Chapter 163 Wildebeest

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Sailing against the current, the return speed of the ship was much slower than when it came. Due to the large amount of iron ore, insect wax, guli and corn, the ship was not only stuffed with no extra seams, but the load was almost to the limit. In this way, there is no extra space on the ship for the traded slaves.

The number of these slaves is quite a lot, more than 1,200 people.

Most of the slaves came from the Great Lakes Tribe, and a small part came from the Lone Mountain Tribe.

Except for the old and young relatives who traded back at Tupan and their own pockets, the other slaves were young and middle-aged slaves between 17 and 25 years old. Nearly half of these slaves were war slaves with very good combat effectiveness. They are not war slaves, but they are all very strong, and there are more than a dozen of them who are skilled talents in exchange for high prices. They are very good at domesticating livestock, can help livestock deliver babies, and can use some humble weeds to treat livestock diseases. If they can be successfully brought back to the tribe, it will definitely be a great boost to the tribe.

But neither Xing nor Bai expected that this transaction was so successful that they got much more supplies than expected, so that there was no room for these people on the big ship.

what to do?

Xing has considered various methods, even a very bold idea, just like opening up a sub-tribe, finding a suitable place for these slaves to stay, and opening up a brand new sub-tribe completely attached to the Changhe tribe from scratch.

However, this idea was eventually overturned by him.

Without him, it is mainly heartache.

These slaves were not like those who were used by the Muyuan tribe to pay off their debts. They were all bought with bags of blood salt, which was a large amount of wealth of the tribe. Although there is no essential difference between these slaves and those who were used by the Muyuan tribe to settle accounts, in the eyes of Xing and all other crew members involved in the transaction, these people represent packets of red blood salt. A fine coin. If you don't take them back to the tribe, you will be at a loss.

Moreover, it is too far away from the Changhe Tribe, unlike the newly-built sub-tribe, which is only a day or two away from the Changhe Tribe, and even a little trouble can't be hidden from them, but here is at least two or three months away from the Changhe Tribe by land. , It is beyond reach. If these slaves became rebellious, or simply ran away, there was nothing they could do.

Gritting his teeth, Xing decided to follow these people first, and wait for Yi Hu Bai to come over before making a decision.

Bai miscalculated the speed at which Xing and the others went south. When he was reluctant to part with being "ruthlessly kicked out of the house" by his partner and "son", Xing and the others had already started their return journey. It's a mighty... er, a short walk.

Due to the extraordinarily "large number of people", and the fact that they fiercely wiped out the notorious local jackal tribe nearby, Xing and the others walked very smoothly on this journey, and no one dared to take the initiative to provoke them.

The crew members who are eager to take the opportunity to get some 'war reparations' are extremely depressed_(:зゝ∠)_There

are more than a thousand people, and they need to consume a lot of food every day. The food that Xing and the others brought from the tribe was eaten up on the way here. Although they also exchanged some food that was easy to keep with each tribe before returning, but because there are too many other supplies, there is too much room for food. It is limited and simply cannot supply the food needs of all people.

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