Chapter 116 Waterways

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Except for the little episode of Alai, everyone chatted very happily. Hu Lang proposed to trade blood salt at the right time, but Bai didn't agree immediately, nor did he refuse, only saying that he needed to discuss it.

The cold winter is coming soon, the distance between the Changhe Tribe and the Great Lake Tribe is not too close, although it seems that Bai only flew here for more than ten days, that is because of his extremely fast speed, and because the air is not There are no terrain obstacles on the land. There are vast grasslands, forests, wastelands, etc. on the land. There are visible and invisible moats everywhere, which need to be detoured, and there are countless predators, which are in danger.

If they simply took the land route, even if Bai could provide them with the safest and fastest route, it would be difficult for them to reach the Changhe Tribe without a two to three month long journey.

If they still have to carry trading supplies, it will only take longer.

However, Bai came to the Dahu Tribe at the first stop, so he didn't choose randomly without preparation.

In addition to the sky and the land, there is actually another road—the river.

This is what Wu Nuo told him, Bai didn't know how the river should go, but he believed Wu Nuo's words. So, when they came out this time, they seemed to be flying south all the time, but they were not flying aimlessly. In fact, they had been going south along the main channel of the Changhe River. The Dahu tribe was the first big tribe they encountered on the way south. . And this roughly coincides with the route Dawu traveled in the past, so it is not unusual to run into acquaintances.

Taking the Changhe tribe as the starting point and the Dahu tribe as the end point, the direction of the Changhe River is generally from northwest to southeast, and the direction of the Changhe River roughly coincides with the direction of the monsoon wind.

From spring to summer, the wind blows from the southeast, bringing a lot of rain, and in autumn and winter, the wind direction is just the opposite.

Make good use of changes in wind direction and water flow, and the speed of water is much faster than that of land.

Moreover, the Changhe River is the main tributary of a super large river, and the river channel is getting wider and wider as it goes south. Except for a few sections of the river and during the flood season, the flow rate of the river tends to be gentle, which is very suitable for sailing.

At least, from the Changhe Tribe to the Great Lake Tribe, there is no problem with boating.

The place where Wu Nuo grew up was deep inland, but his relatives in the countryside lived next to a large tributary. He remembered that when he was a child, people often fished in the river in wooden boats or bamboo rafts. Later, when he was older, the river was polluted, and the fish and shrimps in the water gradually became extinct, and those wooden boats and bamboo rafts gradually disappeared.

Wu Nuo didn't know much about sailing, rivers, wind direction, etc., and vaguely remembered his grandfather's old friend—an old fisherman who had been fishing all his life—said a few words to him with emotion, and then there was something in the junior high school textbook. I didn't have time to return all of them to the geography teacher, but there are not many knowledge points left.

It is feasible to go by water.

But Wu Nuo didn't know how to move, how to build a boat, how to grasp the right time and place, but Master Taizu said something very correct, true knowledge comes from practice.

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