Chapter 158 Kalamanda

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  Bai made full preparations for this year's beast tide.

Before the arrival of the beast horde, he went to reconnaissance first, and after confirming the return route of the beast horde, he artificially interfered with some of the beasts, forcing them to change their route. And on these routes, the white people set up a lot of traps. The army of beast hordes was terrifying, but the small group of beasts that were separated from the horde of beasts after being disturbed by Bai was quickly wiped out under the siege of traps and the orc army in turn.

The dead part is used as food, and the part is marinated with blood salt in time to make bacon or smoked and roasted into bacon, which is kept for eating slowly, and the living ones are kept for domestication.

When the weather gets warmer, the white sweet potatoes sprout very quickly. The sprouted white sweet potatoes are not only poisonous but also taste bad. Therefore, like other tribes, the people of the Changhe tribe are also facing a period of failure.

The prey brought by the beast horde undoubtedly eased everyone's plight.

Of course, not everyone dares to attack the beast tide so unscrupulously. Many of the surrounding tribes wait for the beast tide to pass and pick up a few left-handed beast herds. When encountering dragon beasts, they usually have to flee for their lives. Therefore, they There will be gains, but generally not too much.

But the Changhe Tribe is different. Under Bai's leadership, although they will not fight the beast tide, they will not only deal with the sporadic beasts. When encountering dragon beasts, as long as they don't appear in groups, they dare to attack. After seeing the power of the white dragon beast that can be killed in seconds, the orcs are easily bewitched and have a feeling that "dragons and beasts are nothing more than that". Once the natural fear is lost, many fierce orc warriors will cooperate with Wu Nuo to prepare them. The witch medicine—

dragon beast, is not too difficult a prey to catch!

If the fierce performance of the orcs of the Changhe tribe in the beast tide refreshed everyone's perception of their strength, then Bai's ferocious performance in the beast tide was enough to shock every orc warrior in the Changhe tribe.

After practicing the "Beast God Jue" and "Beast-shaped Fist" provided by Wu Nuo, Bai has improved by more than one level in terms of the purification and use of blood power.

In the past, he needed the advantage brought by his wings to kill the dragon beast.

But now, with the power of pure blood, he can directly frighten the dragon beast. That's right, deterrence. Even Bai himself didn't expect that when he used the "Beast God Art" to drive the bloodline with all his strength, the tyrannosaurus, which has always been known for its ferocity, was so frightened that it stopped attacking, and then, unexpectedly, turned around and ran away.

In fact, the first time the Tyrannosaurus hesitated and ran away, Bai didn't react. Well, because he shot too fast, the tyrannosaurus only had time to take a step back, and he broke the neck bone with his hands with the power of blood, and tore off its thick neck alive, so that no tyrannosaurus was found. When the dragon beast sensed the power of his blood, the fear and retreat in his eyes.

However, when this kind of thing happened again and again, how could Bai not see the clues.

So, when he attacked the dragon beast again, he deliberately slowed down, and as expected, the fierce and violent Tyrannosaurus turned and ran away. It's a pity that it didn't have time to run a few more steps, and it couldn't escape the fate of being killed.

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