Chapter 155 Placement

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In order to repay the terrible debts of the Changhe Tribe, the Muyuan Tribe could only choose to plunder the surrounding and the tribes that came to seek refuge by all means.

A large number of defectors, no matter pure humans or orcs, were taken in as slaves by the people of the Muyuan tribe.

Once the cold winter is over, these slaves will be compensated to the Changhe Tribe as war reparations. Since these people will not serve themselves in the future, there is no need to be too polite to them. Fortunately, there is no work to do in the cold winter, otherwise the Muyuan tribe will definitely squeeze out the last bit of use value of these slaves. It is also because there is nothing to do, they don't need to feed these slaves too much, as long as they can't die.

However, as more and more people came to Muyuan, no matter how little food was given to them, the Muyuan tribe gradually felt that it was difficult to provide food for so many people every day. Of course, in a short period of time, it is not impossible for the Muyuan tribe to only maintain the most basic food needs of these people, but when they think that these slaves will be compensated to the Changhe tribe in the future, they really don't want to give them even a bite of food eat.

The leader of the great witch in Muyuan and a few other high-level people who could talk to each other, after a little discussion, immediately decided without hesitation to send these slaves to Changhe first.

The first batch of slaves sent away were basically pure people.

The Muyuan tribe is not stupid. This battle has seriously damaged their vitality. They urgently need the orcs to supplement their strength. Even if the price of the orc slaves is very high, they are still reluctant to give up their powerful fighting power to the Changhe tribe in a short time.

The Muyuan tribe sent all the pure human slaves they could send away, no matter men, women, old or young, to the Changhe tribe.

The distance between Muyuan and Changhe is not too close. When this group of slaves finally arrived at the Changhe tribe, there were only more than 3,000 slaves left. Rao is that the pure people on this planet are much stronger than ordinary people on earth. Muyuan also provided them with a small amount of food, but as many as a thousand people died on the road.

As for those who finally arrived in Changhe, most of them were in poor mental and physical condition, and almost all of them were either wounded or sick.

In normal times, it is impossible for anyone to want such a slave.

Mu Yuan, who was in charge of escorting these slaves, was very guilty. They lost this battle completely. Except for a very few soldiers who fled and fled back to the tribe, the others died and were captured. According to the guy, the Changhe Tribe is terrifyingly powerful. Even weak beast-level orcs who are not much stronger than pure humans can easily kill ferocious beast-level orcs (not), and Yihubai didn't even make a move at all. Their strongest The warrior lion shepherd was captured. According to this statement, there is no difference between them entering the Changhe and the Longtan Tiger's Den now.

As for the slaves, they are even more guilty. If the Changhe tribe refuses to accept them at this time, then they really have only a dead end.

But after they bit the bullet and entered the Changhe Tribe, they realized that the Changhe Tribe was not scary at all. Behind the tall ice wall, there are many beautiful houses, and the streets are so clean that no snow can be seen at all, and some tender greenery can even be seen on the side of the road.

This, how is this possible!

The people who came from the pasture were very surprised. They couldn't believe their eyes. No one knew the cold better than them. Shouldn't these tender grass start to germinate after the end of the cold winter?

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