Chapter 58 Wheat

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Bai's response was to turn back into a fat cat cub, squatting at Wu Nuo's feet, his tail brushing against his calf every time, his cold and chubby face showing a bit of innocence and inexplicability.

Hei Yu, the little princess of the Xigu tribe, was dumbfounded. How could such a beautiful orc be a cat beast? And it's a soft and fat cat cub! Could it be that the owner of that powerful aura just now is someone else?

Heiyu was a little uncertain. Facing the sudden hostility, she and the other giant pythons subconsciously paid attention to the tall and strong Beastman in the crowd, and directly ignored Wu Nuo and Bai, who had no threatening appearance at all, until Bai spoke out. She just noticed him, with his vigor and appearance, he is definitely a good partner for having a baby!

It turned out that the animal shape turned out to be a cat cub!

The heart of the little black jade princess was broken.

Beastmen advocate toughness, strength, and ferocity, and strength determines everything. No matter how beautiful the human form is, what use is the animal form of a cat?

The cats and beasts only accounted for a large number of people, so they barely ranked into the middle-level tribe. Apart from their flexible stature and night vision, they had a racial advantage, and their combat effectiveness was not as good as some powerful pure human warriors. If it weren't for the fact that there are many beautiful female orcs in the cat and beast clan, and they are related to many tribes through marriage, they would have been trampled down a long time ago.

As the little princess of the Valley Tribe, Heiyu is extremely beautiful, and her strength is also extremely strong. There are not many orcs who pursue her. Her vision is high, how could she be interested in a cat or beast cub?

In a very short period of time, Bai made a precise judgment, transformed into a cat-beast form, dispelled Black Jade's thoughts without any words, and cleverly concealed his own strength.

"You want to have a baby with me?" the fat cat asked blankly.

"Who wants to have a cub with you? Dreaming!" Hei Yu turned his face faster than a book, and instantly changed back to his animal form.

"Oh." Fat Cat's flat voice could not hear any emotion, but the color of his eyes seemed darker than usual.

Finally, a storm dissipated invisible. The eyes of Wu Nuo and Bai Tiantian followed secretly, and then disappeared.

In the python nest, Wu Nuo didn't want to stay for a second, he calmly bowed to Heiyu as an apology, then picked up the fat cat cub, ran out of the "snake nest" for a while, and then stopped, Continue shopping.

I don't know whether it was because he was frightened or for some other reason. Wu Nuo lost his previous interest. After walking around for a while, he didn't see anything particularly valuable. In addition, it was getting late, so he simply carried the big cat back to the place. stationed.

In order to avoid the snake's nest, Wu Nuo specially took a detour.

Back at the station, it was completely dark, and Shuisha had already prepared dinner.

Because Bai has always maintained this cat-beast form, although his appetite is still not small, it is not as fast as his human form and Maverick form. He drank three bowls of vegetable and meat porridge, and ate a big fish that Wu Nuo grilled himself. , with a round belly, lying in the hollow of Wu Nuo's coiled legs, enjoying the gentle caress while warming on the fire, and soon narrowed his eyes and started snoring.

Wu Nuo touched him lightly, and his eyes fell on him. Under the flickering fire, his eyes were a bit complicated, and the scene in the afternoon could not help appearing in his mind.

Before he knew it, this big cat cub who liked to cling to him had reached the age where he could marry a wife and have children.

Bai, what kind of woman will you find in the future?

As bright and beautiful as Ah Wen? Or is it as snow-skinned and jade-like as black jade?

Either way, there should be a litter of cubs, right?

At that time, with his own wife and children, can Bai still be as close as he is now? Can you still lie on his lap like this and touch his belly, pinch his paws, and beg the tiger to touch him?

There was a sour taste in Wu Nuo's heart for no reason, mixed with a bit of reluctance, a bit of loneliness, and a bit of complicated feelings that even he couldn't figure out.

Could this be the sourness of the legendary son who couldn't help...father? ! _(: 3ゝ∠)_

Wu Nuo puffed up his cheeks, and lightly poked the big cat's head, and the night wind blew away his angry snort.

The autumn night on the prairie was very cold. After the firewood was burned out, Wu Nuo picked up the drowsy fat cat cub and returned to the tent, lying on the animal skin and writhing for a long time before falling asleep.

Thinking day by day and dreaming at night, at night, Wu Nuo dreamed that the big cat was lying on the lap of a woman who couldn't see clearly, revealing his soft belly. Before the woman touched him, he ran over angrily He snatched away the big cat cub. Then the woman suddenly turned into a huge black python, opened her bloody mouth at him, and was about to bite off. The big cat cub instantly turned into a human form, and the tall, handsome man with frosty complexion hugged him tightly, spread his huge silver wings, and flew into the blue sky in the blink of an eye, whispering in his ear: "Don't be afraid, there is I am here, no one can hurt you."

Dreaming here, Wu Nuo suddenly woke up, and there seemed to be a touch of warmth and numbness in his ears that made his heart palpitate, and he couldn't help but raised his hand to touch it. The fat cat who was lying beside him pretending to be asleep quietly opened his eyes a little, seeing Wu Nuo touching his ears, he quickly closed his eyes guilty.

Why does it feel like my ears are a little wet.

Wait, it seems that the ears are not the only ones that are wet!

Feeling the cold and sticky between the legs, Wu Xiaonuo turned into a red tomato in a second, got up from the ground with a gurgle, and ran towards the river with his legs between his legs, not forgetting to bring a change of clothes.

Seeing Wu Xiaonuo's idiotic look on fire, Dabaimiao opened his eyes, a sneaky smile flashed in his eyes, and he licked his mouth unkindly. He looked like a fat cat cub, just like a cat. A wolf with a big tail!

Today's rally was still very lively, but Wu Nuo wandered a little absent-mindedly, and almost bumped into passers-by several times. It wasn't until he saw something familiar but not exactly the same that he finally regained his energy.

"What is this?" Wu Nuo asked the stall owner while uploading the transaction information on the system. After a while, the system fed back a brief message to him -

Grass family Grass family Triticum genus, undomesticated primitive species, low yield , high carbohydrate content, suitable for carbon-based human consumption.

Wu Nuo is a southerner who is used to rice as his staple food. He had always thought about growing rice and forgot about wheat. To put it bluntly, wheat has a much wider audience than rice, and the planting conditions are relatively low. The Changhe Tribe has plenty of water sources surrounded by rivers, but there are no ready-made paddy fields, so wheat is obviously more suitable than rice.

The giant black porcupine lay on the ground and yawned. Their tribe migrated from a very distant place. The time is not very long, and the location is remote. Participating in tribal gatherings is just a matter of recent years. He has already attended After attending 4 tribal gatherings, he could barely understand a few words of the common language of the tribe here, but he couldn't speak it. He could only communicate with the innate language of the orcs. He saw that Wu Nuo was a pure person, so he was not sure if he could understand Knowing the orc's innate language, he had no choice but to speak human words first: "Wheat." The

system translated the language of the big porcupine into a meaning that Wu Nuo could understand, but the real pronunciation was not mai, but guli (sound), Wu Nuo Nuo repeated this strange pronunciation, and then said: "What's the use of this?"

Seeing Wu Nuo seemed very interested, the big porcupine sat up from the ground on its front legs, regardless of whether Wu Nuo could understand , explained in the language of his own tribe: "It can be eaten, boiled, it tastes bad, but it can fill the stomach."

"Cooked?" With the assistance of the system, Wu Nuo easily imitated the big porcupine The pronunciation of their tribal language is not very accurate, it sounds a bit strange.

But the big porcupine's eyes lit up: "Can you understand the language of our tribe?"

Wu Nuo didn't intend to hide his 'talent', and said with a smile, "I can understand some."

Wu Nuo was modest, but the big porcupine Really, he stood up excitedly: "Could it be that you also came from the Bafa tribe?"

Wu Nuo shook his head and said, "I'm from the Changhe tribe." The

big porcupine of the Changhe tribe still knew it, he asked curiously : "Then how can you understand the language of our tribe?"

"I am the heir of the bloodline of the Great Witch. I can understand many tribal languages, but I can only speak them after I have learned it." The 'Witch' among the pure people has very magical blood power, and it is not surprising that they have some special talents.

Wu Nuo could understand the words of the big porcupine, but the big porcupine couldn't understand Wu Nuo's language. In the end, Bai Damiao explained a little bit before he understood.

It's rare to meet a foreigner who can understand his own tribe. The big porcupine, who is already a little talkative, happily explained all the uses of 'guli'.

It turned out that these primitive wheats were not a product of the Black Forest, but the big porcupines bought them from the Baffa tribe they called at a great price. After they migrated to a certain place outside the black forest and settled down, they scattered wheat seeds near the tribe. 'guli' is not very tasty, and it is not delicious when cooked. It is usually only used to raise meat birds and slaves, unless there is no When it comes to food, they generally don't eat it.

The output of 'guli' is not high. Their tribe sows seeds every year. After so many years of planting, it is only enough to support the tribe's slaves and meat birds.

However, the meat birds of their tribe grew fat after eating 'guli', and these orcs survived by eating meat birds and their eggs in the cold winter every year.

Because the location of their tribe is very remote, the language is difficult, and the animal shape is not in line with the aesthetics of the tribe here, they are always rejected and ridiculed. Their tribe has little communication with the outside world, and they only participate in tribal gatherings every year in exchange for necessary supplies. . Wu Nuo was the first outsider to know that their tribe raised many meat birds.

The porcupine clan is also good at fighting, but they are outsiders after all. Their big witch is a cunning and cowardly guy, and they are strictly forbidden to speak out about the tribe's raising of meat birds to avoid causing trouble.

The big porcupine Ada was originally a guy with no eyesight, and it was rare to meet someone who could understand their language and tribe, and he talked too much when he talked.

It's all because that little pure man looks so pretty when he smiles.

Ah Da, who realized that he had slipped the tongue, was extremely annoyed, drooping a pair of fat ears, and carefully begged Wu Nuo not to reveal this secret.

"Don't worry, since you are willing to tell me the secrets of your tribe, you, Ada, will be my friend of Wu Nuo from now on. I swear in the name of the beast god, I will never reveal anything about your tribe to other tribes The secret!" It must not be revealed, making a fortune in a muffled voice, knowing that there might really be some kind of mysterious power in this world, Wu Xiaonuo played tricks when making the oath.

These words were passed on to the big porcupine in the animal language, and the big porcupine immediately felt relieved, lying on the ground happily, and said excitedly: "You are also my friend.

" He knew it himself, but Ah Da really regarded Wu Nuo as his friend, not only gave Wu Nuo all the wheat he brought over for exchange, but also exchanged a lot of wheat for Wu Nuo from his fellow clan at the lowest price.

In the face of such a warm, sincere and sincere friend, Wu Nuo was also embarrassed to take advantage of others. He said to Ah Da: "Our Dawu has been to many places, and he told me a lot of outside experiences. These wheats are very similar to those he once had. I mentioned the food of a certain super tribe. But the people of that tribe sun-dried the husks of wheat, ground them into flour, sifted out the wheat bran, and then made them into various foods to eat. It is said that the taste is very good. These wheats are I'm not sure if it's not the ones that Dawu has eaten, but you can try it when you go back."

Even wheat ears with wheat husks mixed with wheat bran are cooked in a pot, and it's amazing if they taste delicious!

'Guli' is not the main food of the porcupine clan. Ah Da nodded and wrote down Wu Nuo's words, saying that he would try it when he went back, but he didn't propose to meet the big witch of the Changhe tribe.

After he happily returned to his tribe and told the big witch of his tribe, the big witch threw his crutch on his head, and the shriveled old man who usually fell down in the wind jumped up and cursed: "Are you a pig beast? If you ask Wu Quan of the Changhe Tribe, will you die?"

Big Boss hummed unhappily, "I'm a porcupine, not a pig beast."

Big Wu: ...I really want to kill this idiot!

Wu Nuo also knew that he had gained a lot by exchanging 3 barrels of coarse salt for nearly 300 catties of wheat, so he invited Ah Da to their residence at night, and he invited him to eat grilled fish.

Ada and his tribe usually rely on the streams flowing from the crevices of the mountains. There are no rivers or lakes near the tribe. They have never eaten fish, let alone grilled fish. He was so curious that he agreed on the spot.

The big cat cub was quite unhappy, and looked at Ah Da with cold eyes.

Ah Da was so frightened by the sudden malice that his limbs became weak, and the thorns on his back stood up. He looked around, but did not find any abnormal orcs.

Probably an illusion?

Fat cats and so on, of course, were ignored.

Don't pass Ah Da, Wu Nuo hugged Bai Da Miao, who refused to jump out of his arms, and continued to walk around the rally.

He bought a lot of interesting things one after another, and after spending the last barrel of coarse salt, he returned to the tribal camp with longing.

The slaves of the Changhe tribe touched fish in the river for two days in a row, and the slaves of other tribes also joined in after seeing them.

No matter how many big fat fish there are in the river, thousands of people can't help but spend all day in the water catching them.

This evening, the harvest of the slaves was obviously much less than before. In view of the fact that they would start their journey early tomorrow morning, the Dawu asked Li to go to the people of the Muyuan tribe to trade some wild melons and fruits, and distributed some to each slave. Finally let them eat half full before departure.

Because Wu Nuo wanted to complete the task of collecting freshwater fish, he specifically told these slaves that if they caught uncommon fish, they had to keep them until he had seen them before killing them. If it is the fish he is interested in, he will not only return the fish to the person who presented it after watching it, but also reward the other party with a large bowl of bone soup.

It is not ordinary bone soup, but a bone soup stewed with dried white sweet potatoes and other wild vegetables. It is not only delicious, but also filling.

Yesterday, there were dozens of lucky guys who got rewards. Today, when the slaves catch fish that they think are rare, they will dig a sandpit by the river and fill it with water to raise them. They will wait for Wu Nuo to go back and watch.

Wu Nuo only looked at it for a while, and the system reminded him that the task had been completed, [The host successfully obtained 100 different species of freshwater fish, and obtained a level 1 collector medal, within the limited time limit of the medal, the system will automatically activate the reminder of unknown substance collection, upload Unknown substance information will be rewarded differently, and the time limit of the medal is 480 days. ] Immediately afterwards, the system issued a new task to him at the same time:

[Exploration task series

task twelve: Obtain 1000 freshwater fish of different species.

Task reward: 15,000 points, I Ching Xisui Pill x1

Task 13: Discover the original species of freshwater fish not included in the system, and upload transaction information.

Task Rewards: Every time a transaction information is uploaded, 100 transaction points will be rewarded, and the task will remain valid within the time limit of the medal. ] Wu Nuo rolled his eyes and asked: [System, do you need to deduct points for uploading transaction information for this task? 】The system's cold mechanical sound mercilessly pierces the stupid host's naive fantasy: 【The system trading system and task system are independent systems that coexist. 】The implication is that what should be deducted must be deducted.

Wu Nuo: 【Can you stop being so stingy? ]

System: [Cannot. 】

Wu Nuo: ...

However, no matter what kind of crap the Collector Medal is, the mission is a rare good mission to earn points, no matter how small a mosquito is, it's meat, right?

You can get 90 points for uploading a new variety, 100 kinds, 1000 kinds... the number is still quite impressive︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿However, Wu Nuo soon found that his pattern map was broken, and the slaves After watching all the fish left there for him, he only earned 270 points.

Wu Nuo: The system is a big scam (╯‵口′)╯︵┻━┻ System: Hehe, isn't the stupid host a scam? Anyway,

the last collection task has been completed, 2000 points have been credited, and there is another one The health-enhancing pills, plus an extra 270 points, Wu Xiaonuo, who has been fooled by the system, is very easy to be satisfied now.

Wenli asked for some animal meat. He exchanged a dozen or so big fish weighing five or six catties with a few slaves, took out the high-quality imitation saber he carried with him, and quickly cooked the fatty fish with the knife in his hand. Salt on.

Shuisha, who had tasted Wu Nuo's good craftsmanship, volunteered to help out tonight to eat the grilled fish made by Wu Nuo himself. He found a lot of fat meat to refine into oil, and also contributed the chili powder he brought over this time.

It was also a rare luxury for Wu Nuo. Through the search function, he spent points to find a giant Chinese pepper in the system that was exactly like this world. He spent 200 points and 100 transaction coins to buy a large bag of pepper powder, and took out some evenly mixed chili powder. He also took out a small bowl of honey bought from the big brown bear.

Ah Da closed the stall, and when he wandered around looking for it, Wu Nuo had almost finished grilling the first fish. From a long distance, he smelled a strange fragrance, which made his nose a little uncomfortable, but his saliva was unconsciously secreted.

"Wu Nuo!"

"Ah Da, this way!"

The smell of grilled fish attracted all the orc warriors on the station, but Wu Nuo didn't get much fish in exchange, and he said that he would entertain the new orc friends. It has nothing to do with Shuisha and others. The orc warriors were not so easy to get rid of. With the fire raised by Wu Nuo, rubbing Wu Nuo's oil and seasonings, they roasted the animal meat beside them.

Measured by the standards of people on earth, Wu Nuo's height is not short, but compared with the people of this world, especially the orcs, it is completely incomparable.

He was caught among a group of tall and burly orcs, and Ada watched him for a long time before finding him.

Taking advantage of Wu Nuo's pleasantries with Ah Da, Bai directly transformed into a human form, took the grilled fish from him very naturally, and ate it with two mouthfuls.

When Wu Nuo came back to his senses, the grilled fish he made for Ah Da had already been gnawed by Bai for a short time. Facing Bai's handsome face, Wu Nuo only felt that his ears were a little burning, and he held back all his words. At the throat, resigned to his fate, picked up another marinated fish and grilled it.

After a while, Wu Nuo finally grilled the fish and handed it to Ah Da who had been salivating for a long time.

Ah Da was not too polite, and he bit down with one bite, directly biting off the tail of the fish.

" has spines, be careful not to get stuck."

"Spines?" Ah Da didn't understand at all, chew it and swallow the meat, spines and bones, "It's delicious! I've never eaten it before. Such a delicious food."

Wu Nuo: "..."

Afraid Ah Da would not be used to spicy food, Wu Nuo only put a little chili, because some orcs in the tribe were not used to spicy food, and it turned out that Ah Dafei was not afraid of spicy food, And I also like it very much. When I baked it by myself, I added a lot of it, and it was so spicy that I breathed in and exhaled happily.

After eating and eating, I don't know which orc opened the head, and they danced around the fire with their hands and feet. When they got excited, several female orcs headed by Wen sang a song.

With a clear voice, simple tune, and a few lyrics that don't even rhyme, they are ancient and moving on the vast primitive grassland.

Wu Nuo was infected by this simple and happy atmosphere, and couldn't help but volunteered to sing the song of "Hometown"-

" are my little apple, I can't love you too much..." In the

distance , Several young slaves quietly huddled together, whispering: "It seems to be the sound of howling wolves, did you hear it?"

"It seems to be, be careful tonight..."

All the orcs: Please shut up! (Violent face Erkang hand)

Singing the Divine Comedy can make the tune go to the sky, Wu Xiaonuo is also a talent ╮(╯▽╰)╭After torturing the ears of all the orcs, Wu Nuo is finally in a good mood Yes, the emotions that had been suppressed for a day completely dissipated.

As if a gate had been opened, Wu Nuo couldn't stop singing as soon as he sang Xuanmai. He recalled that he had heard various divine comedies, classic old songs, and popular songs before. "The man running the horse", the next sentence can seamlessly transition to "the chrysanthemums are all over the ground", the tune has already rushed out of the sky, and there is no sense of disobedience_(: 3ゝ∠)_

Poor Bai Damiao's ears, he has been poisoning him until midnight, the whole cat is not well.

After Wu Nuo fell asleep, the fat cat changed into a human form, kissed Wu Nuo lightly on the lips, twice...uh, many times, then put his little angel into his arms and went to sleep︿( ̄ ︶ ̄)︿

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