Chapter 132

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Brother Amu Alai took Wu Nuo and Bai around the mountain for a long time, and finally reached the ravine where Alai picked up the iron ore.

This place has been separated from the main mountain of Gushan, and the people of Gushan tribe used to call it the back mountain.

The river separates the back mountain from the mountain range they passed through when they came here. There are some millet planted here and there in the valley next to the isolated mountain. As you go up the mountain, only the primitive forest remains.

Like the mountain on the other side of the river, there are few trees on the mountain, mostly thorns, vines and weeds, and there are more jagged rocks on the mountain than soil.

A small creek that diverges from the lonely mountain all the way down, flows through this mountain range, and finally merges into the river.

The animals on the mountain often go to the creek to drink water, and there are no ferocious animals around. The underage cubs of the Gushan tribe like to play nearby, hone their hunting skills, and sometimes drive their livestock here to graze.

At this time, although the foot of the mountain is not too cold, the place above the mountainside of the lonely mountain has begun to frost and freeze. Therefore, the snow water from the lonely mountain is also decreasing day by day, and the stream is on the verge of drying up. But after all, it is a stream, the surrounding soil is moist, and there are more green grass than other places, and animals often come here to look for food.

When Wu Nuo and the others arrived, they saw a few dark waterfowls frolicking in the ditch that was about to run dry. They saw people approaching from afar, and when people approached, they unhurriedly spread their wings and prepared to fly away.

Because waterfowl meat has a fishy smell and has wings that can fly. When there is no shortage of food, the people of the Gushan tribe generally seldom catch waterfowl. As the generations go down, the waterfowl gradually become more courageous.

Poor these waterfowls never dreamed that the few people who came today ate a pot of extremely delicious braised waterfowl meat yesterday. What's even more outrageous is that there is a guy with wings that can fly among these few people!

What's even worse is that this flying guy didn't mind catching a few of them, but he chased them all the way to their old nests, cleaned out their nests, and caught the husband (mother-in-law) and children together.

Bai's trip was fruitful, not to mention more than 20 waterfowl, big and small, and more than 20 waterfowl eggs.

There are only eight large waterfowls that can be eaten, and the rest are waterfowls that have just hatched. There is no meat at all. If you throw them away, they may not survive the cold winter. Seeing that Bai and Wu Nuo were not going to ask for it, they asked for it and prepared to take it back to raise themselves.

Alai was still drooling thinking about the braised waterfowl meat last night, and vowed to help his brother raise it together.

As a result, before the little meat birds were tied up one by one, Alai led Wu Nuo to run away, found the place where he picked up iron ore last time, and jumped directly into the creek. Before he could speak, he was bitten When the stream froze, he managed to maintain his human form all morning, and turned into a chubby boy with long ears. He staggered and fell into the water. The hair on his fat belly was wet, and his pair of beautiful long ears suddenly became blurry. It drooped down, showing a capitalized '打街'.

Bai Damiao raised the corners of his mouth indiscriminately, and before Wu Nuo got into the water, he grabbed Alai's long ears and threw him to the shore.

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