Chapter 21 The Secret Medicine

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On the way back, the members of the hunting team met Shihu who was lying on the side of the road soaked in blood. Bai was hidden under Shihu's belly and was already unconscious. Before the hunting team found them, they were surrounded by more than a dozen wolves. The stone tigers were huge in size, and they were not vicious at first glance. Even if they were injured, the wolves did not dare to act rashly. They lingered and waited. , I want to wait until the injured beast is weaker and weaker before attacking.

Shi Hu resisted the dizziness caused by blood loss and pain, and confronted the wolves fiercely. I didn't even have the strength to get up, and there was no other way but to delay the time as much as possible.

Fortunately, this road is a common way for hunting teams to go back to the tribe. If they are lucky enough to meet the tribe's hunting team, he and Bai will be saved.

With this fluke, Shi Hu really survived until the hunting team appeared.

The dozen or so forest wolves were no match for the orc warriors at all, and smelling the scent of orcs from afar, the first wolf reluctantly led the pack of wolves to hide in the forest.

Of course, the wolves were unwilling to give up the prey that was about to reach their mouths. Under the command of the head wolf, they all hid in the woods not far away and observed the situation with a little luck.

Unfortunately, their luck is not very good today.

Wen, the elder sister of the little lion cub, smelled the strong smell of blood from a long distance away, recognized it as the scent of the tribe, immediately dropped the prey on her back, and rushed over as fast as she could.

Shi Hu was already at the end of his strength, when he saw the clansmen, the tense string in his heart broke instantly, and he only had time to explain that he and Bai passed out when they met the hyenas of the Hanyan tribe.

The people from the hunting team quickly caught up, and everyone worked together to lift Shihu onto Wen's back, and then found Bai who was hidden under Shihu's stomach.

Bai still looked like a cub, his beautiful silver-white hair had been completely dyed reddish-brown by half-dried blood, his breath was weak, and his legs were limply hanging one after the other and even fractured.

The orc who checked his wounds shook his head and sighed. This kind of injury is too serious for a cub, even the big witch...

Just as the orc predicted, the big witch saw nothing. My heart is half cold. If Bai was an adult orc, it would be fine. An adult orc has a strong body and a strong ability to heal wounds. Even if a bone is broken, if you take some witchcraft, it will heal soon. The recovery ability of orc cubs is much stronger than that of pure human cubs, but it is far worse than that of adult orcs, and there are many powerful witch medicines that adult orcs can use, but it is easier for orc cubs to cure diseases Worse.

Bai's parents died young, and he followed the Dawu since he was a child, and was basically raised by the Dawu. The big witch has never married and has no offspring. Although he often teases Bai and occasionally bullies him with evil intentions, he has long regarded Bai as his own child in his heart.

Seeing that Bai's aura was getting weaker and weaker, the big witch couldn't think of a better way, so he could only treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor, and gave Bai a large dose of witch medicine, and added a little bit of medicine to the medicine. Potion of the secret medicine he got when he traveled to the mainland when he was young. This secret medicine was given to him by a very friendly tree man, and it has miraculous effects on healing.

After so many years, the secret medicine given to the witch by the tree man was running out. The witch took the secret medicine that could be used at least five times, and poured it all into Bai's witch medicine. My own child is so eccentric ╮(╯▽╰)╭.

The big witch was holding a bowl full of witch medicine, and while stirring with a small golden stick, he closed his eyes and muttered a mantra in a low voice. As the stirring speed became faster and faster, the pitch-black medicine juice unexpectedly appeared in shallow streaks. golden light. Unlike the usual stinky medicinal smell, as the light gradually increased, a strong herbal fragrance wafted out of the bowl.

The few orcs who were quietly guarding in the big witch's house smelled this smell, and they all shook their spirits by coincidence, feeling exhausted, and couldn't help closing their eyes with a look of enjoyment on their faces.

After the great witch recited the last word of the incantation, the golden glow in the wooden bowl flourished. After a while, the golden light dissipated, and the pitch-black concoction in the bowl became as clear as clear water, exuding a tempting sweet smell.

It's done.

Shui Sha has been with Da Wu for more than ten years, and she has a tacit understanding. She only needs a look from Da Wu, and she knows what to do.

She hugged Bai, opened his mouth forcefully, and cooperated with the big witch to pour the witch medicine into his mouth little by little.

Bai Zhongchuang was on the verge of death, but he was not reconciled, and subconsciously had a strong desire to survive. As the witch medicine entered his mouth little by little, his survival instinct seemed to sense a chance of life. Driven by this instinct, Bai did not have any resistance and let them pour the medicine, and swallowed the medicine with the last bit of strength, Halfway through the medicine, Bai even cooperated unconsciously, licked the medicine juice by himself, and soon drank up the whole bowl of witch medicine.

As long as you can drink the medicine, you will be saved!

The big witch was very confident in the secret medicine given to him by the tree man, and finally showed a relieved smile on his old and tired face.

The witch medicine added with the secret medicine has an extremely fast effect. As soon as Bai Cai drank the medicine, his breathing became much more stable, and his feeble heartbeat also became stronger.

Shihu's family had only slaves and no mistress, and Bai's family had only one innocent person who had only been picked up for two or three days. After the two were rescued, no one thought of notifying their family immediately.

Lu saw that it was getting dark, and Shi Hu hadn't returned yet, so he was very worried, and wanted to wait for his master outside on the road. Someone recognized him as Shihu's slave, and then told him that Shihu and Bai were injured by people from the Hanyan tribe.

He was terrified when he heard about it, and immediately went to Dawu's place to see Shihu. At that time, Shi Hu's injuries had already been treated by the great witch, and he was also given witch medicine. Shi Hu was seriously injured and lost a lot of blood. There were wounds in several places on his body where the bones were deep, and he was still unconscious after drinking the witchcraft.

Green was so anxious that she circled around Shihu, she was at a loss and shed tears. The big witch didn't scold him, but only asked him to call Wu Nuo over.

Therefore, when Wu Nuo came over, Bai had already drank the witch medicine, and the situation stabilized for the time being.

Shi Hu and Bai remained in a coma. No one knew how they met the Hanyan tribe, nor did they know what happened on the way.

Wu Nuo looked at the fat cat who was obediently rubbing its head in his palm in the morning and acting coquettishly. In the blink of an eye, it was lying lifelessly on the animal skin covered in blood, and its fluffy and beautiful silver hair was congealed into strands by the dried blood. Yes, it sticks to the body, making him look like he has shrunk by more than half, which is very pitiful.

Even though we only got along for three days, Wu Nuo couldn't think of the big cat who is cute and caring and can talk to him simply as a pet. What's more, the big cat itself is an orc, an orc who hasn't grown up bastard.

Suddenly came to this unaccompanied primitive world, Bai was the first "person" Wu Nuo saw, and at the same time, Bai brought him back to the Changhe Tribe, and gave him a simple but sheltered home. Treat him like family without reservation.

As for him, last night he lied to Bai, saying that he was some kind of bullshit angel, but the big cat actually believed him, thinking that he was an orc picked by the angel, his eyes were as bright as fire.

Wait, it shouldn't be this kind of second-year thinking, let him fight with those people from the Hanyan tribe, right?

Not knowing the cause and effect, Wu Nuo suddenly felt more guilty in his sadness. He walked in front of Bai, half-kneeled and squatted down, carefully touched Bai's dirty hairy face with his fingers, and saw that the white fur was big and small, deep and shallow. Wu Nuo couldn't help but have red eyes, red nose and sour hair.

Seeing that Wu Nuo was sad and did not seem to be fake, the big witch nodded secretly in his heart, then thought for a while and said to him: "Bai just drank the witch medicine I made, and the situation has stabilized for the time being. I have tried my best, but can he recover? I don't know, you take him back and take good care of him." It's true that the

situation has stabilized, and of course it's true if you try your best, as for whether it will be better or not-the big witch is more than 90% sure that Bai has just escaped the danger of life, Otherwise, even if Wu Nuo wanted to take Bai away, he would not agree.

The reason why Da Wu said this was purely out of temptation to Wu Nuo. If Wu Nuo is really a great witch candidate who came out of the big tribe to practice, then he will more or less prepare some witch medicine and know how to take care of the wounded. Let's make the situation a little more serious, just to see how talented Wu Nuo is and how much he knows.

Of course Wu Nuo didn't know what the big witch was thinking. Hearing what the big witch said, his whole heart tightened. He hurriedly thanked the big witch, said goodbye to Lu briefly, and went home with Bai in his arms.

You must not just watch Bai die!

Under the moonlight, Wu Nuo clenched his lips and saw the big cat curled up in his arms covered in bruises, and a trace of determination flashed in his eyes.

Back home, Wu Nuo carefully put Bai on the bed, picked up some firewood in the dark and put it in the stove to light it.

Wu Nuo has never studied medicine, but in that era of information explosion, he still knows some basic medical knowledge.

There are no anti-inflammatory drugs in this era. There are so many wounds on Bai's body. If he is accidentally infected and festers, he will definitely die.

Therefore, the top priority is to wash off the blood on Bai's body first, and if possible, give Bai some anti-inflammatory and wound-healing medicine.

Just see if you can buy it in the system. I just don't know if more than 1,200 points is enough... The system's cheating 'prices' are probably hanging.

Wu Nuo burned the water anxiously, and worried that the fire in the stove would fall out and light the house, so he dared not leave a single step. He was thinking about something in his head, but he didn't notice at all that the body of the comatose big cat suddenly emitted a silver light, and the silver light became brighter little by little... When

Wu Nuo noticed that there was a luminous body in the room At that moment, the silver light suddenly lit up, and the dazzling light made Wu Nuo's eyes hurt, forcing him to close his eyes instinctively.

A moment later, when Wu Nuo opened his eyes again, there was no big cat on the bed, but instead, a naked...angel.

Wu Nuo's mind buzzed, he swore he really saw an angel, the one with wings!

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