Chapter 68: The Cellar

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It took a full 45 days on the way back. Da Wu, Li and other orc warriors finally returned to the tribe with a large amount of supplies and slaves without any danger.

Although this journey took a lot of time, overall it went smoothly. I didn't meet a guy who cut off the road. Except for 6 slaves who were too seriously injured and died on the road, all the other slaves were quite a few. was brought back.

The great witch recited the death curse for the dead slaves, held a simple funeral ceremony, and asked people to dig a pit on the spot, and buried them in the forest.

The big witch's move greatly reassured the slaves who had been worried about being used as reserve food and eating it in the cold winter.

In the view of the nearby tribal residents, only the dead who were buried by the great witches or priests of the tribe and held the funeral can return to the arms of the beast gods and return to the realm of the gods, and will never suffer from hunger, pain, or disease. troubled. On the contrary, you will fall into the demon realm, and your eternal life will be accompanied by hunger, pain, and frenzy.

Death is the way to new life. Death is the beginning of life.

Not only the tribes near the Black Forest, but also many people outside the forest think so.

Generally speaking, only ordinary residents of the tribe are eligible to enjoy funerals held by priests, and only tribe warriors can enjoy funerals held by tribal great witches.

It is not bad for slaves not to be taken by their masters to feed their prey after death. There will be no priests to hold funeral ceremonies for them, let alone tribal witches.

Many old slaves looked at the slaves who passed away amidst the deep chanting of the great witch, and they were so envious that they wished to replace them with their own bodies.

An old slave who can live through 35 cold winters, not to mention how smart he is, must have experienced a lot in his life. Compared with the young slaves and slave cubs who still had fear in their hearts, they were completely sure that the Changhe Tribe would definitely not use them as rations to exchange them back. A few old guys also knew that the Changhe Tribe went to their tribe to exchange white sweet potatoes. After thinking about it, and after some old slaves from a distant tribe with planting experience, they had a vague guess in their hearts.

Slowly, an orc warrior finally 'accidentally' leaked the fact that the tribe planted a lot of white sweet potatoes, so that they would not starve in the cold winter.

The orc warrior who leaked his words was reprimanded by the big witch in public, and when he came down, he was punished severely. His slumped head and remorseful appearance proved the truth of the matter from the side.

At this moment, even the young slaves came to their senses, and the haze in their hearts completely dissipated, and the few slaves who wanted to escape completely gave up their thoughts and followed the large army obediently.

The days in the cold winter are difficult, and even the ordinary residents of the tribe who own private property have to suffer from cold and starvation, let alone them?

Most of the slaves were frozen to death and starved to death in the cold winter.

Now that the Changhe Tribe has food, even if they are allowed to eat two bites of white sweet potatoes, as long as they can survive the cold winter, who would want to run away?

When they finally came to the Changhe Tribe and saw the fields of white sweet potatoes, a hint of joy and a smile finally burst out on the numb faces of the slaves.

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