Chapter 16 Cleanup

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Orcs are stronger than pure humans, but pure humans are born with more flexible fingers than orcs, and are naturally suitable for delicate work. Like picking, making up baskets, cutting hides and so on.

Lu not only has nimble fingers, but also has a good brain. His hands-on ability is better than that of ordinary people. After observing how Wu Nuo uses chopsticks for a while, he tried a few times by himself. At first, he couldn't control well. After he successfully caught a piece of meat and ate it in his mouth, the success rate increased at an astonishing rate. After a while, Lu grasped the essentials, without any clumsiness, nor like someone who was using chopsticks for the first time.

Primitives do not represent mental retardation, on the contrary, they are very intelligent.

Humans can stand out from countless creatures, climb to the top of the food chain with wisdom, and become the masters of the planet. How could their predecessors be so stupid?

What they lack is the accumulation of wisdom and knowledge. If they are given a chance to learn, they may even be much better than many modern people whose ideas have become rigid, and they are also richer in imagination and creativity.

If we have to say what is the difference between modern people and primitive people, we can only say that one is the successor of wisdom, who innovates on the basis of inheritance; chance of survival.

The gap between the two is just the accumulation of knowledge, but there is no qualitative difference in IQ itself.

For the first time, Wu Nuo felt such emotion. He didn't know that he would have many more emotions like this in the days to come.

After Green became proficient in using chopsticks, she immediately joined the army of meat grabbers. He didn't grab it for himself, and put the meat in the master's bowl.

Shi Hu was not embarrassed at all, on the contrary, he was very proud. His little slave is really loyal and capable, pick him some of his favorite burr fruit next time.

Wu Nuo's "chopstick age" of more than ten years is not for nothing, and we will not fall behind in 2V1.

Bai ate vigorously, wagging his tail triumphantly, his little angel was really powerful.

A large pot of stew, plus a large pot of fried meat, successfully supported the four of them.

Shi Hu lazily changed back to his original form, lying on the doorstep of the house with Bai Bing in the sun for a while, and then went to the Black Forest to look for food together.

Under Shi Hu's order, Lu helped Wu Nuo clean up the yard together.

Wu Nuo has never done any serious farm work since she was a child. When she was young, she went to play with her grandparents at relatives' homes in the countryside, and those who played out because of curiosity were not counted.

Lu Ganhuo is a good hand, I saw him use a blunt stone knife and axe, raise the knife and drop it with his hand, and after a while, there was a small open space in the overgrown yard.

Wu Nuo saw that it was easy for him to do it, but he realized how difficult it was after trying it himself.

The stones are brittle, and the stone knives and stone axes are directly polished with large stones in order to last longer. They are huge and heavy. Changhebuluo uses a pitch-black stone to make stone knives and stone axes. This kind of stone is more durable than ordinary stones, and it is easier to sharpen relatively sharp 'blade edges', but it is also much heavier than ordinary stones.

Wu Nuo boasted that he was very strong, but when he took the stone ax from Lu's hand, he almost broke his waist, and the stone ax fell directly to the ground, so it was almost impossible to hit his foot.

QAQ is really heavy.

At least sixty or seventy catties.

"Lord Wu Nuo, let me do it." Lv let Wu Nuo startled, he hurriedly caught the stone axe, put the ax aside, checked up and down to see that Wu Nuo was not injured, he was relieved.

It was because Wu Nuo was thin and small, so Green purposely took the smallest and lightest stone axe in the house, which are usually used by purple and red.

Zi and Hong are Shihu's other two slaves, both pure human females. Among them, Hong is already pregnant. Before the cold winter comes, Shihu will be able to become a father and have his first child.

For this reason, Lu has been worried, because the cold winter is really not a good time to raise cubs. The harsh winter weather, cold and lack of fresh food, cubs are very easy to get sick, and one accidentally died.

Lu originally had five brothers and sisters, three of whom died in the cold winter at different ages. Only he and Hong survived.

That's right, Red is Green's sister. At the beginning, Shi Hu only wanted to buy him alone, but after his begging, he bought Hong along with him, completely breaking away from the once hellish life.

For this, Lu has always been very, very grateful to Shi Hu.

"Lord Wu Nuo, you just rest by the side, let me do it." Now, there is one more object of worry for Lv——Master Wu Nuo is too weak, and he can really do well when he is with Master Bai. Through the cold winter?

Wu Nuo prides himself on being a big man, so he doesn't have the nerve to let others do the work for him, so he just stands by and looks at the stone knife. This kind of stone knife used for land reclamation is much bigger than the stone knife used in the kitchen. Although they are called stone knives, The difference is almost the difference between a big knife and a kitchen knife.

Visually, it weighs about the same as that of the stone axe.

"Do you have any smaller knives or axes at home?" Wu Nuo quietly twisted his sore waist and asked.

Lu shook her head and said honestly: "No more, this is already used by my sisters at home."

Wu Nuo: "..." She is not as strong as her sister, so I am so kind. (╯▽╰)╭.

Seeing that Wu Nuo's fat cheeks were bulging, Lu scratched her head, and carefully suggested: "Then why don't you help me clean up the grass I cut?"

Wu Nuo fully agreed: "Okay." As long as there is something to do.

Cleaning up the weeds is not an easy job. Lu is used to the job, his hands are covered with thick calluses, and some vines with small barbs can't touch him at all.

Wu Nuo also worked a lot, and his hands also had a thin layer of calluses, but compared with Lu's hands, his hands could be called delicate. When I went to hug those weeds and vines, I was often stabbed until I grinned, and my palms and arms were covered with scars, and some places even ooze blood.

Fortunately, Wu Nuo was never a delicate person, he gritted his teeth and persevered.

The daytime of the Changhe tribe is completely different from the nighttime, and the daytime is very lively.

After the hunting team went out to hunt, the pure people would go to the outermost part of the Black Forest together to pick wild melons, fruits and vegetables.

The hunting team of the Changhe tribe is very powerful, but no matter how powerful it is, it is impossible to guarantee that everyone in the tribe can eat meat to their fullest. Hunting is also a matter of luck. When they are lucky, they may encounter many tame animals and have a good harvest. When they are unlucky, they are likely to encounter some ferocious birds and beasts. Those beasts are also the top predators of this planet. Once they conflict with each other, no matter the outcome, they will pay a very heavy price.

Moreover, the Changhe Tribe and some nearby tribes, large and small, have been living in a relatively fixed place for a long time. The consequences of excessive hunting are gradually emerging.

If you encounter other tribes, especially hostile tribes, when hunting in the wild, a fierce battle is inevitable.

The consequence of the battle is that the prey is likely to be robbed by the opponent.

Therefore, pure people with relatively weak combat effectiveness who have not joined the hunting team have to organize and go outside to pick wild melons, wild fruits and vegetables. They need to hand over some of the picked things to the tribe, and keep the rest for their own disposal.

The main ones who go outside to pick are the pure males, and the pure females often need to stay and look after their young children, and deal with the animal skins according to Professor Dawu's method.

The women would keep good-looking animal skins and hand them in to the tribe to exchange for things they needed, such as salt, some rare items from outside the tribe, and so on.

It's early autumn, and women still have to sew animal skins of different grades into clothes to keep out the cold winter.

Compared with the busyness of the adults, the lives of the cubs are much simpler, and they form gangs and groups to mischief everywhere.

The lion cubs of the leader's family are particularly naughty, and they often lead the cubs around to do bad things. Someone's long teeth were let go, someone's meat bird was killed, or someone's cub was beaten black and blue. Wait, wait, at least six or seven out of ten times were initiated by him.

The leader often jumps his feet in anger, but he has a super protective tiger lady who makes a fuss, and the leader doesn't do anything. Relying on his mother's favor, the lion cub is very skinny.

However, yesterday he was praised by his father for the first time.

It feels, well, it feels very different.

His father even licked his fur, rubbed his belly and scratched his chin!

The lion cub is beautiful.

So, he decided to play with the little pure man from the Bai family today.

The little lion cub not only came to play by himself, but also brought all his little brothers with him.

As a result, there was a lot of free labor in the yard of Wu Nuo's house.

Soon, Wu Nuo found sadly that he was not as quick at work as the children here ╮(╯▽╰)╭.

The Changhe Tribe has never had the habit of eating lunch. Wu Nuo ate breakfast very late and was busy until the afternoon before finally feeling a little hungry.

The yard of the Bai family is really a bit big. There are so many of them, and they only do weeding and nothing else. It took a long time to clean up a quarter of it.

The cubs are growing up, and they are hungry very fast. Usually they mess around and find something to eat when they are hungry. Today, they have worked honestly for half a day, and they are all tired and hungry, and they don't want to do anything.

"Come on, let's go fishing by the river, and I'll cook fish for you!" Wu Nuo said to everyone with a smile after dragging a long vine into the haystack.

"Okay, oh, oh! Eat fish, eat fish!" The cubs were overjoyed, throwing away the weeds in their hands one by one, and rushed towards the river in excitement.

Wu Nuo went home and took a fishing rod and a hook, and said to Lu, "You also go fishing with us."

Although Lu is tall, she is actually only 18 years old. Perhaps compared to the average life expectancy of pure people in this world, she has already entered the ranks of adults, but she still has strong curiosity.

I wanted to go, but the master ordered me to work.

Seeing this green look, Wu Nuo guessed what he was thinking. Lu is a stubborn guy, but Wu Nuo said that he has special skills to deal with him, "Didn't Shi Hu tell you to learn how to cook with me? I'll make grilled fish later, don't you plan to learn?"

"Learn, yes Learn!" Lu said, his eyes lit up.

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