Chapter 161 Blood Salt Trade (Part 1)

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"Changhe's fleet has arrived at the Great Lakes Tribe. I heard it's very lively there now. The Great Lakes Tribe has even moved forward this year's tribal assembly!"

"Why don't they come to our tribe first? We have prepared so many insects for them Wax, what if they don't come?" The wingmen of the Nest tribe were a little worried. If the Changhe Tribe didn't want worm wax, it would be worse than soil. After all, the soil can grow things, and worm wax is useless because it can't be eaten.

"They will definitely come. I heard that a lot of boats have come this time. The boats are full of blood salt, and there are many precious things...

" Delicious food?"

"Of course! But it's so expensive, I heard that only slave owners (nobles) who live in stone walls in the Great Lakes Tribe can afford it."

Someone Chi asked: "... so many precious Things, aren't they afraid of being robbed? I heard that those guys on the boat are all pure people."

In this era of extremely underdeveloped information, a little bit of fresh news can keep everyone's attention for a long time, let alone about the Changhe tribe. A message from a super tribe. The wingmen who were patrolling the outskirts of the tribe gathered together unconsciously, all listening with their ears pricked up.

Seeing the people around him looking at him with scorching eyes, the Winged Warrior's expression showed a hint of complacency, and he pretended to be mysterious and said: "Root? Those pure people from the Changhe Tribe are too powerful, and ordinary orc warriors are not so powerful at all." Their opponents! I heard that on the way they came, a tribe wanted to snatch their boat, do you know what happened?"

"What happened?" Everyone asked in a hurry, all of them were extremely curious. It is generally accepted that pure people are weaker than orcs. Of course, it is not that there are no pure people who are stronger than orcs, but such cases are too rare. Take their Nest tribe as an example. There are at least ten thousand pure people in the tribe, and there are only a dozen or so people who can really beat the orcs.

"It was wiped out. The jackal tribe was completely wiped out by them, not even a single one was left alive."

"The jackal tribe? Is that the cannibal tribe that specializes in raiding small tribes?" This tribe is notoriously cruel. It is a pure orc tribe with more than 200 people. They are cunning and cruel, and they are very good at hiding. Even the Great Lakes tribe can't do anything about them.

"It's them! They heard from nowhere that there was a lot of blood salt on the boat, so they ran to rob, but they were killed by the people on board. I heard that the river was dyed red!"

"Those innocent people really Powerful?" The people of the Earth Jackal Tribe are notoriously fierce, but they were completely wiped out by the pure people. How powerful should the pure people of the Changhe Tribe be, and how powerful should the Changhe Tribe be?

Such misunderstandings, of course, are not limited to the winged people of the hive tribe.

In the past, he was at the bottom of the society. Wu Nuo is well versed in the principle that people need clothes and horses need saddle clothes. Some people don't look very good, but a decent and beautiful set of designer clothes will make people's eyes shine. Although Wu Nuo's clothes are all cheap street goods, since he became a street vendor, he has developed a pair of sharp eyes, and he can recognize a person at a glance whether he is well dressed or not. Because he often sets up a stall in the scenic spot, there are all kinds of people in the scenic spot, some people even if it is only a few cents, they will have to worry about it for a long time, some people ask for a lot of money, he (she) will not bring back the price, although Wu Nuo He doesn't charge too much, but he still prefers to do business with the latter.

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