.

The second I laid her on the beach, I had one thought and one thought only. I was tearing off her clothes and ramming so deep inside her. My midnight wolf needed to claim her silver one. She was powerful and beautiful, a strong female for my wolf to mate with, and he wasn't letting my human side even attempt to reason with him. What happened after that, well, I would have to worry about it later.

My large hand gripped her underwear, but before I could tear it into shreds, growls came from the tree line. This time it wasn't a Rogue, though. A powerful wolf, ready to kill on sight, approached us. I was now on the Alpha King's territory, and this could be considered trespassing.

"You have to be fucking kidding me!" I said through gritted teeth, letting out a roar of frustration. My wolf was more powerful than any I had come across, and he demanded blind obedience; something I spent years trying to control. I had one mission in life, and I wasn't going to lose track now.

We both jumped up and straightened ourselves. I wasn't sure what to do. I couldn't shift in front of her; no one could see my true wolf. Normally, I used a mirage spell to disguise my wolf, but I was running low on herbs. I had been leaving the club to meet my witch ally when I bumped into the temptress now fidgeting next to me.

"You should run," she said with frantic eyes.

"I don't run. I know the Alpha of this land. They won't do anything."

"Yeah, I know the Alpha too," she replied softly. Before I could ask her to elaborate, a pure white wolf positioned itself in front of us, ready to attack.

"Listen, little wolf, why don't you call your Alpha, and we can sort this out. We mean no harm, just a little lost," I said with a cocky grin. The white wolf was anything but little, but I knew I was more powerful.

Then the wolf howled for backup, approaching me with a deadly glare. He wasn't backing down despite the waves of submission I was releasing. I couldn't let my full aura out, but it should had been enough to make him cower. This wolf was on a mission. Something was fueling his drive to defy even me.

I held the woman closer to my back, and I could feel her muffled moan as she pressed up against me. "Seriously! Not the time, baby," I whispered to her with a husky voice full of lust. Her arousal was clouding my judgment, and I needed to watch every move of this white wolf. One blow from his claws could kill her.

"Sorry," she said, looking up at me with her big innocent eyes. The side of my lips curled up at her sudden need for my protection.

My tongue darted out, sliding across my bottom lip. I had no idea what was happening, but I completely forgot about the feral wolf ready to devour us. I wanted nothing else but to finish what we had come so close to doing twice now.

The white wolf didn't appreciate the blatant lack of respect and swatted his claws at me. Blood poured out of my chest, sending rage instantly through my body. My eyes turned pitch black, and I let out a deafening roar from my lungs.

She gasped at my overwhelming power radiating from my very pissed off wolf. She quickly raised her hands to my chest, and I felt a calm roll over me. The pain subsided slightly, and I swear she was healing me. I knew that was impossible, then it occurred to me. Was it possible she was my mate? I knew a mate's touch could calm your soul, ease your pain, and heal you slightly, but we weren't mated yet.

I shook the thought from my head. I was the most powerful Alpha to exist. I would know if we were fated. No, there was something unusual about this little silver wolf.

Before I could rip the white wolf to pieces and then question this temptress, she spun around and ripped what appeared to be a red wig from her head.

Princess of WolvesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora