Chapter 94 Change (Part 2)

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The slaves who have carefully tended the white sweet potatoes for several months last year already have experience and technology that is completely ahead of others. Even though these slaves usually shy away from the residents of the Changhe Tribe, once they arrived in the field, they taught everyone their experience with full confidence, as if they had changed their minds.

This confidence was given to them by Wu Nuo and Bai. After the sacrifice ceremony, Bai was busy integrating his warrior team. Wu Nuo selected nearly 1,000 slaves from the tribe's existing more than 1,000 slaves according to their performance. Two hundred people announced in front of the entire tribe that their slave status was lifted. Next, the big witch personally erased the slave marks for these more than 180 slaves, painted them with tribal totems, and officially recognized their residents identity.

Some of these slaves have been slaves since birth, some were taken away and became slaves, and some were forced to become slaves after the tribe perished... No one wants to be inferior to others, let alone their descendants. They became slaves for various reasons. After being marked as slaves, they thought that unless they could give birth to orc cubs in their life, they would have no chance of turning over. But how are orc cubs so easy to give birth to? The combination of orcs and orcs may not necessarily produce orc cubs, let alone them?

They were very desperate at the moment they were marked, but the following days of misery wiped out the last hope in their hearts little by little. Day by day, they became numb, day by day, they had long forgotten to be human What is it like.

However, they never dreamed that they would be freed from slavery and become tribal residents one day!

They changed from human beings to wretches worse than livestock, and from wretches back to humans overnight.

That kind of feeling, that kind of excitement, other than themselves, others can't understand at all.

No matter where they came from in the past, from the moment they became residents of the Changhe Tribe, they are willing to use their bodies and souls to pledge their allegiance to protect the tribe!

In addition to being grateful to the tribe, they are even more grateful to Master Wu Nuo who won everything for them!

The first batch of slaves selected by Wu Nuo to be released from slavery are generally over 30 years old. They can survive more than 30 cold winters. Apart from a little bit of luck, they are also a little smart and have a little resilience in their bones. , They are more aware of the pain of being a slave than anyone else, and they must cherish their hard-won status more than anyone else.

In addition, there were more than 20 young slaves who were rewarded by Wu Nuo because of their excellent studies, and their slave status was also revoked in an exceptional way.

Wu Nuo's actions undoubtedly stimulated the enthusiasm of the slave students to the greatest extent. With this unexpected reward in front of him, there is no need for Wu Nuo to say or do anything, the slave students will come up with 120,000 enthusiasm to learn, to use the brain. As for those ordinary resident students, would they be willing to be compared by a group of slaves?

You don't need anyone's urging, you guys can learn to learn by yourself!

After the end of the cold winter, the affairs of the tribe suddenly increased. Now is the critical stage of the integration and development of the tribe. Many things need to be discussed and implemented with Wu Nuo. It is impossible for Wu Nuo to spend all the time during the day like before. Come teach the little ones.

Fortunately, after a cold winter, the foundation of the cubs is solid. Now they can spell out any Chinese character as long as they have pinyin. They have basically mastered the addition and subtraction within one hundred. The cubs recite it, read the book a hundred times, and you will see the meaning. First, you should memorize the formulas, and practice more at ordinary times. The essence is not too complicated. It is only a matter of time before you learn it.

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