Chapter 134 Communication

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After the two tribes reached an oral agreement on the blood salt and iron ore trade, the white belts went to move the nearly ten thousand catties of blood salt hidden in the cave to the Gushan tribe.

According to the transaction agreement, these blood salts can be exchanged for almost 500,000 catties, which is equivalent to nearly 250 tons of iron ore. However, Wu Nuo's space ring has limited space, and there are some blood salts and other things exchanged from the Great Lakes Tribe stuffed in it, which cannot be loaded at all. How much iron ore.

Since iron ore takes up more space, Wu Nuo can only use blood salt to exchange some other things with the Gushan Tribe.

The price of one catty of blood salt and ten catties of millet was exchanged for thousands of catties of millet seeds and thousands of catties of corn.

Because the taste and nutritional value of corn are better than the original rice, Wu Nuo wanted to exchange some more, but the production of the Gushan Tribe this year is not high, which is already the limit of what they can trade to Wu Nuo.

The Gushan Tribe's unique fruit and vegetable seeds and witch medicine seeds Wu Nuo exchanged hundreds of catties, because the Gushan Tribe's planting skills have surpassed most tribes, so they also value plant seeds more than most tribes. Therefore, Wu Nuo didn't even think about buying cheap goods from them.

What's more, there is an old and mature Wu Zhu!

There are more than 100 catties of seeds planted in this forest, some are common and some are extremely precious, which cost Wu Nuo a full 2,000 catties of blood salt.

Fortunately, these seeds were processed and preserved very well, unlike the cheap ones he bought from the Great Lakes tribe, which were mixed with a lot of moldy seeds with empty shells. Although they didn't take advantage of it, it was not a disadvantage.

Bai previously picked up several waterfowl nests and picked up more than 20 waterfowl eggs, but there is no guarantee that these eggs will hatch into small waterfowls. Wu Nuo traded more than 500 waterfowl eggs with the Gushan Tribe.

Waterfowl eggs, like waterfowl, have a fishy smell. People in Gushan seldom take the initiative to find waterfowl eggs. Now that they heard that waterfowl eggs can be exchanged for blood salt, all the waterfowl around the tribe fell ill with blood.

However, now is not the best time to incubate waterfowl. Even if the waterfowl eggs hatch in this season, the cubs will die of cold and hunger. Only waterfowl that have just grown up and have no experience in raising waterfowl will choose this time to give birth by mistake. The eggs hatch young. Therefore, even if so many waterfowl eggs were taken away, it would not have any impact on the waterfowl population in Gushan. Even, in a sense, Wu Nuo saved these cubs who should have paid for their parents' mistakes.

In addition to these, Wu Nuo also exchanged a lot of witchcraft that can only be found here in the lonely mountain. The most precious one is the powder made from the dead leaves and branches of the Changshengmu people after the cold winter. The other witch medicine unique to Liangwei Gushan is the 'quick-acting hemostatic and muscle-building powder' that Wu Nuo saw Wu Zhu use earlier.

These things are not cheap, especially the dead leaves and branches of the Longevity Wood tribe, which are very rare. The Gushan tribe had already used part of it to exchange coarse salt with the Dahu tribe, so there were very limited ones that could be sold to Wu Nuo.

Wu Nuo spent a full two thousand catties of blood salt, only to exchange for about ten catties and use these dead leaves and branches to grind them into powder.

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