Chapter 120 Blessing

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The location for the blessing sacrifice was chosen outside the Dahu Tribe, on a river beach near the river. The tributes for the sacrifice were wild animals hunted by the slaves themselves, and wild fruits picked by themselves.

Compared with the Changhe Tribe, the Dahu Tribe had a much stricter system, and slaves were absolutely not eligible to participate in sacred sacrifices, unless they were sacrifices.

When Wu Nuo told those slaves that he would hold a prayer ceremony for them before them, the slaves couldn't believe their ears. The great surprise made them so happy that they didn't know what to do. Nuo's gratitude, reverence, loyalty and other feelings have reached a new height.

Wu Nuo held this blessing sacrifice not simply because he wanted to gain the loyalty of these slaves and to show off his reputation. He really hoped that they would be blessed in the dark, and that they could reach the Changhe Tribe smoothly.

Wu Nuo was no longer dancing a sacrificial dance. He solemnly put on the sacrificial dress prepared for him by the great witch earlier, put on the crown, and held a cane. "Elementary)" and "Elementary Meditation", the majestic witch power that does not match his age pours out, but he himself seems to be integrated with the world. The long-term practice of "Basic Physical Technique" has laid a solid foundation for him, and his dancing posture is exceptional. The light, clear and melodious singing like a teenager lifts people's spirits, and at the same time creates countless awes in their hearts.

Countless spots of light, invisible to the naked eye of ordinary people, gathered from all directions between the sky and the earth, and scattered on the pious prostrate slaves one after another. The slaves didn't know what happened at all. They just felt that their bodies became light and light as Master Wu Nuo sang, and their bodies became extremely light. It seemed that even the old diseases that occasionally ached had disappeared. It was indescribable. persuade.

"This, how is this possible?" In the distance, Wu Yue, who watched the blessing and sacrifice with Hu Lang and others, muttered to himself, unable to recover from the shock for a long time.

"Big Wu, what's the matter?" Hu Lang asked.

"Wu Nuo, definitely not an ordinary great witch bloodline, he, he..."

"What's wrong with him?" Hu Lang's face was serious.

"I don't know what to say. I have never seen a person with the bloodline of a great witch who is as talented as him, not even in my family's heritage. He will definitely become a very powerful great witch." Wu Yue murmured He muttered, his eyes full of horror.

Wu Yue's eldest grandson, Wu Bing, stood behind her. The mature young man who had always been conceited about his talent knew for the first time what is beyond the sky.

"Big Wu, I want to travel to the Changhe Tribe." The boy's voice was extremely firm.

This is not the first time that Wu Bing proposed to travel, but only this time Wu Yue agreed to him without hesitation: "Okay, when the waterway is opened, you go with Samba, and then remember to tell Lord Wu Quan for me. Greetings."

Wu Bing didn't expect her grandmother to agree, and she was stunned for a moment before she realized, nodded again and again, her eyes were full of excitement and excitement.

Still a child after all.

Wu Yue sighed secretly in her heart, and her eyes returned to the figure singing softly and dancing in the morning light.

Outstanding talent.

There is no such word in the language of the Great Lake Tribe, but Wu Yue vaguely has this concept in her heart.

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