chapter 20 Integration

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 The lion cub's mother, father, and sister are all good hunters, and all orcs are allowed to own slaves. There are more than a dozen slaves in the family.

When the little lion took Wu Nuo and others home, Lan was instructing the slaves to train the newly brought prey. These new prey were wild and untamed. As soon as they were put in the yard, they would fight with the old prey, causing the yard to very messy.

"Mum, mother, I brought Wu Nuo here, come here quickly, Wu Nuo wants to teach you how to cook grilled fish, hurry up!" The little lion cub yelled loudly after returning home, and Sa Yazi ran to the yard to find Lan .

The little lion cub's house is very big, with a dozen or so rooms arranged in a concave shape, and the yard is behind the house. The yard surrounded by simple fences is very large. It is not so much a yard as it is more like a small manor. Hundreds of animals of various kinds are kept in it. There are constant conflicts between the animals. The slaves desperately prevent them from fighting Instead, they were involved in the battle. The voices of people talking loudly, the sounds of wild animals neighing, running and crashing, all kinds of voices merged together, drowning out the voice of the lion cub every minute.

Wu Nuo stood far outside the fence, watching the situation inside. Lion Cub's house has a lot of animals, big and small, but they seem to be mostly herbivores or small omnivorous animals. The evidence is that the slaves poured a lot of fresh weeds into the yard. Those who came didn't adapt to the environment and kept making noises, most of the 'old oil boys' were eating weeds leisurely.

There were two older slaves who didn't care about the noisy animals. Instead, they used simple tools to pick up the poop pulled by the animals in the open space and put them into the baskets.

Are they collecting these manures to fertilize crops? Did the people of the Changhe Tribe already know how to grow food?

Wu Nuo's heart moved, and he asked Lu: "What do they collect these feces for?"

Lu said: "Of course they carry them far away and dump them. The weather is hot, and the feces are too smelly, and there will be worms, and those worms will kill you. " It sucks blood, itches, and gets sick."

Wu Nuo: Well, he was thinking too much.

Lu thought for a while, thinking that Wu Nuo wanted to raise prey, and reminded him: "Be sure to keep your back farther away, and never fall into the river."

Seeing his nervous expression, Wu Nuo joked: " Why can't it be poured into the river, wouldn't it be better to pour it into the river and let the river wash away the feces?" The

green head shook like a rattle, with a dignified and anxious expression, "No, no, you must not pour it into the river If we fall into the river, the river god will be angry, and he will punish us all to get sick, and if it is serious, we will die."

Where is the river god? It's just polluting the water and making people sick.

Wu Nuo knew the answer in his heart, he just smiled and didn't refute anything.

The little lion cub quickly brought Lan over.

Lan looks to be in her thirties. Her waist-length hair is slightly curly and naturally scattered behind her back. The tiger skin can barely cover the slender and strong thighs, and the black animal skins are tied on the feet, which is both wild and beautiful.

It's a pity that Wu Nuo can't appreciate this kind of beauty.

In particular, Wu Nuo had seen her once before - the day he first arrived in the Changhe Tribe, a giant tiger in the hunting team that was at least twice the size of an ordinary tiger turned into the woman in front of him in the blink of an eye. The first time I saw an orc transforming, I was particularly impressed.

A vivacious tigress or something, it's just too scary, okay? (╯‵口′)╯︵┻━┻ "You are the little innocent from the Bai family? You look so beautiful, no wonder Awei likes you so much." Awei , the name of the cub.

In front of the vivacious tigress, Wu Nuo didn't have the guts to worry about such trivial issues as 'beautiful can't be used to describe a man', so he nodded with a stiff neck with great courage.

" What a timid and shy little guy, I heard from Awei, are you willing to teach us the skill of grilling fish?"

Wu Nuo nodded: "Yeah."

"Very good, you are such a good boy." Lan glanced at the little boys who were carrying fish or holding fish in their mouths, and said, "There are so many people, you have to teach them from house to house, I'm afraid you will teach them until dawn." I can't finish teaching them. That's all right, kids, go back and see if there is anyone at home, if you want to learn how to grill fish, let them come to my house, hurry up!" The

kids nodded and dispersed.

Wu Nuo and Lu followed Lan into the house.

The house of Little Lion Cub's house is not only big, but also has many rooms, and it is also very clean. Lan brought out some fresh fruits and entertained Wu Nuo and the two of them. They sat down for a while and chatted for a while, and the fast-moving kids brought their parents over.

Soon, thirty or forty people gathered in Lan's family. In order to better teach everyone the skill of grilling fish, Wu Nuo chose the place of "teaching" in the front yard of Xiaoshizizi's house.

After the things that should be prepared are ready, Green boils the oil, and then demonstrates how to use the boiled oil to grill the fish.

Wu Nuo was in charge of explaining. He even took a fish that was not killed and demonstrated the correct way to kill it himself. Compared with killing fish, everyone is actually more interested in the saber Wu Nuo used to kill fish. Wu Nuo said that this saber was brought from his hometown, and when there was only one, although everyone felt a little regretful, no one thought about taking the saber for themselves.

Most of the people in the Changhe Tribe are simple and simple-minded. In their view, Wu Nuoken was already very generous in teaching them the secret recipe of grilling fish, and it would be unreasonable to ask for a knife brought by others from home.

In particular, Wu Nuo revealed intentionally or unintentionally that he could not find his way home, and showed a sad and sad expression at the right time. These motherly females can't wait to pack this beautiful and capable little pure person back to their home to raise go.

What a poor, kind and capable little pure person.

↑Evaluation of Wu Nuo by everyone present.

But Lan learned from her husband that Wu Nuo may have the blood of a great witch and is very valued by the great witch.

This little guy is not as simple as it seems, but as long as he doesn't do things that are not good for the tribe, otherwise... Lan suppresses the light in his eyes, and the smile on his face becomes brighter.

Wu Nuo felt a chill in his neck, as if he was being stared at by something terrible. He looked around and everything was fine. It must be his illusion...

For people who often eat barbecue, grilling fish is actually not difficult , but the process of killing fish is different from that of other animals, and there must be an additional oiling process in the roasting process, and the heat is also the key. After watching Wu Nuo and Lu's cover-up, many people have learned a lot.

It is not difficult to boil oil and brush oil. What is more difficult is that they have no tools to kill fish. The stone knife is blunt and heavy, and it cannot be used to kill fish at all.

Maybe something else could be substituted.

Wu Nuo was thinking about it, and suddenly saw a pile of bones left behind for unknown reasons in the corner of the little lion's house.

Bones, yes, bones.

"Everyone can find some sharper, harder bones and try to sharpen them as much as possible. They can also be used as knives." Wu Nuo picked up a bone, afraid that everyone would not understand what he said, and gestured while talking.

Everyone nodded. No one in the Changhe tribe used bone knives, but they all used bone needles. Sharp bone needles can penetrate animal skin, and a sharpened bone knife should not be difficult to cut open fish maw. As for descaling, Wu Nuo demonstrated to everyone with a jagged bone piece. Although the correct descaling method is not as good as the descaling device on the saber, it is not a problem to scrape the fish scales clean.

For the people of the Changhe Tribe, grilled fish itself is not a rare thing. The real key lies in how to kill the fish and how to turn the smelly and bitter fish into food that can satisfy the hunger.

There are a lot of fish in the long river outside the tribe. The cubs can catch those stupid fat fish. Isn't it much easier than going to the forest to hunt? When it's time to eat, it's good to fill your stomach. What's the taste almost like?

The people of the Changhe Tribe did not expect that the Bai family, who was said to be from a large tribe far away, would be so generous and impart the skills of killing fish to everyone without reservation.

In return, Lan took the lead in giving Wu Nuo five chubby tusks and a whole leg of wild beef, at least 30 to 40 catties of meat. If Wu Nuo hadn't refused, she would also like to give Wu Nuo the head of the bull. promise.

The natural advantages of orcs make them very good at hunting, and the lives of most orcs are better than ordinary people.

The parents of several orc cubs also brought some prey from home to Wu Nuo. Knowing that Wu Nuo and Bai couldn't eat much at once, they gave him live animals.

As a result, the number of tusks in Wu Nuo's courtyard changed from one to twelve, the number of meat birds changed from one to six, and three additional lila beasts, which were said to be very delicious, were added.

Lilamon is round, with short limbs and short spines on its back. It looks a bit like an enlarged version of a hedgehog, but the spines are much finer than the hedgehog. If you don't look carefully, it will give people the illusion of fluff. The big round amber eyes occupy almost one-third of the face, and you can be the protagonist of a cartoon without PS. Coupled with the cute chirping sound, it is very soft and cute.

Wu Nuo: It looks so foul, how can I do it?

The parents of the pure human cubs gave Wu Nuo animal meat, but most of them gave Wu Nuo the wild melons and fruits they collected and the processed animal skins. One of the pure people even gave Wu Nuo a small basket of meat bird eggs.

Meat bird eggs are slightly larger than modern eggs, and the eggshell is blue, with large and small brown spots sporadically on the shell.

Eggs are a good thing, and there are many ways to eat them nutritiously and healthy.

However, according to the information Wu Nuo learned, meat birds are different from modern chickens. During the egg-laying period, chickens basically lay eggs every day. When the egg-laying period is over, they will interfere with their brooding. When food is abundant, they will continue to enter the egg-laying period and then lay eggs after ten or twenty days. Meat birds will only lay an egg in an average of three days during the egg-laying period. Generally, after laying 20 eggs, they will start to nest and hatch young meat birds.

It takes nearly a year for the eggs to hatch and grow up. During this period, the female meat birds will become very aggressive and disobedient, and the young meat birds need a lot of food during the growth process. For the people of the tribe, it is not cost-effective to raise small meat birds. Therefore, when the Changhe tribe catches a meat bird in the egg-laying period, it is generally raised until it starts to brood, and then it is killed directly.

Perhaps, you can try to raise a small meat bird. Wu Nuo thought.

Everyone came one after another, and after leaving some simple greetings, they left one after another.

Lu also took the killed fish and happily went home to cook for Amei.

The sky was getting dark, Bai hadn't come back yet, Wu Nuo was the only one left in the dark house.

Wu Nuo asked the system to pop up the control panel, and collected the rewards for the two tasks of 'collect 10 kinds of freshwater fish' and 'teach fishing rod making skills' completed today.

A glass jar full of barbecue sauce and a silver fruit knife simultaneously appear on the ground out of nowhere.

On the trading interface, the trading points under Wu Nuo's small avatar changed from 285 to 1285 successfully.

Wu Nuo was about to open the glass jar and smell the system brand's secret barbecue sauce when Lu suddenly rushed into the room with a panicked expression.

He cried and said: "Something happened. Master and Master Bai met people from the Hanyan tribe and were seriously injured, those damned hyenas!"

Wu Nuo was so shocked that he almost dropped the bottle: "What kind of injury?" ? You said that Bai and Shihu were seriously injured?"

Wu Nuo couldn't help thinking of the appearance of a big cat, a soft and fat cat, such a small cat was seriously injured, and the medicine of this era can... think of it Some kind of unfavorable possibility, Wu Nuo felt a pain like a needle prick in his heart. The big cat is so obedient, it will be fine for sure, if not, he still has a system...

He forced himself to calm down, stood up from the ground with his fists clenched, and asked Lu, who kept wiping his nose, "Where are they now, take them quickly I gonna go see."

The author has something to say: Race classification (sorted by status): 1. Orc-female, male

2. Pure human-female, male

3. Half-orc-female, male

4. Proto-beast-female, male

White: I I have to make my little angel fat so that nothing will happen︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿

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